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       Kawnipi to Gunflint travel time
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 02:02PM
Kawnipi to Gunflint travel time

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Wables 03/28/2019 07:49PM
We made it in a day a couple years ago. Two 40 year olds double portaging. We had the first tow in the morning and first ones at customs. We planned to camp below bald rock, so we trolled the whole way until we hit the falls portages. Gorgeous early June day. There were 1/2 dozen very noisy gentlemen in their 20’s camped below the falls, so we pushed on. I had forgotten those 2 portages going into Kenny from the last time. I should have remembered as they are named A$$hole 1 and A$$hole 2 on my map. We made one of the first campsites an hour before dark. We probably could have shaved a couple hours off by not fishing, but that’s why we go. I’d plan on stopping at bald rock next time as there is good fishing in the area and the falls are great to sleep near.
BnD 03/13/2019 05:16PM
We have went from North McKenzie bay to Hook Island in 10 hours single portaging that's 30 miles and 10 portages for those that are counting and yes we laid down for 15 minutes at Bald Rock Falls to rest. We're decent paddlers and portagers and extremely organized but not Beav good. IMO the key is nothing hits the ground at the portages land/out/up/on and walking or paddling we can take a break while we paddle. Hook Island to McKenzie Bay (3 good camps at the entry can be done in 9-10 hours single portaging) should be relatively easy. North McKenzie is another 5 miles.

We've done this trip a few times so we know the portage landings as well. Never the less it can be done if you plan and are determined. For the record, we were inspired by a group of 4 guys that blew us away with their efficiency single portaging (we were double portaging on that trip) the year before so we adapted their approach and boom in the back of Kawa Bay day one before supper. On the way out from North McKenzie Bay 10 hours later we were at Hook Island. Outfitter picked us up at 4PM. The ONLY draw back is we really had to pair down unnecessary items, gear and food since we are a group of 2. Go for it you will be way less tired in and out overall and way more efficient. If we do the same trip again I assure you we will single portage in and out one day each. For reference I'm 55 and my son is 25. Good Luck.
timatkn 03/12/2019 07:36AM
Done it like schwartyman in a long day under perfect conditions...also took me 3 days the last time I went. We had terrible weather, hail, high winds, lightning. Luckily the rest of the trip was perfect.

2 is a good standard and enjoyable.

Captn Tony 02/26/2019 08:11PM
Two years ago, we took a tow to Hook Island and were the first one to go through customs. We had a 3-man canoe and 2x portaged. There was no wind and we made it to Kenny Lake by about 7:00 and camped as we could see we weren't going to make McKenzie Bay that night.

The Canyon Falls & Koko Falls portages really got my attention after a long day. They were a lot harder and longer then the map portrayed them. We weren't sure what to expect on the last portage so decided to camp at the crappiest camp site I've ever been on. Come to find out, the last portage is pretty easy.

Needless to say I won't be that ambitious on the next trip.
Eyedocron 02/26/2019 08:09PM
That would be quite a haul, but can be done if no headwind. My crew one time actually paddled (no tow) from the parking lot at the end of the Gunflint Trail four hours to the Cache Bay ranger station (4 AM launch), checked in, took the portage to Saganagons, the Dead Man Portage, and most of the Falls Chain in one day, camping on the point in Kenny Lake below Canyon Falls at 7PM. Late June, so not dark until 10:00.

We had a lot of territory to cover that trip, so a good start, but this and the stretch from Kawnipi to Russell are two of the greatest parts of the park, so in later trips we made certain to do this in two days and have a more pleasurable time.

One of my former crew members, and a member of this forum, uses a quote from A A Milne (Winnie the Pooh) that I have come to understand about streams are in no hurry; They will get there in there own time. It took me years of marathon Quetico Park trips to relax enough to accept this.

Picture is the bottom of Canyon Falls.
johno 02/26/2019 04:44PM
Kiporby: "1. The southern half of Kawnipi doesn't have many good campsites. You need to get up to the Kawa Bay or McKenzie Bay area to find them. Getting to the southern part of Kawnipi takes 8-12 hours at least and then you are wiped out. The falls chain portages, especially Koko and Canyon Falls are rugged and not a good idea when you are half spent and rushing late in the day.

The good campsites on Kawa Bay near the Wawiag River were part of the area that was closed to camping in 2017 due to the discovery of a rare plant. Does anybody know if that area is still closed to camping?
Thwarted 02/26/2019 04:42PM
It is so ordered. We will break it up and enjoy it.
Thanks all.
schwartyman 02/26/2019 02:07PM
My group of 6 made it to the upper half of Kawnipi from Hook in one day. Stopped for hour long lunch/break at bald rock. Had time for the evening bite near our camp.

I must mention that we are 22 year olds in good shape, packed light, and got perfect weather. We were absolutely in race mode. We also had the earliest tow possible to hook. Have to admit it was an early night, we were all gassed.

That amount of water can be covered in the RIGHT conditions. Kiporby is correct in that the lower half of Kawnipi has no sites worth staying at, as well as the last couple portages into Kawnipi being rugged.The entire route is beautiful country with stellar fishing the whole way, that unfortunately my group skipped right over. In my opinion, if you're questioning it at all, split it into two days.

Wally13 02/26/2019 01:36PM

I would follow Kiporboys recommendation and give yourself 2 days to get up to Kawnipi from Hook Island.

I have made your planned trip route to Kawnipi over 12 times. I really enjoy this route. I have made it to a campsite on Atkins Bay on Kawnipi several times but that was back in my younger days. We double portaged and really pushed it.

My destination was always a Kawa and McKenzie Bays basecamp on Kawnipi and we found it best to camp before the Falls Chain the 1st night and then move on up to McKenzie or Kawa Bay on Kawnipi on day 2.
Kiporby 02/26/2019 12:22PM
I recommend breaking it up into 2 days and camping in the North Saganagons area or Sidney Lake.

1. The southern half of Kawnipi doesn't have many good campsites. You need to get up to the Kawa Bay or McKenzie Bay area to find them. Getting to the southern part of Kawnipi takes 8-12 hours at least and then you are wiped out. The falls chain portages, especially Koko and Canyon Falls are rugged and not a good idea when you are half spent and rushing late in the day.

2. I've paddled from Keats Lake all the way to Saganagons in one day. It took 14 hours. I was spent and set up camp in the dark.
cowdoc 02/26/2019 11:42AM
We had an early tow to Hook and we camped first night at Bald Rock Falls. We were not in race mode and we could have gone longer into the day, but Bald Rock seemed like a good place to call it a day. Those last few portages get tougher and would not be a fun way to end a long day. Can be done.....probably not fun.
old_salt 02/26/2019 08:19AM
Hunters Is canoe racers have. They carry nothing. Normal humans need 1 1/2 - 2 days.
AmarilloJim 02/26/2019 08:01AM
Most break it up into two days, but if you have good weather and are efficient paddlers/portagers, it can be done in one.
Thwarted 02/26/2019 07:51AM
Anybody done this in a day with a tow from Hook Island? Seems like a stretch but I don't know those waters.