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       Bachelor Party
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 05:58PM
Bachelor Party

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ockycamper 05/26/2017 08:24AM
We moved our groups from the Ely area to the Gunflint years ago just to avoid crowds and overly loud trippers. We were starting to find that groups got pretty animated in the areas that could be accessed out of Ely. We also go in September. No bugs.. . no other people. . .no groups getting loud. We go for the purpose of not hearing anyone else the entire time we are there.
Duluthian 05/26/2017 08:15AM
I think it all comes down to the guys you would be bringing with. Yes, you could have perfectly good intentions of staying relatively tame, quiet and respectable. All it takes is one guy in a group to ruin it for everyone as well as nearby campers. I think you would be fine as long as you and everyone in the group knows they aren't going to be wild and loud and disrespectful to other campers. As others have said, as long as you go way into the BWCA and get as far from other campers as possible, find a campsite at least a half a mile from any others, you would be fine. Preferably, find a lake with only 1 campsite. Also, maybe the first night have 2 guys paddle out a mile and see how far your sound is carrying and take that into consideration based on how far you are from other campsites. I think the idea is fine to execute as long as you go out of your way to make sure other campers trips aren't being negatively impacted by your group. Enjoy!
TimC 05/25/2017 07:48AM
Instead of a full keg, are the heineken 5L draughtkegs legal in the bwca? They will probably be much easier to transport as each canoe can carry three easily.
TimC 05/25/2017 07:48AM
Instead of a full keg, are the heineken 5L draughtkegs legal in the bwca? They will probably be much easier to transport as each canoe can carry three easily.
BuckFlicks 05/19/2017 04:08PM
quote yogi59weedr: "Where would one find strippers in that area anyway. Probably have to go into Duluth..."

Striper bass, maybe?
BuckFlicks 05/19/2017 03:42PM
quote chris91: "I guess I should explain a little more… We're not frat boys, we're outdoorsmen. Obviously we would be respectful of others. I appreciate everyone's suggestions."

One time I was backpacking in Colorado and we intentionally selected a campsite that was right near the timberline so we would be as far away as possible from other people, preferring silence and solitude.

Then up saunters a group of about 9 frat boys who pitched their camp right next to ours... and were smoking cigars and singing their fraternity songs, trying to get the harmony just right - which went on for a couple hours after dark. It was infuriating, and incredibly inconsiderate. Not only was the silence and solitude ruined, so was the sweet mountain air.

I'd be pretty pissed if someone's party was marring my outdoor experience.

If you want to whoop it up whilst camping, I'd suggest a state park or somewhere there is more of an expectation that people will probably be drinking and making noise... somewhere with casual and car campers. Voyageurs is a state park, right? I think a "wilderness" area has an more of an expectation of very little in the way of sound and human impact.

I'd never consider an outing like that partially for above reasons, but more for safety. I would not want to be that far from civilization with the plan being drinking for X days without an immediate exit strategy. If I was going to have a bachelor party in the wilderness, it would be with the stipulation that it would be like any other outdoor trip ... respect and consideration for fellow campers, and typical daily activities (but maybe chill with a bottle of whiskey around the campfire at night.) Then... go back to MSP and tear it up for a couple days. First stop being Brit's Pub.

But... I'm not judging your choices - only saying what I would do. If it's not illegal, then it's your right to do whatever you want for your bachelor party.
VoyageurNorth 05/19/2017 03:43AM
quote yogi59weedr: "Where would one find strippers in that area anyway. Probably have to go into Duluth..."

Of course the strippers you'd see in the BWCA would be wooden "stripper" canoes! :-)
jeremylynn21 05/18/2017 06:01PM
Do what you want. Just don't be too loud and be safe. Im more concerned with safety then I am with how loud you are. Drunk guys in the wilderness, not a good mix.
Congrats on the marriage and....... good luck.
mgraber 05/13/2017 11:37PM
Sounds like a far better plan. In answer to the original question, I would be upset if I could hear you "from across the lake", but otherwise wouldn't care what you or anyone else did. Have fun!
yogi59weedr 05/13/2017 09:37AM
Where would one find strippers in that area anyway. Probably have to go into Duluth...
vnzill 05/13/2017 09:04AM
Bachelor Party sounds fun but it depends on what one calls a party. Convince mosquitoes to start stripping instead of biting and everyone would be for it if you can teach all the mosquitoes in the region. I don't drink and if others do that is their business but it gets annoying camping next to drunks. A few months back I led a bunch of kids on a 15 mile backpacking trip only to find ourselves camped about 1000 feet from guys who were heavy drinkers. Not only were they loud but then gunshots started occassionally. It took away from an otherwise great trip. A lone campsite on a lake with no others I guess would just have the bears drawing straws for which one would have the fun task of bringing silence once again to their nap.

All that said, the 5 kids on our last canoe trip can get pretty loud sometimes. Congrats on getting married and have some fun.
maxxbhp 05/10/2017 07:35PM
My thanks to everyone, there was almost nothing about this thread that wasn't funny. I don't even remember who started this, just go have the bachelor party to end all parties, my brother. Be respectful
yogi59weedr 05/09/2017 09:19PM
It's only a name.
Bachelor party or fishing trip.
Main thing is your gonna be with friends.
Fish hard.
Be safe.
Have fun.
Best wishes to ya.
timatkn 05/09/2017 07:52AM
Darn it Chris, I was going to camp next to ya and beg some beers off ya;)

Have a good trip, thanks for taking all the constructive criticism and comments so well.

