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       Portage Maintenance?
Date/Time: 10/31/2024 07:13PM
Portage Maintenance?

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EddyTurn 03/10/2020 05:29PM
Thanks, folks, for sharing your knowledge! I carry 12" silky that could remove trees up to 10"; also occasionally 18" loppers (yes, additional 20 oz.) that could be worth their weight in gold for removing branches from long-overgrown portages, but it looks like I won't need them in Q.
TrailZen 03/10/2020 01:01PM
We carry a 12" Corona folding saw on our Quetico trips because even though most portages are well-maintained, a snag or tree top can come down on any portage at any time. Last year's trip (late August & early September) only required a couple stops to clear portage blockages. We certainly can't get the big stuff with a 12" saw, but we do what we can...

dentondoc 03/10/2020 12:30PM
During paddling season, Quetico Park does produce a portage maintenance map that shows the staff’s progress on clearing portages. The first map typically comes out about June 1 and is updated over the course of the season. Of course, it only takes one good blow to change all of that.

I usually pack a Silky (only) for the occasional problem tree or branch on portage. I rarely use it for fire making purposes.

Jackfish 03/10/2020 12:18PM
We always pack a saw for cutting firewood, so if we need to use it while on a portage trail, we use it. Bringing loppers adds weight that I wouldn’t want to carry, but your mileage may vary.
AmarilloJim 03/10/2020 08:55AM
I go the last week of May every year and I always have to clear some trees.
EddyTurn 03/10/2020 08:33AM
In my travels that include partially Crown Land and partially unmaintained parks, I used to keep handy a Silky saw and loppers for on-the-go portage maintenance. Wonder if it would be helpful in Quetico?