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       Atikokan to Ely
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 03:28PM
Atikokan to Ely

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cburton103 04/21/2023 08:39PM
I agree, both are good choices. And for what it's worth, I'll be paddling on Agnes this June during my trip as well. The narrows are beautiful, and the trout are frequently cooperative, not to mention some good pictographs and plenty of islands in the northern 1/3 or so to keep plenty of variety. Didn't want to give the impression that I actively avoid Agnes - I just prefer smaller waters when possible, but not to the point that I'd do an out and back to Kahshapiwi instead of including Agnes.
billconner 04/21/2023 06:22PM
Good points. I've paddled the length of Agnes and Kashapiwi, and also prefer Kashapiwi. A little more variety and more intimate. Both very good choices.
cburton103 04/21/2023 09:41AM
I understand that it’s a subjective question, but do you have a preference of taking the route down through Sark versus Agnes? I’ve only ever taken one other trip to Quetico and entered through Nym and just barely touched left side of Pickerel. "

It's definitely subjective, but in my book it's not even a question. I strongly prefer paddling on small to medium sized lakes or bodies of water. I know many people really enjoy Agnes, but the northern 2/3 or so of the lake is a pretty big body of water that becomes a chore to paddle with any significant wind. I'd much rather be on a narrower lake like the Sark/Keefer/Kahshapiwi chain. Not to mention, I think Kahshapiwi is one of the few really standout lakes in terms of its beaty. Cliffs, islands, and a distinct blue tint to the very clear water that few other lakes in Quetico have. Argo has similar water.

I also prefer not paddling for miles and miles on end. I like paddling for a few miles and then stretching my legs on a portage personally. That would also cast a vote to the Kahsh chain.

It depends on your objectives, interest and time, but there are some minor alternatives in that central section. If you enjoy paddling through the burned section of Shelley, you can continue through the burned section into Heronshaw and Cairn. If you'd prefer to not spend that much time in the burned section, you could paddle through Northern Kawnipi and down through Keewatin and either west into Hurlburt or south into Agnes, Reid and Woodside before the routes join back up at Trant. That area is supposed to have more rugged portages, but they're also smaller, secluded lakes if that's your thing. We plan to spend some time in that area early June.

Either way, you're sure to enjoy your trip. That's something I've strongly considered doing as well. I hope you'll write a trip report afterwards!
mgraber 04/20/2023 10:59PM
billconner: " Atikokan Ely Classic

I was in the park when this last one took place, but not near. Robin Reilly, past Q superintendent, told me about it. He and his daughter competed. I could be off on times but recall it took them 12 hours in a Souris River - guessing Wilderness 18 but not sure - and was not last but towards that end.


Consider the record for the Hunter Island loop is under 24 hours, somewhere in the 144 mile range."

That really is astounding to think about. Crazy to think about maintaining a 6 mph average speed for 24 hours. I wouldn't want to be in their way when they are sprinting down the portages!
billconner 04/20/2023 06:24AM
Atikokan Ely Classic

I was in the park when this last one took place, but not near. Robin Reilly, past Q superintendent, told me about it. He and his daughter competed. I could be off on times but recall it took them 12 hours in a Souris River - guessing Wilderness 18 but not sure - and was not last but towards that end.


Consider the record for the Hunter Island loop is under 24 hours, somewhere in the 144 mile range.
sns 04/19/2023 06:44PM
billconner: "I thought the classic route was French Lake to Kashapiwi to PP, and in 8 to 10 hours. Used to be to Ely but the one they did in 2008 (?) was to PP because of border issues post 9/11. Down Saturday, big party at PP, back north on Sunday. I can't imagine doing it in a day myself."

That's got to be 60 miles, including a few dozen portages - people have done that in 8-10 hours?!
bobbernumber3 04/19/2023 06:16PM
billconner: "...I can't imagine doing it in a day myself."

Me either. And why?
billconner 04/19/2023 06:08PM
I thought the classic route was French Lake to Kashapiwi to PP, and in 8 to 10 hours. Used to be to Ely but the one they did in 2008 (?) was to PP because of border issues post 9/11. Down Saturday, big party at PP, back north on Sunday. I can't imagine doing it in a day myself.
Gaidin53 04/19/2023 04:22PM
Definite burn in some of those areas. Sark wasn’t bad from memory. Cairn and Heronshaw were significantly burned and took effort by someone else luckily to establish the portages and mark them.