Grandma L 05/08/2017 06:29PM
Chris 91 - Good plan - the fishing trip will build great memories for the group!
butthead 05/08/2017 01:32PM
I wanted to stay out of this discussion, but think you made a wise decision!
I like beer and having fun, but not in what is essentially a public park (many will argue the point calling it a wilderness). Too many potential conflicts of interest going on.
Have a great fishing trip and cheers to your party nite!

chris91 05/08/2017 11:32AM
Once again I appreciate everyone's input. Funny how the answers ranged from "for the that many guys you should bring two kegs..." to "are you kidding me??". I have come to realize that the BW is not the right place for a Bachelor Party. Instead, this has turned into a guys only fishing trip with the ages of the group members ranging from 9-60. We have also ditched the idea of bringing a keg and my back is thankful for that. We'll celebrate later this summer at a more appropriate venue (Look out Nashville!). We are all looking forward to some good fishing, and the the camaraderie and memories that are made in the BW. If any of you are in the Back Bay area around around May 27, stop on by for a cocktail or two...
bunker3 02/10/2017 09:43AM
Congrats on the upcoming marriage! I'm in the same boat myself, getting married at the end of April.

I echo a lot of the sentiments on this thread. You seem like you know what you're doing, and since you're using a boat, the keg shouldn't make a difference. I'd say if this is what you want to do, go for it, but personally, I wouldn't want the stress that will inevitably be involved.

As others mentioned, when it becomes a "bachelor party", you will all start to imbibe more than usual, which will escalate risks. I personally hate worrying about others, but that's what will happen as you sound pretty mature. Worrying about disturbing others can suck a lot of your fun, as well. I'd hate for someone to get hurt because they drank too much and slipped, cut a finger, etc...

My brother found a cabin in Wisconsin that is on it's own lake, so we will have some kegs and are able to be loud without worrying about disturbing others.

In the end, do what you want to do. It's your life and that's what makes this country great!
ockycamper 02/07/2017 09:42AM
The issue is how far sound carries in that area. We typically base camp on Seagull and due to the large amount of water, sound carries a great distance. We have always taken the approach that when it gets dark, we quiet down and just hang out around the camp fire. No radios in any of our groups (other then weather), and we discourage the use of flashlights when not needed. Every year we take typically 14 to 18 men/boys up with us which are in 2-3 groups. I don't think you would know we were there.

For what it is worth, we also don't allow achohol on the trips. We just take the approach that everyone can live without it (as well as cokes, etc) for the few days we are out. Personally I have never thought alchohol and boating were a good mix in any situation.
Spartan2 02/07/2017 09:26AM
This has been an interesting thread for me to read. People certainly go to the canoe country for different reasons, I guess.

To answer question #1, no, I personally do not think this is an appropriate venue for a bachelor party, and yes, I would be upset if I heard your camp from across the lake. See below. *

I have no answer for question #2. We have never used an outfitter since 1971, so I really have no concept of what services an outfitter might provide. It seems like a stretch to me, but I guess you don't know until you ask.

* On our last canoe trip I did have my enjoyment affected by young men with a keg who decided to whoop it up until well after 1 AM on a lovely night on Square Lake. It was impossible for me to sleep, and since I wear earplugs due to Spartan1's snoring, you know it was pretty loud. (Shouting and laughing mainly.) We were visited by a ranger during our breakfast the following morning and when he asked us how everything was going, I mentioned the disturbance. I know that he did talk to the young men about it, because when we saw them later on the portage to Kawasachong they apologized profusely for their rowdy behavior. And there were only two of them!
VaderStrom 02/06/2017 05:22PM
I've thought through the same thing as well! The recommendation I'd make is to find a lake with only 1 campsite or a campsite that is a good 1/2 mile from the next. Some of the big lakes have islands way out of the way that would do well. You might want to bring in beer for the first few days. The water will still be cool enough to get them reasonably cold I'd say...

Go for it! You know the rules obviously so forget the negative comments. people who want their perfect solidtude can find it if they paddle further than you're willing to carry a keg, which I'd guess isn't super far. Can't wait for a good trip report from you guys.
jeroldharter 02/03/2017 11:18AM
Just saw this thread. A bachelor party in BWCA is a terrible idea. Just the thought process that results in the idea occurring in the first place is bad. Why not sardine jello? Because it is a bad idea.

Of course, you are not saying exactly what you would be doing but including the words party, keg, and BWCA implies a traditional bachelor party. BWCA is one of the few true wilderness areas. Why treat like a bar?

I remember visiting Iguazu Falls in Argentina. It is one of the wonders of the world. But locals treated it like a dingy city park, litter everywhere, people tossing plastic bottles and cigarette packs into the water to watch them float over the falls. I am sure they were all excited to watch the litter move but I found it appalling.

Just to round out the response: no, a wedding reception in BWCA is not a good idea either.

Don't mean to be too harsh and it is good that you are asking for feedback. Just my opinion.
yogi59weedr 02/01/2017 04:12PM
I think I would have to go in front of the judge on that one.
I find it hard to believe there is A LAW that restricts kids from laughing and giggling.
brux 02/01/2017 01:13PM
quote RainGearRight: "quote CrookedPaddler1: " I know of people who have been ticketed for making too much noise as their kids were laughing and giggling while they were riding down a small rapids in their PFDs, so it does happen."

That ranger must have been having a pretty bad day....."

