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       Do you take a radio with you?
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 11:09AM
Do you take a radio with you?

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bwcasolo 02/04/2017 06:54AM
nope, nature sounds work for me.
barracuda 02/04/2017 06:31AM
quote Freeleo1: "I take my Zune. (don't laugh, it ticks me off they stopped making it.) Anyway, we were able to pick up the NPR station while in the tent during the 9 inch rain that fell the day we got there while waiting for it to end. It was interesting to know what was going on and to see if it was going to continue. I guess it wasn't essential though. "

Yay, a win for the Zune! I never thought about using the HD radio in the woods though. I will have to play with my wifes Zune, I forgot HD radio was even a thing, I wonder if they still program the"sub-channels" .
Freeleo1 02/03/2017 08:49PM
I take my Zune. (don't laugh, it ticks me off they stopped making it.) Anyway, we were able to pick up the NPR station while in the tent during the 9 inch rain that fell the day we got there while waiting for it to end. It was interesting to know what was going on and to see if it was going to continue. I guess it wasn't essential though.
yogi59weedr 01/31/2017 10:03PM
I just added the Directv app to my tablet. I wonder if that will
work up there.
I like my silence and a little music.
I take little 2 way radio with noaa.
landoftheskytintedwater 01/31/2017 10:48AM
I always take a weather radio. Sometimes on group trips I will take the AM-FM but I prefer not to (some insist on listening to the Twins).
BobDobbs 01/31/2017 08:32AM
Etón NFR160WXR Microlink from amazon is what I bought 2 years ago. Was relatively cheap at the time ($29) but appears that several other similar options are available on amazon.

don't believe that you'll spend all day cranking (unless you plan on listening all day). 30 seconds of cranking was enough for us to get 5 mins of weather radio, which is totally sufficient to plan the next day.

we got great reception around the sawbill to seagull area and all parts between.

LPT - rest the antenna against your tent's aluminium poles to increase reception!
Chlorin8ed 01/30/2017 05:17PM
We bring a weather radio. It helps the little misses feel better if we can change plans due to the weather. :-)

old_salt 01/30/2017 12:38PM
One thing I use it for is plan my next day each evening. Fishing is a priority for me and fishing strategy depends on winds and weather. I also use it to decide when to move or layover. Usually, about 15 minutes around the campfire is long enough to decide. Some of my best fishing occurs with the passing of fronts.
QueticoMike 01/30/2017 11:38AM
I take one to Quetico to check out the weather and winds for the following day when it gets towards the end of a trip to decide if I need to move and get closer to the pick up point at PP.
mjmkjun 01/27/2017 03:10PM
I have the same pocket weather radio as LindenTree3. On one trip the weather changed swiftly and I was glad to know of it beforehand. Helped me prep for approaching winds which sounded like a freight train when it hit Long Island Lake. Not much rain fell but the sound was hellacious.
butthead 01/26/2017 05:23PM
Yes I do, Grundig G8 Traveler 2, no longer made. Multi band with very good recepiton.
Similar radios, Eaton Traveler III , Crane CC Skywave, TECSUN PL-310ET.

Size of my G8,

Mocha 01/26/2017 03:51PM
so, basspro... which way do you lean? radio or no? i can't tell by your +1 to both Lindsay and Jaywalker :)
Basspro69 01/26/2017 03:45PM
quote Jaywalker: "No radio here. I understand some folks wanting weather forecasts and emergency alerts, but so far I'm still content trying to read the skies. As for news, sports, talk, or music - I'm bombarded with it at home most of the time; one of the reasons for me to go to the wilderness is to get away from it. No matter how big of a news junky you are I can assure you of one thing: there will be more news next week. " +1
Basspro69 01/26/2017 03:44PM
quote MNLindsey80: "No -but with all of last years storms it makes me strongly consider bringing in a weather radio."+1
Sleepy 01/26/2017 03:22PM
While I did use a radio on my first solo trip last year, I had never had electronics in BW before. It was also the first time I ever had a time piece. First 20 years I went I just figured you did not need to know time beyond where the sun is in the sky.
ockycamper 01/25/2017 05:56PM
I do not allow radios in camp in our groups. . .but we do bring dedicated weather radios and one marine band radio.
housty9 01/25/2017 04:04PM
No, I like the peace and quiet, and I wing it on the weather.
ozarkpaddler 01/24/2017 08:18PM
quote Jaywalker: "No radio here. I understand some folks wanting weather forecasts and emergency alerts, but so far I'm still content trying to read the skies. As for news, sports, talk, or music - I'm bombarded with it at home most of the time; one of the reasons for me to go to the wilderness is to get away from it. No matter how big of a news junky you are I can assure you of one thing: there will be more news next week. "

Ditto. And as for "Music," the loons and occasional wolf symphony in the evening suits me better than man made noise. And, if you DO take a radio, remember that noise travels well on water. Your music may be an annoyance to the campsite down the lake.
mr.barley 01/24/2017 01:14PM
yup...Grundig yacht boy 400. Not the smallest radio, but it sounds so nice.
Sleepy 01/24/2017 11:49AM
I just got a weather radio for my first solo trip last year. I did like it for helping plan out my next day strategy. I also like the FM radio for making some noise when a bear would not leave me alone the first night of the trip. I like having it now. Actually got a few FM radio stations to work. I was north of the Lake Polly area going between small lakes.
LindenTree3 01/24/2017 09:58AM
I got caught up in some bad weather soloing in 2014, and since then I have a Sangean DT-400W am/f/ NOAA weather radio.
It doesn't work well in AK, now so I am going to get a short wave radio.