Keefer and Kahsahpiwi we’re both fine. The fire that is marked on the route planning site by Kahsahpiwi are from 2006 and 2011 so older fires.

Shelley and Montgomery were definitely burn areas. The portage changed sides so many trees were down over the old portage. We had a hard time finding that portage and had to do some clearing.

LarryS48 04/19/2023 04:12PM
If you are considering the Cairn, Sark, Keefer, Kahsahpiwi route, you might want to take a look at the fire map for the 2021 fires.
Gaidin53 04/19/2023 04:08PM
I’m basing it on its kind of a special deal getting dropped off and going south on a one way. You can sort of route through areas you wouldn’t normally get to go through as easily. If you know you are going to be back for another Quetico trip you can do a southern entry and easily get up into Agnes.

Next year for my wife and daughters first Quetico trip I’ll enter at PP and loop into Agnes and then come back down on the S chain. That or Falls Chain but might be to much for their first trip into Quetico.

Routing into Kawnipi and then cutting over to Agnes was great last year! Loved it! You’d come through portions of the poet chain really with any route and those are pretty special lakes. We got to Agnes from Kawnipi by routing through Keewatin.

Any way you choose to go is a win!

LazyDays 04/19/2023 02:45PM
Thank you for the replies,

I didn’t even consider the route through the heart down Sark. My initial route was using Agnes to Jeff then Basswood to connect into the BWCA.

For the drop off, I have some friends that are willing to drop us off at the top and then pick us up at the bottom.

I understand that it’s a subjective question, but do you have a preference of taking the route down through Sark versus Agnes? I’ve only ever taken one other trip to Quetico and entered through Nym and just barely touched left side of Pickerel.

Gaidin53 04/19/2023 02:15PM
You’ve definitely got some options for route. You can route to Kawnipi and then have a choice of routing to Agnes and out. Or Kawnipi to Man Chain over to Prairie Portage.

Another option is routing to Kahsahpiwi. You’d have to route into Heronshaw, Cairn, Sark, Keefer, Kahsahpiwi. Then south out to Prairie Portage most likely through Burke. This route would give you some quality time in the heart of Quetico. More portaging probably since more small lakes but this is the one I think I’d recommend.

I did a Stanton bay North entry to Prairie Portage, back to Stanton Bay last year in a 14 day trip.

I definitely want to do Falls chain and Man chain but those are pretty easily accessed from a Southern entry.

Jackfish 04/19/2023 01:55PM
You're going to enjoy the trip. Good luck with all the preparations. Our group did a cross-Quetico trip back in 2010. Beaverhouse to Kawnipi to Saganagons, then down the Man Chain to Birch and ended at the Moose Lake boat landing. Maybe our favorite trip ever.

How are you going to handle the drop off at Stanton Bay and having your vehicle at your take-out point?
sns 04/19/2023 01:30PM
Take those racer portages thru Fern & Alice...they are still in use and the park rangers maintain them, though last year they did not get to them until August. But many groups had certainly been through before the parks - that's a reasonably well-traveled route.

Ontario Parks has a link to their portage maintenance map on this page:
Quetico maps
LazyDays 04/19/2023 10:00AM
I’m looking for some advice about a trip I’m planning with a group of friends this summer at the start of August.

I’m looking to go from the Stanton Bay entry to Fall Lake in the BWCA. I’ve researched the route and I saw that back in the 60s they were able to do it in under 24 hours. We’re planning to take 7 days as I want to be able to explore, fish and enjoy the wilds. I also think our paddling ability is intermediate so we should be able to push if need be.

I have a couple of questions about the logistics. I’m not sure the best route to take specifically looking the way to get to Alice lake. From what I see there’s either the direct route via the Sauvage Bonhomme portages. Otherwise, I see that there is an option to go around through Olifaunt to Russel to Alice. Ultimately my question is I see there was a fire that looks like it touched the unnamed lake that separates the Sauvage and Bonhomme portage. Is it feasible to use the route or is it going to be a bushwhack the whole way?

Also, is there a way to get portage quality information once we get into the season? Such as maintenance or anything to know how the portages are?