Ditto. That's ridiculous...
RainGearRight 02/01/2017 01:02PM
RainGearRight 02/01/2017 01:02PM
quote CrookedPaddler1: " I know of people who have been ticketed for making too much noise as their kids were laughing and giggling while they were riding down a small rapids in their PFDs, so it does happen."

That ranger must have been having a pretty bad day.....
CrookedPaddler1 02/01/2017 11:24AM
If you are planning to have a nice fishing trip, with a few beers around the campfire at night. No problem. I used to arrange for party balls quite often as an outfitter for groups that were basecamping on Basswood.

However, if you are out there to hoot and holler and, in general, make a fool of yourselves, then there are a thousand places better than the BWCA to have your bachelor party. Also, there are rules against "noise pollution" in the BWCA, so if you are making a big racket you could be ticketed by the USFS. I know of people who have been ticketed for making too much noise as their kids were laughing and giggling while they were riding down a small rapids in their PFDs, so it does happen.
cowdoc 01/30/2017 11:37AM
4 beers a day is hardly a wild kegger for beer drinkers......just a relaxing night by the fire. The trouble is that some of us have observed some wild, annoying parties out there and NO....not everyone entering the BW has respect for the land and people. If you go on enough trips you see firsthand or the aftermath of these people. These guys sound like they are not in that group. Have fun lugging the keg, be safe, but don't expect to get refueled by an anyone. Enjoy the one keg and congrats.
QueticoMike 01/30/2017 11:21AM
Just have a big party before you go there and then just have a standard normal trip without the keg.
muskiejerk 01/30/2017 09:07AM
quote chris91: "My favorite place on the planet is in the BWCA. I've been going every summer for the past 15 years. We like to stay on the American side, and usually try to camp in Back Bay. I'm getting married this fall, and I am kicking around the idea of having a bachelor party/ camping/ fishing trip with 8 of my close friends. We have an overnight motor permit for May 27th. If we do this, we are going to bring a keg. My first question is, do you think this would be an appropriate venue for a bachelor party/ would you be upset if you could hear our camp from across the lake? Question #2, do you think I could find an outfitter to bring us ice and possibly another keg halfway through he week? Thanks. "

I say do it if you want to BUT if it were me I would seek out a lake that only has 1 campsite (inside or outside of the BW or in the SNF)....Simply out of respect for others. Most people go to the BW to get away from people, noise, and look to enjoy peace and quiet. Same reason I turn my phone off and whisper when I'm at a movie theater...I don't have to but it is common sense.

Most importantly is be safe and very aware of the fact that if something happens help is difficult to come by. In my younger years, I had done my fair share of drinking (too much) in the wilderness and I have seen it first hand cause injury simply due to the terrain (tripping/falling/slipping in the daylight or dark) or thinking it's a good idea to explore once we all had some liquid courage. Respect what can happen and what your plans are if something does happen. Good luck!
nojobro 01/27/2017 11:26AM
To answer your original question: Yes, I would be upset if I could hear your camp across the lake (moreso in the evening/night than during the day)
pswith5 01/26/2017 03:35PM
Y'know I like drinking beer but you people sure like talking about beer. This post has generated a lot of opinions!!
inspector13 01/26/2017 03:23PM
quote deanalika: "Inflatable Dolls make great floats for lounging when swimming and can hold a drink in the mouth or possibly a fishing pole to do some float fishing."

deanalika 01/26/2017 02:41PM
Gonna take a short and sweet stab....

Kegs in BW good idea, but christ what a pain in the arse, and to echo the comment over the age of a keg...Kill it in one day or be prepared to stomach down the warm blatz.

Bachelor Party - Sounds fun and I have seen groups of 2 people louder than 8 and vice versa so to each their own.

Booze and bags of wine is the way to go, with crystal light packets to make mixer. Also a new company in Milwaukee is selling Box'o'Vodka so same premise as boxed wine. Its cheap, not completely rubbing alcohol and makes for packing out SUPER EASY!!!!

Inflatable Dolls make great floats for lounging when swimming and can hold a drink in the mouth or possibly a fishing pole to do some float fishing.

All these comments are made knowing he won't be near me and my family when I go in :o)


andym 01/25/2017 11:29PM
If the people at nearby campsites don't know you are having a bachelor party then you are doing it right for the BW.
Sleepy 01/25/2017 02:46PM
Can't imagine trying to tow one. Just throw it in the canoe.
ockycamper 01/25/2017 02:32PM
got to say.. . I would fall into the group that has trouble putting the words "keg party" and "outdoorsman" into the same sentance. Like others have said, If I saw a group like that coming I would be packing up and heading to the next lake.

On a side note. . .9 years ago on Lake One we ran across a group of young guys paddling two canoes, with what appeared to be very little in the way of supplies.. .both "towing" kegs in the water behind them. I'll bet the portaging those kegs started not to look like such a good idea by the time this was over.
MikeinMpls 01/25/2017 12:58PM
quote salukiguy: "One thing I remember about kegs from my college days a long time ago. They taste great on the first day, second day a little bit flat but still drinkable, on the 3rd day forget it. "

Yep, even the next day. We called in "snakey" beer. Not sure if that's a universal term.

bposteve 01/25/2017 09:38AM
quote Unas10: " I might be showing my beer ignorance again. Are four beers a day excessive?
To try to put it into perspective for myself I asked myself the following:
Are four cans of Pepsi a day excessive?
Are four donuts a day excessive?
Are four scoops of ice cream a day excessive?
Are four deep-fried Twinkies a day excessive?
Are four glasses of milk a day excessive?