I also like to listen to the radio when I am out soloing.
Why, would I like this distraction when one goes to the wilderness to get away from it all?
Answer, I am almost always "Away from it all"
I live alone off grid 6 miles from my nearest neighbor, I solo paddle, I solo back pack, I solo patrol, I am mostly always by myself and I like the music and talk radio to break the silence.
CityFisher74 01/24/2017 07:01AM
Brought a weather radio for the first time this last year and won't leave without it again. That knowledge is unbelievably valuable.
HighnDry 01/23/2017 08:45PM
I usually take a small, portable weather radio that uses 2 AAs. It picks up the NWS broadcasts out of Ely and the southern Canadian region (depends on if I'm in BWCA or Quetico). I leave it at home for trips to WCPP and Wabakimi although through some strange trick of the atmosphere I can pick up NPR out of Grand Marais/Duluth (I think) from the road that heads up to the west side of Wabakimi. I'm not sure how that works but it does.
scramble4a5 01/23/2017 06:46PM
Last year we took a weather radio for the first time due to the storm activity that had been occurring. It also had am/fm capability and we picked up a country music station playing oldies and I totally liked it.
Frenchy19 01/23/2017 05:26PM
No radio. I want to get away from mass communication when I am in the BW or Quetico.
MikeinMpls 01/23/2017 05:05PM
We have a very small shortwave radio we purchased in Andorra (a small country in the Pyrenees famous for their cheap electronics stores). It's the size of a small paperback book, one inch thick.... slick as snot. Two AA batteries last months. We like to hear the news and weather.... we used to like "End of the Road Radio" until that died a quiet death.

Mike in Minneapolis
CedricB 01/23/2017 03:59PM
Thanks everyone for your comments and preferences. I think I'll bring a weather radio just to check on the weather. My son really loves music but I think a week without would be great for him and myself for that matter... Thanks again!!!
Savage Voyageur 01/23/2017 09:40AM
I bring a AM/FM-weather band CCrane radio with. I did learn a lesson last trip. I made it known that rain was coming and the group voted to leave a day early. Never again will I tell our group the forecast. I costed me one more day in the BWCA.
OldFingers57 01/23/2017 05:53AM
We have taken a weather radio twice now to Quetico. Both times we have gotten either bad or no reception so this year we will probably leave it at home. As for AM/FM I can do with out that for the time I am up there.
bwcadan 01/23/2017 05:43AM
I take a crank style weather radio which also does AM/FM if in right part of park for one station or 2. Saved us much trouble last year in July as we cut our trip short 2 days ahead of all the rain. Maybe we just whimped out, but after 6 days of perfect weather, we trusted the forecast and left. The cranking keeps us from overusing it as we turn it on for weather and the occasional regular type broadcasting once a day unless the perceived need to know takes over. Also saves on batteries.
boonie 01/23/2017 05:05AM
I take a small weather radio which only picks up the NOAA weather forecasts - no AM/FM. Like Jaywalker, I have no desire to listen to anything else up there besides the silence and natural sounds. If you want to listen to radio, you might want to consider taking earphones.
Jaywalker 01/23/2017 02:38AM
No radio here. I understand some folks wanting weather forecasts and emergency alerts, but so far I'm still content trying to read the skies. As for news, sports, talk, or music - I'm bombarded with it at home most of the time; one of the reasons for me to go to the wilderness is to get away from it. No matter how big of a news junky you are I can assure you of one thing: there will be more news next week.
dicecupmaker 01/23/2017 12:43AM
I have always taken a weather/radio. WELY and MPR. I'm a music nut. Like to keep informed.
bhouse46 01/22/2017 10:37PM
A weather radio for sure, but if you want to listen for awhile consider the volume. Sound travels very well on a still night over water. Thanks.
CedricB 01/22/2017 09:41PM
quote DeanL: "Yes. We have carried a Midland weather radio that also has AM/FM for several years. We usually just turn it on once in the evening to catch the weather forecast for planning purposes but we have listened to WELY a couple times. The antenna took a crap and it was too big anyway so we got a SangeanDT-400W for Christmas. This one should pack much better as it is about the size of a deck of cards, and also has a weather alert feature. "

