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       Alpine/Jasper/Ogish Hammock Trees?
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 03:39PM
Alpine/Jasper/Ogish Hammock Trees?

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johndku 03/01/2017 08:33AM
Thanks tuscarorasurvivor...sounds like a little hit or miss, just going to have to search a little.

Last year was my first trip hammocking, my son and I hung 2 bunkbed style under a Nemo Bugout Shelter.

My 58 year old 6'2" 260 pound creaky body likes hammocks much better than sleeping on the ground.
shock 02/28/2017 11:52PM
heres a picture of rog lake 2015(fall) and the portage to alpine from rog , it's getting greener but as you see young aspen's that have some height but no strength for hammocks, satellite imaging can show green but not width of the trees.
tuscarorasurvivor 02/28/2017 07:42PM
quote johndku: "I know Alpine, Jasper and most of Ogish are in a fairly recent burn area. Thinking of going there this summer.

Is it difficult to find decent hammock trees at the campsites on these lakes? Anybody have any experience?

Thanks in advance."

I took my family thru that area several years back. Three of us had hammocks and it was not a problem.
butthead 02/28/2017 07:19PM
Sure they are old, but not earlier than 2006. The north sides were heavily hit by the 1999 blowdown and were a jumble of bent and broken pine/birch.

North shore of Jasper 2005. Cavity Lake fire took all that out 2006.

SaganagaJoe 02/28/2017 05:38PM
Out of curiosity could those pictures be dated? Maybe my memory is poor but the trees seemed taller than that from the water.
butthead 02/28/2017 09:58AM
Ever try using Bing Maps and Google Earth, looking for burn areas?

Some map programs also have available aerial and sat images. Handy to check for such stuff and compare between imaging.

Garmin Birdseye image of camp 801 Jasper east of Kingfisher portage. The Bing image shows more green growth (could be a few years newer or seasonal change).

Delorme Digital Globe

Bing Map

Google Earth

Anyhow it could be useful for you to look for tree cover.

SaganagaJoe 02/27/2017 01:12PM
quote shock: "quote SaganagaJoe: "quote nctry: "Was there more fires since 2012? Jasper was hit hard there, but I remember the campsites looked ok. At least I thought a couple did. I went on to Ogish. "

No, I don't think so - but he was asking about hammock trees. "
the campsite on the hill by the kingfisher portage might be good ? hard to tell from the lake. but the others were torched good, alot of firewood though."

Actually, you're right, now that I remember it - that one site on Jasper might be good. That would actually be a pretty good site. And you're 1 short portage away from some great fishing on some moving water on Kingfisher.
shock 02/27/2017 12:37PM
quote SaganagaJoe: "quote nctry: "Was there more fires since 2012? Jasper was hit hard there, but I remember the campsites looked ok. At least I thought a couple did. I went on to Ogish. "

No, I don't think so - but he was asking about hammock trees. "
the campsite on the hill by the kingfisher portage might be good ? hard to tell from the lake. but the others were torched good, alot of firewood though.
SaganagaJoe 02/26/2017 09:42PM
quote nctry: "Was there more fires since 2012? Jasper was hit hard there, but I remember the campsites looked ok. At least I thought a couple did. I went on to Ogish. "

No, I don't think so - but he was asking about hammock trees.
nctry 02/26/2017 07:21PM
Was there more fires since 2012? Jasper was hit hard there, but I remember the campsites looked ok. At least I thought a couple did. I went on to Ogish.
SaganagaJoe 02/24/2017 11:02PM
Seagull: There are good trees still on the north end of Seagull and scattered places on the west side. The site right by the Alpine portage had decent sized trees on it.

Alpine: The site right by Jasper Falls on Alpine, to the best of my memory, looked like it might (we didn't stay there).

Jasper: To the best of my recollection the few campsites on Jasper were pretty much burned of any good trees. Jasper really got hit hard by the fires.

Ogishkemuncie: Starting at the center part of Ogish heading west you're golden.

Michwall2 02/24/2017 03:15PM
There is one campsite on Alpine that has some trees. I think it is campsite 2134 on the maps here. Peninsula on the north west side of the lake. Sorry. I don't have a picture for you from here.

shock 02/24/2017 12:45PM
half way into ogish the burn area stops, shouldnt be a problem there.
johndku 02/24/2017 10:21AM
I know Alpine, Jasper and most of Ogish are in a fairly recent burn area. Thinking of going there this summer.

Is it difficult to find decent hammock trees at the campsites on these lakes? Anybody have any experience?

Thanks in advance.