I am leaning strongly to yes it is excessive."

A person wiser than me once said, "All things in moderation. Including moderation."
BnD 01/25/2017 09:19AM
Sounds Awesome Dude. I'd bring at least two (2) half barrels for that many guys and that many days put a rope w concrete block weight on the second one and sink it deep to keep it cold. Everyone on Basswood will be ah.......annoyed no envious was the word I was looking for. Cheers ;-)
Sleepy 01/25/2017 09:18AM
quote salukiguy: "One thing I remember about kegs from my college days a long time ago. They taste great on the first day, second day a little bit flat but still drinkable, on the 3rd day forget it. "

That is only if you do the terrible act of pushing the beer with hand pumped O2. You can take a mini CO2 tank and push beer. I have one that uses little BB gun cartridges. Then it stays fresh just like at the bar. I have 6 taps on my beer fridge at home. Beer can keep a long time under CO2 pressure.

All that being said, after take a small keg myself, I have already gone back to plastics. No real need to drag an entire keg along. I say just take plastic growlers. They will keep until you open them. Liquor if you must is a lighter carry.

I also would not over indulge. Have a good time but don't get so drunk you waste a day there with a hangover or get in a silly accident. Be safe, have fun.
pamonster 01/25/2017 09:15AM
Had my bachelor party there too, 5 guys. Young, in college, broke, and the keg idea didn't even cross our minds. We just had nalgenes full of vodka, soco, whiskey, etc. Mixed it with tang.....ugh. Maybe you could figure out something easier than a keg. Though a keg would be quite the accomplishment.
Did we break some unwritten etiquette rules? I don't know. I don't think we were that loud, certainly were not destructive. I think as long as you respect the written rules and try to be conscientious you're good.
If it's your favorite place I'd encourage you to go for it! I love my memories of it.
Aldy1 01/25/2017 09:12AM
Is this guy even in his 20's? Why is everyone assuming he's fresh out of college? Reading everyone's comments is quite comical. A group of 8 dudes drinking vodka lemonades can be just a loud as 8 guys drinking beer. I think the words 'bachelor party' is freaking everyone out. I'm sure his group would be considerate of everyone around them, it's not their first rodeo. I'd hope that anyone who enters the bdub has a basic understanding of respecting the land and the people. Just my thoughts..
yogi59weedr 01/25/2017 07:49AM
These guys are not doing any portages. Prairie portage does not count,with that truck helping out.
Again I would 86 the keg. Each boat with a cooler full of plastics and ice. Couple bottles of vodka and lemonade and whisky and schnapps for smoothies.

Keep the noise down and police the plastics and have a good ole time.
WhiteWolf 01/25/2017 04:07AM
I had my bachelor party in the BW - my good buddy and me. We entered Fall and made our way to Basswood and camped on the large island due south of Basswood Falls. Just two of us. I wouldn't recommend it for a large group in the BWCAW, but if you have your own boats, SNF has plenty of back country campsites on some pretty good fishing lakes.
Boat in all you want and not the restrictions the BWCAW has and no portages. I can recommend some, but will not devulge them on here. Shoot me an email if you want some spots that would work for that sort of thing.
salukiguy 01/24/2017 08:50PM
One thing I remember about kegs from my college days a long time ago. They taste great on the first day, second day a little bit flat but still drinkable, on the 3rd day forget it.
GraniteCliffs 01/24/2017 08:26PM
Nice idea. Bad plan. Very bad plan at least from my perspective.
Eight guys? Bachelor party? Kegs? Makes more sense to find somewhere else that is more private and would not have a high likelihood of greatly disturbing others. The description of "outdoorsman" sounds good but mix in booze and it ain't going to go well.
Frenchy19 01/24/2017 05:38PM
quote missmolly: "Great post, dele.

If I had already pitched my tent and I saw eight young men with a keg paddling to a nearby campsite, I'd break camp and paddle as far away as the light would permit. "

HighnDry 01/24/2017 04:09PM
quote missmolly: "Great post, dele.

If I had already pitched my tent and I saw eight young men with a keg paddling to a nearby campsite, I'd break camp and paddle as far away as the light would permit. "

missmolly 01/24/2017 03:40PM
Great post, dele.

If I had already pitched my tent and I saw eight young men with a keg paddling to a nearby campsite, I'd break camp and paddle as far away as the light would permit.
Unas10 01/24/2017 02:54PM
I might be showing my beer ignorance again. Are four beers a day excessive?
To try to put it into perspective for myself I asked myself the following:
Are four cans of Pepsi a day excessive?
Are four donuts a day excessive?
Are four scoops of ice cream a day excessive?
Are four deep-fried Twinkies a day excessive?
Are four glasses of milk a day excessive?

I am leaning strongly to yes it is excessive.
dele 01/24/2017 01:29PM
Chris91, I'm recently married, I recently had a bachelor party, and, like you, I love the BWCA. I'd really encourage you not to go forward with this plan, both in order to ensure that you have the best possible bachelor party, and to make sure those in the BWCA at that time are able to have the wilderness experience they are looking for. Here's why.