Hope the new one works out for you. Thanks for the info
CedricB 01/22/2017 09:40PM
quote maxxbhp: " I like to try to listen to a baseball game on WELY, it's a crapshoot. That photo is SAK at the Hanson portage, you have to be creative sometimes. There's not a lot of AM/FM radio going on in there, unless you have a specific reason I wouldn't bother with it, and if you do, buy a lot better radio than mine. "

CedricB 01/22/2017 09:37PM
quote Michwall2: "We bring a small weather radio. We will use it to plan for the next day. We have also used it to plan to end a trip early because of incoming severe weather. "

Would be great to plan day trips and early out in case of weather. Thanks
MNLindsey80 01/22/2017 09:32PM
No -but with all of last years storms it makes me strongly consider bringing in a weather radio.
CedricB 01/22/2017 09:29PM
quote Northwoodsman: "I bought one and took it along last year specifically for the weather aspect of it. I think I may have turned in on once or twice for 5 minutes or so to get the weather report. If anything was brewing I would have left it on longer in the "alert" mode. I purchased a C Crane brand.

The other aspects of the radio is what I'm trying to get away from."

Weather updates would be great. Not sure how much we would use am/fm but might be nice to have just around though.
CedricB 01/22/2017 09:26PM
quote CardinalNation: "I take a Sony Walkman that includes Weather Ban. Picks up Ely/Duluth weather radio. Really comes in handy when planning fishing for the day. Then listen to The Cardinals on KMOX after dark while enjoying an evening scotch.

Looks like a great little radio. Would love to pickup some games. GO CARDS !!!
CedricB 01/22/2017 09:25PM
quote Mocha: "definitely get a battery operated radio,not the crank up kind, you'll be cranking all day"

CedricB 01/22/2017 09:21PM
quote hooky: "I started taking a weather radio with me a few years ago. I use an inexpensive Ambient Weather model. It's done well enough for the price. I've had to reset the battery once as it stopped taking a charge, but that took all of about 2 minutes to figure out.

This One


Thanks for the input..
DeanL 01/22/2017 08:48PM
Yes. We have carried a Midland weather radio that also has AM/FM for several years. We usually just turn it on once in the evening to catch the weather forecast for planning purposes but we have listened to WELY a couple times. The antenna took a crap and it was too big anyway so we got a SangeanDT-400W for Christmas. This one should pack much better as it is about the size of a deck of cards, and also has a weather alert feature.
maxxbhp 01/22/2017 08:47PM
I like to try to listen to a baseball game on WELY, it's a crapshoot. That photo is SAK at the Hanson portage, you have to be creative sometimes. There's not a lot of AM/FM radio going on in there, unless you have a specific reason I wouldn't bother with it, and if you do, buy a lot better radio than mine.
Michwall2 01/22/2017 08:31PM
We bring a small weather radio. We will use it to plan for the next day. We have also used it to plan to end a trip early because of incoming severe weather.
Northwoodsman 01/22/2017 08:30PM
I bought one and took it along last year specifically for the weather aspect of it. I think I may have turned in on once or twice for 5 minutes or so to get the weather report. If anything was brewing I would have left it on longer in the "alert" mode. I purchased a C Crane brand.

The other aspects of the radio is what I'm trying to get away from.
CardinalNation 01/22/2017 08:28PM
I take a Sony Walkman that includes Weather Ban. Picks up Ely/Duluth weather radio. Really comes in handy when planning fishing for the day. Then listen to The Cardinals on KMOX after dark while enjoying an evening scotch.
Mocha 01/22/2017 08:26PM
definitely get a battery operated radio,not the crank up kind, you'll be cranking all day
hooky 01/22/2017 08:10PM
I started taking a weather radio with me a few years ago. I use an inexpensive Ambient Weather model. It's done well enough for the price. I've had to reset the battery once as it stopped taking a charge, but that took all of about 2 minutes to figure out.

This One

CedricB 01/22/2017 07:54PM
quote Mocha: "we have a small weather radio that also picks up BBC (while in Quetico) and could also pick up WELY when we were on Argo! that was pretty cool, someone sent a personal message via the WELY station and we got to hear it. so cool. BBC news repeats itself every 15 minutes and sometimes in french, so we might have learned something.

Thanks for the info. Thought about a weather radio did know if you could pick up am/fm stations or not.
Mocha 01/22/2017 07:45PM
we have a small weather radio that also picks up BBC (while in Quetico) and could also pick up WELY when we were on Argo! that was pretty cool, someone sent a personal message via the WELY station and we got to hear it. so cool. BBC news repeats itself every 15 minutes and sometimes in french, so we might have learned something.
CedricB 01/22/2017 07:17PM
I know it's kind of off topic but I was Wondering if any of you bring a portable radio with you to listen to around camp in the evening? If so what do you prefer AM/FM,shortwave, weather? Only our second trip thought it would be nice to have around camp. Any thoughts or suggestions on this. Thanks