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       RABC and tow from Crane Lake
Date/Time: 10/31/2024 07:06PM
RABC and tow from Crane Lake

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dentondoc 02/08/2020 04:53PM
Zups will make a swing by Canadian Customs before heading out to their place. (I think you'll find the "railroad" portages interesting.)

If you are returning via Zups, they will drop you at U.S. Customs on your return. So you will need the required document to re-enter the U.S.

CardinalNation 02/07/2020 05:30PM
Call Mark Zup for information. He will know.
walllee 02/07/2020 07:24AM
You will most likely not be the only group in the tow boat. When I have used them, they try to group you with others for economic purposes.
billconner 02/07/2020 06:24AM
Interesting question and one I have not seen here before. To bypass Canadian Customs, the boat driver would also have to have an RABC. And the one time I had an RABC, the customs agent in Fort Frances didn't care or look at it, so no guarantee.
fairmatt 02/07/2020 06:07AM
If all in my group have RABC permits and are getting a tow from Crane Lake, are we still required to stop at the Canadian Customs on Sand Point or can we press on to Zups resort for the night or would we only be able to go directly to the La croix ranger station pick up permit and enter Quetico. I know we don't need RABC permits to go this route, but due to some very old DUI charge in our group thought it best to get the RABCs.

Thank you.