1. If you're like me, and if your friends are like mine, you are probably thinking that you'll have no problem being respectful, quiet, and courteous to those around you. I certainly would have expected that. However, to most guys in the their 20s, the words "bachelor party" mean something very specific - a chance to act like you're back in college for a weekend, with no restrictions on how much you can drink or how much noise you can make. Regardless of how respectful you personally are, or intend to be toward the wilderness, your friends will see it as their duty to you to get you as drunk as they can, and this usually means lots of loud encouragement, keg stands, and the like. Again, you may have the very best intentions, but your friends will (rightly) tell you that this is the last time you're going to get to party this way, and that you need to take advantage of it. Your inhibitions will gradually slip away, and you'll soon be whooping it up.

2. Even if you don't see the above happening, being the bachelor in the BWCA will put you in the unenviable position of having to control (and answer for) your friends. This event is supposed to be about celebrating you, and doing everything to give you the best time possible before you enter married life. By having your bachelor party in a setting that requires a lot of discretion and careful attention to noise levels, you are basically ensuring that you will have to occasionally remind and possibly even reprimand your friends for going beyond acceptable behavior. Your intention to go through multiple kegs shows that even if you want to be respectful, you'll be putting people in a position where that's hard for them, and not everybody is going to be able to keep a lid on things, despite their best intentions. You have to realize that at least one of your friends is going to want to treat this as a blowout no matter what you tell them. Maybe you think you can keep them in line, but do you want to have to be the enforcer when you're the one being celebrated?

3. One of the best things about my bachelor party was that it was completely uninhibited fun. We rented a cabin in northern WI, drank a ton, played tons of yard games and swam in the lake, all while making a great deal of noise. We never felt like we had to look over our shoulders (or across the lake) to make sure we weren't bothering other people, because we were in a setting which, while beautiful, was not a wilderness, and didn't carry the expectations that people have when they are in a wilderness. Thinking back on that weekend, I'm so glad that we were able to be wild without feeling guilty about it. It would not have been nearly as fun if we had had to constantly think about what we were doing and how loud we were being.

4. Most importantly, if you love the BWCA as much as you say you do, you'll be going back there throughout your whole life. You'll be paddling those glass-still waters and listening to the loons at night, in silence, thinking about how peaceful and calm it is, and how glad you are that you are away from the noises and distractions of normal life. If you go through with this bachelor party plan, there's a good chance you'll bother somebody else and disturb their experience, no matter how careful you are. And if (or when) that happens, you'll be thinking about it when you're lying in a tent with your wife enjoying the silence. You'll be feeling guilty about having ruined somebody else's chance to experience the silence you'll be enjoying at that moment. Do you really want to spend all of your future BWCA trips thinking about how you disrupted somebody else's trip?

Only you can decide what to do, but I would really urge you to come up with an alternate plan for your bachelor party. Better to enjoy the BWCA for what it is, and let your bachelor party be a true bachelor party without having to think about your noise levels all the time. There's no reason not to invite those same guys on a BWCA trip at another time, and enjoy each other's company without calling it a bachelor party.
schweady 01/24/2017 01:28PM
Okay, I'll stand corrected. I now see that the 'whooping it up' that I read was not part of the original post.

Although I have always maintained that the beer tastes ever so much sweeter when I wait until I'm back at the Ely Steak House, I invite you to carry on... :-)
Sleepy 01/24/2017 11:26AM
Draft beer next to the fire while watching the stars at night is pretty sweet I must say. A cold, fresh brewed Double IPA was perfect for an active night of shooting stars on my last group trip.
mr.barley 01/24/2017 11:17AM
quote Unas10: "Would someone please educate me? I have never been a beer drinker so the terminology is foreign to me. Just how much beer are we talking about? How many 12 ounce cans does it take to fill a "keg"?" 82 in a 1/4 barrel and 165 in a half barrel. You can figure losing at least 5 glasses getting your keg flowing right.
Sleepy 01/24/2017 11:17AM
My groups usually do one day 20+ mile canoe trips to get in far enough to be away from the crowds and base camp for a week. We do usually bring a growler per guy (plastic kind) and keep them cold in the lake using a mesh bag and rocks. Works great. I have also packed in smaller 2.5 gallon kegs with my homebrew. We do drink some beer and liquor but that does not make us rowdy. We are in our 40s and have a good time but mellow enough to not disturb others. Plus we are often the only folks on the lake. Have a good time, but do remember to be safe, and not to disturb others. I find it is so wonderfully quiet no one needs to yell to hold a conversation.
Aldy1 01/24/2017 10:07AM
I feel like everyone is making the assumption that he and his friends are young crazy party animals. Sounds like they all enjoy the Bdub and want to bring lots of beer along. I think you should do it and let us know how it goes!
A1t2o 01/24/2017 08:59AM
quote Cc26: "Never done it, but portaging a keg doesn't sound like much fun....portaging hung over doesn't sound like much fun either...."

I've portaged hungover, it isn't fun. Wouldn't have been that bad if the weather hadn't been against us as well, in addition to the long way to go to get back to the EP. With that in mind, just plan ahead. Try for a lake with only 1 campsite on it. With a bunch of guys, a keg can be doable, you just have to be smart about it. Stay close to the EP, limit your drinking to when you are just chilling around the camp fire, and plan activities so you can have fun without bothering others.

Frat boys get their reputation for a reason. They are know to work hard and play hard. They tend to get loud because of the number of them, not necessarily because they are disrespectful or party animals. There are exceptions to every rule, but for the most part frats tend to encourage courteous hard working guys that know how to have a good time. The second half might just be the only interaction some have with them though.
HighnDry 01/24/2017 08:55AM
quote LindenTree3: "I would not be a happy camper if I heard someone whooping it up on the same lake I was camped on.

I second Mn Lindseys suggestion.
Rent a houseboat on Voyageurs, with 8 of you it would be relatively cheap, you have the amenities you asked about, and the luxury of houseboat comforts.
You can get them into isolated bays and have an area to yourself.
Voyageurs NP Houseboats "

Lost Bay in VNP would be a good destination. We camped there several years ago via canoe however there was a houseboat across from us. It was docked in a secluded cove.
paddlinjoe 01/24/2017 08:15AM
quote chris91: "quote paddlinjoe: "I would have thought the keg would fall under the banned containers part of the regulations for the BWCA. Whether a bachelor party or not, it is never appreciated when a group is loud as the evening wears on regardless of the size.

BTW congratulations on getting married!"


From what I've found on other threads, kegs are legal in the BWCA because of the deposit. A couple years ago I saw two kegs at a campsite on Washington Island, that's where I got the idea.


Well I learned something new. Thank you. You seem to have a jovial attitude and are listening to the feedback without taking offense. Have a great time!
chris91 01/24/2017 07:19AM
Unas- there are 165 12-ounce beers in a keg. So for 9 guys on a 5 day trip it would be just less than 4 beers per guy per day (one hell of a party). And I apologize to any frat boys that were harmed in the making of this thread.
CityFisher74 01/24/2017 06:59AM
quote chris91: "I guess I should explain a little more… We're not frat boys, we're outdoorsmen. Obviously we would be respectful of others. I appreciate everyone's suggestions."

Easy on the frat boy comment - I put in WAY more volunteer hours than anyone I knew in college that wasn't in a fraternity. Fraternities are not what you have seen on Animal House and Old School (getting off topic, but I had to comment).
Unas10 01/24/2017 05:09AM
Would someone please educate me? I have never been a beer drinker so the terminology is foreign to me. Just how much beer are we talking about? How many 12 ounce cans does it take to fill a "keg"?
Savage Voyageur 01/23/2017 10:14PM
quote paddlinjoe: "I would have thought the keg would fall under the banned containers part of the regulations for the BWCA. Whether a bachelor party or not, it is never appreciated when a group is loud as the evening wears on regardless of the size.

BTW congratulations on getting married!"

Kegs are perfectly legal in the BWCA. Last year on Pine I saw two canoes paddling by us. As they got closer I could not figure out what they were towing. It was an small raft with a keg in the middle. I also know of an outfitter on Lake One that stores kegs in their cooler for customers.
bhouse46 01/23/2017 09:34PM
I totally echo ntcry on this one. And I read your comment you are a bunch of outdoor guys, not frat boys. I respect that you also appreciate the risks of intoxication on the water and in the wilderness. And you are considerate of others.
And if your really are big time outdoor guys it might be just the venue to have that one last fishing trip with the guys. And the girls would not worry too much about the strippers either.
Have fun responsibly and congrats on the marriage.
nctry 01/23/2017 08:26PM
quote schweady: "Since I won't be near Back Bay around the end of May, it won't affect me. Crazy as it may be, there are no direct USFS regulations on noise... the only exceptions being rules related to group size, firearms, fireworks, control of pets, and the proper use of the latrine (just seeing if you're paying attention). I will, however, opine that your trip plan is a bad idea and I feel for any folks who may be nearby.

I know if you watch the video it addresses noise. But just because guys are drinking doesn't mean they'll be loud. Look at our wing nights, a nice social time. I guess you know the people you'd be bringing. If anyone is that one guy that spoils it for everyone, leave him home. Congrats on getting married. I don't agree with the venue more from a safety aspect. If someone gets hurt and your all under the influence, driving a boat could get you cited. And would people be out fishing in a motorized boat while drinking? The trip leader would have a lot of responsibility on his shoulders if anything should happen. Just my thoughts.
Cc26 01/23/2017 08:16PM
Never done it, but portaging a keg doesn't sound like much fun....portaging hung over doesn't sound like much fun either....
MNLindsey80 01/23/2017 07:58PM
quote Grouseguy1: "quote MNLindsey80: "quote chris91: "My favorite place on the planet is in the BWCA. I've been going every summer for the past 15 years. We like to stay on the American side, and usually try to camp in Back Bay. I'm getting married this fall, and I am kicking around the idea of having a bachelor party/ camping/ fishing trip with 8 of my close friends. We have an overnight motor permit for May 27th. If we do this, we are going to bring a keg. My first question is, do you think this would be an appropriate venue for a bachelor party/ would you be upset if you could hear our camp from across the lake? Question #2, do you think I could find an outfitter to bring us ice and possibly another keg halfway through he week? Thanks. "

I guess it depends on how much you woop it up!

You could always go to Voyagers. Campsites seem more spread out. They have concierge service at least with their Houseboat rentals, and will deliver ice to you every day calling them on CB radio. Not sure if you didn't rent a houseboat though... You'd have to check.


Yes - a Houseboat is spendy if you get "
this model ...(which I was fortunate to be on the summer before my dad died)... but there are lots of models that are affordable.... This still is my top pick for you guys...

If that doesn't work - there are several canoe in sites on voyagers with spread out campsites. Check with Voyagaire if you can pay them a concierge service. They go off CB radios so I'm not sure how that works w/o a houseboat, or if they even offer it. It was $75-100 for the week, plus the expense of whatever you wanted them to purchase, but they would bring you ANYTHING, ice, more wine, a keg, bobby pins, cookies, a hot pizza, whatever.

If you're going with your original BWCA plan... maybe bring in some hard liquor - ***IF*** you guys will pace yourselves... I trust you're smart, or you wouldn't even ask us to begin with....

Pack-It-Gourmet sells margarita mix for the back-country - so maybe that's an option or some boxed wine.... Plan to camp away from others if you think someone in your group is prone to yelling out too many WOOOOs at night.... know your neighbors. If you have a young family right next to you - maybe consider a different site. You're no rookie.

You said you've been going to the BWCA for the last 15 years - so you obviously know the rules, you know the etiquette, and what to expect.

How many days are you thinking? There is a HUGE difference between 2 kegs on a weekend, and 2 kegs spread out over 5-7 days.

I think the general idea is awesome. Just know your audience, and be respectful. Check with the outfitters nearby to see what they will provide, and plan from there. Congrats on your wedding, and have an amazing get together with the bros.

quark2222 01/23/2017 07:08PM
If I were in your shoes, I would see if someone has 5 acres or more in a remote area, camp, and just do whatever you want to do. Likely someone will do something they regret, but that happens. No foul on puking in the woods then. Plus, you have vehicles to bring in all the beer, etc. that you want. I would have a much better time doing that instead of waking up with a hangover and then paddling and portaging lots of gear, kegs, etc. out of the BWCA.

I'd be ticked if there was a blowout across the lake from my campsite that infringed upon whatever I was doing in the BWCA. Especially if they didn't ask me over for a brewski! It's really easy to slip on damp rocks, dive into shallow waters and get a broken neck, break a leg, drown, swim in the dark totally bombed, and more. Respect the consequences in the BWCA, they are not forgiving to those that fail.

Grandma L 01/23/2017 07:02PM
quote lindylair: "Chris,
Your idea sounds like a blast! Unfortunately it's a really bad idea. Aside from the obvious high potential of ruining someone else's precious vacation time and solitude, there are other considerations. Your good fortune in getting married and desire to celebrate with good friends does not justify the possibility of inconsideration and inconvenience to other travelers who go up there to enjoy the spirit of the BWCA(of which your trip is not in line with).

Those other considerations...think what could happen. A group of twenty something males high on adventure and celebration, and drunk on large quantities of beer has the potential for bad things to happen. A group like that has "macho" written all over it and the likelihood that some of the guys will try to out macho the other guys is a real possibility. Imagine how it would feel if your bachelor party ended up with one of your buddies drowning or burying an axe in their...well you get the picture. It just doesn't sound like the right thing to do for many reasons.

I bet if you think about it you could come up with another idea that could combine the comraderie of good friends, outdoor adventure and some significant quantities of cold beer. I know I could. "

Thank you for being willing to state the obvious!! I totally agree! Have a great party - just not in the BWCA.
Blatz 01/23/2017 07:00PM
Whats the difference between 8 guys drinking beer or sitting around drinking whiskey or Bourbon? It's the same result just more pisssing. Don't be loud and have fun
lindylair 01/23/2017 06:38PM
Your idea sounds like a blast! Unfortunately it's a really bad idea. Aside from the obvious high potential of ruining someone else's precious vacation time and solitude, there are other considerations. Your good fortune in getting married and desire to celebrate with good friends does not justify the possibility of inconsideration and inconvenience to other travelers who go up there to enjoy the spirit of the BWCA(of which your trip is not in line with).

Those other considerations...think what could happen. A group of twenty something males high on adventure and celebration, and drunk on large quantities of beer has the potential for bad things to happen. A group like that has "macho" written all over it and the likelihood that some of the guys will try to out macho the other guys is a real possibility. Imagine how it would feel if your bachelor party ended up with one of your buddies drowning or burying an axe in their...well you get the picture. It just doesn't sound like the right thing to do for many reasons.

I bet if you think about it you could come up with another idea that could combine the comraderie of good friends, outdoor adventure and some significant quantities of cold beer. I know I could.
yogi59weedr 01/23/2017 06:16PM
The outfitters will not be allowed to shuttle you out beer and ice. That would be against the rules they have to abide by.I believe this would fall under the " serviceing a campsite
Provision. Keep it under control,no loud drinking games.keep a clean campsite. Have a good 1st aide kit,lots of aspirin. AND go for it. That's the beautiful thing about America. Obey the laws. Be respectiful, and the skies the limit. Just call it a fishing trip. Bachelor party brings out people's fears.
Loose the keg idea too. That word adds to those fears.
Just the idea of walking around those rocks carrying a keg
scares me...
I hope you weren't expecting everybody's blessings
Grouseguy1 01/23/2017 06:02PM
quote MNLindsey80: "You could always go to Voyagers. Campsites seem more spread out. They have concierge service at least with their Houseboat rentals, and will deliver ice to you every day calling them on CB radio. Not sure if you didn't rent a houseboat though... You'd have to check. "
Brilliant! Houseboats aren't exactly cheap though. My parents rented a HB in Voyagers when I was a kid and it was a great time.
Grouseguy1 01/23/2017 05:59PM
Forget the keg and bring booze in plastic containers. Keep the noise down and I don't see any issues. Maybe the outfitter can shuttle in some strippers?
old_salt 01/23/2017 05:46PM
You asked about whether the bwca is an appropriate venue? In my opinion, it is not. If you're disturbing others, it is not. If you're getting drunk, it is not.

The problem comes with drunk guys losing their inhibitions and self-control, not intending to be a problem, yet causing problems for others. The obvious issue is that if I have an issue with you, it's not like I can call the cops, but rather have to choose between living with it or confrontation. You're gambling that no one will confront a group of 9 rowdy drunks, and you're probably right.

You have no right to inflict that on others.
MikeinMpls 01/23/2017 05:19PM
quote paddlinjoe: "I would have thought the keg would fall under the banned containers part of the regulations for the BWCA. Whether a bachelor party or not, it is never appreciated when a group is loud as the evening wears on regardless of the size.

BTW congratulations on getting married!"

Over the decades, I've seen people bring in some pretty crazy stuff. A keg doesn't surprise me one bit... and it does not fall under the cans and bottles prohibition.

I like Lindsey's idea: rent the houseboat. Escape from the bugs if needed, swim off the side, cook some beanie-weenies, get some sun. But please, PLEASE, I beg of you: be quiet. I become very upset when groups start making noise, often just to make noise. Unless you can guarantee that everyone in the group is a mellow drinker, isn't prone to whooping and yelling (it only takes one), you'd be doing others a disservice. For sake of comparison, imagine your wedding chapel having a couple of Yahoos outside, hooping and hollering drunk, while you try to say your vows. For many, their BWCA time is as sacred as your wedding ceremony.

Mike in Minneapolis
chris91 01/23/2017 05:12PM
I guess I should explain a little more… We're not frat boys, we're outdoorsmen. Obviously we would be respectful of others. I appreciate everyone's suggestions.
chris91 01/23/2017 05:08PM
quote paddlinjoe: "I would have thought the keg would fall under the banned containers part of the regulations for the BWCA. Whether a bachelor party or not, it is never appreciated when a group is loud as the evening wears on regardless of the size.

BTW congratulations on getting married!"


From what I've found on other threads, kegs are legal in the BWCA because of the deposit. A couple years ago I saw two kegs at a campsite on Washington Island, that's where I got the idea.

01/23/2017 04:57PM
quote Aldy1: "I was kidding around with this same idea.. so I think it's a great idea! I'd say try and pick a campsite that is far away from other sites and you shouldn't be bothersome. No idea about the keg, but having keg beer up in the bdub would be so tasty. Realistically, how much louder can your group be than your average group of 8? I don't see this as an issue. "

I'm glad someone else on here can appreciate a good time!
paddlinjoe 01/23/2017 04:08PM
I would have thought the keg would fall under the banned containers part of the regulations for the BWCA. Whether a bachelor party or not, it is never appreciated when a group is loud as the evening wears on regardless of the size.

BTW congratulations on getting married!
schweady 01/23/2017 04:05PM
Since I won't be near Back Bay around the end of May, it won't affect me. Crazy as it may be, there are no direct USFS regulations on noise... the only exceptions being rules related to group size, firearms, fireworks, control of pets, and the proper use of the latrine (just seeing if you're paying attention). I will, however, opine that your trip plan is a bad idea and I feel for any folks who may be nearby.
Aldy1 01/23/2017 03:49PM
I was kidding around with this same idea.. so I think it's a great idea! I'd say try and pick a campsite that is far away from other sites and you shouldn't be bothersome. No idea about the keg, but having keg beer up in the bdub would be so tasty. Realistically, how much louder can your group be than your average group of 8? I don't see this as an issue.
BobDobbs 01/23/2017 03:05PM

I enjoy wilderness, and I enjoy getting a little loose with a lota booze - not together though.

walllee 01/23/2017 03:01PM
I would not want to be within 20 miles of you guys! Be sure to put some money aside for emergency evacuation... I'm sure one of you will need it.
chris91 01/23/2017 02:48PM
quote AdamXChicago: "Maybe I'm getting old, but you can't be serious..."

Haha. Well our group last year was 3 couples, had a lot of fun and caught a ton of fish. We have a permit for that weekend so we are going regardless. We were just thinking about leaving the women at home this time. The only thing up for debate is the size of the group and if we bring a keg or not.

And I would bet that there would be an outfitter out there that would run us out some ice and beer for a couple hundred bucks. You can't put a price on cold beer.
LindenTree3 01/23/2017 02:40PM
I would not be a happy camper if I heard someone whooping it up on the same lake I was camped on.

I second Mn Lindseys suggestion.
Rent a houseboat on Voyageurs, with 8 of you it would be relatively cheap, you have the amenities you asked about, and the luxury of houseboat comforts.
You can get them into isolated bays and have an area to yourself.
Voyageurs NP Houseboats
AdamXChicago 01/23/2017 02:26PM
Maybe I'm getting old, but you can't be serious...
MNLindsey80 01/23/2017 02:25PM
I guess it depends on how much you whoop it up!

You could always go to Voyagers. Campsites seem more spread out. They have concierge service at least with their Houseboat rentals, and will deliver ice to you every day calling them on CB radio. Not sure if you didn't rent a houseboat though... You'd have to check.

chris91 01/23/2017 01:54PM
My favorite place on the planet is in the BWCA. I've been going every summer for the past 15 years. We like to stay on the American side, and usually try to camp in Back Bay. I'm getting married this fall, and I am kicking around the idea of having a bachelor party/ camping/ fishing trip with 8 of my close friends. We have an overnight motor permit for May 27th. If we do this, we are going to bring a keg. My first question is, do you think this would be an appropriate venue for a bachelor party/ would you be upset if you could hear our camp from across the lake? Question #2, do you think I could find an outfitter to bring us ice and possibly another keg halfway through he week? Thanks.