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       Stanton Bay Access Questions
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 06:07PM
Stanton Bay Access Questions

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Tippytop 12/05/2015 11:02AM
Thanks much for your input. Based on the responses will likely not use Stanton Bay as an entry point will use either Nym or French Lakes. .
AtwaterGA 12/05/2015 06:41AM
We have used French Lake entry many times. Leave early in the morning and you may miss the winds on Pickerel Lake. We love the entry point and see no reason to use Stanton Bay.

old_salt 12/03/2015 07:42AM
Another reason for French lake takeout...
Have him pick you up there and take you in his rig to Stanton.
Tippytop 12/03/2015 07:38AM
Thanks much for your reply-glad everything worked out alright.

In the future would you consider departing from French or Nym Lakes rather than Stanton Bay?

The reason I ask is that I am considering these options myself.
thinblueline 12/03/2015 05:11AM
We used Moose at Morris Camp and he did charge approximately that $130 figure for round trip to the access point. He just jumped in our vehicle with us rather than put my canoe and all my gear in his truck, and after we unloaded, he drove my vehicle back to his camp. Then he drove our vehicle back to get us. After we loaded up my vehicle, we just dropped him off and kept going home. I suppose I could have asked for a discount because I burned my gas and drove my new vehicle down a crappy, pot hole infested trail quite a distance when that price would have been for burning his gas and putting the wear and tear on his vehicle. I didn't bother though because he was a nice guy. We also spent one night in his little fish camp cabin before our entry. Nothing to write home about but it served its purpose. Overall not a bad experience and I would use him again since I think he's the closest to the access point.

We had a nice trip. Had a south wind the first day that grew to stop us at the north end of sturgeon the first night and ultimately wind bound us for two nights total. We spent the next two nights on Russell where we briefly saw the only other two canoes the whole trip until out take out. Fishing was off but I fished very little since my wife wasn't much for wanting extra canoe time.

From there we went back up sturgeon, and spent night five on Oliphant. Then we took the mile long portage heading into Fern and the B-Chain, spending night six on a lovely sight on Beg right on the rapids. Really glad we did this route because it was very scenic.

We were going to spend a seventh night on a beautiful campsite on pickerel but the south wind was up again and my first time taking a little weather radio said it would be even stronger the next day on our planned take out. So we rigged a sale and sailed back to the access with my wife having to do little paddling.

Of course, we were taking a chance that time of year that we would have to camp in the parking lot because we knew we had no cell service and no way of contacting Morris to come get us since we were coming out a day early. As luck would have it, there was a canoe party waiting on canoe Canada to pick them up but an old timer Canadien grouse hunter with a black powder shotgun came walking back to his truck and he called Moose for us. Worked out well.

That's the only bad thing about that access. If you want to come out early, you have to have a cell carrier that will work or a satellite phone, otherwise you're at the mercy of hoping you run into another party being dropped off or picked up.

Tippytop 12/02/2015 10:11PM
curious how your trip went and what outfitter you used.

Planning on the same trip in early June
Jonas333 07/17/2015 05:05PM
Heres another option for Linda at Quetico North Outfitters @ 807-929-3561. We've been using her service for years, shes a great lady and a hard worker...rates are VERY good. Her restaurant and outfitters service is just down the road to the entrance of Stanton Bay access road. We will be staying with her 7/24 and going into the Q on 7/25 for 10 days...good luck and have a great trip!

The Northern Q 2014
Thwarted 07/15/2015 03:59PM
I used Moose last year and he did a good job. Just be aware that he does not take credit cards and he did not discount US currency. We had to come up with the cash for shuttle and boat rental.
retired55 07/14/2015 07:58PM
I to have been using Moose camp for the several years and have nothing but good news to say about them. You will not be sorry......
CanoeKev 07/14/2015 12:03PM
quote jberns: "I believe it is always off limits to park a non Canadian vehicle there. Moose at Morris camp outfitter charges $130 for the group for drop off & pick up."
That's a good price. Canoe Canada charges $100 each way for 4 or less.
JONX513 07/06/2015 09:30AM
Seems like you have already made your mind up but I will just give another vote of confidence to Moose. Just had a drop off/ pick up a Stanton bay and it was perfect.
thinblueline 07/05/2015 12:24PM
Thanks a lot guys, moose sounds like who I'm looking for.
AdamXChicago 07/05/2015 10:38AM
+1 on Moose. Been using Morris Camp since 1978. No frills operation, but very reasonable prices and a great guy.
OldGreyGoose 07/05/2015 10:20AM
First, the road is an unimproved bush road that logging trucks use and has had a history of washouts, not to mention being something like 15 km long. Second, if you start early (like daybreak) from French you will make it to west Pickerel or further if you're lucky, plus you get to paddle the awesome river connection and see The Pines beach. It was a no brainer for me a few years ago heading east, solo. (Cost wasn't a problem--just didn't make sense.)To each his own, though. --Goose
old_salt 07/05/2015 08:42AM
One thought is to exit at French Lake, using prevailing SW winds to your advantage. Leave your car there. Then you're only paying one way.

Their country, their rules. I'd be surprised if you could find a police officer to knowingly circumvent the rules.
Miami1 07/05/2015 07:57AM
Been using Moose at Morris camp for years. Very dependable, always on time. Worth the price in my book.

jberns 07/05/2015 05:02AM
I believe it is always off limits to park a non Canadian vehicle there. Moose at Morris camp outfitter charges $130 for the group for drop off & pick up.
thinblueline 07/05/2015 04:30AM
My wife and I would like to put in at Stanton Bay around the third week of September to shoot straight down to the Chatterton Falls area. I see that is for Canadien residents only unless using the services of an outfitter.

Does anyone know if that restriction still applies in late September, or does it get lifted much like the reservation requirement in september?

There doesn't seem to be as many outfitters in that area as in the states. Just browsing shuttle rates, I see shuttle costs to the Stanton Bay Parking lot as high as $88 one way. Does anyone know if those rates are typically per person, because if they are, to charge roughly $180 to give two people a short drive, nearly $360 for round trip, would be flat out highway robbery. The fact they have to make their money in a short season would not justify those outrageous costs in any way, shape or form.

Lastly, I see at least one of the outfitters only provides shuttle service if you're renting equipment. I don't need an outfitter for anything. Does anyone know of an outfitter who will just provide a shuttle and nothing else, for somewhat of a reasonable price?

Otherwise, I was even thinking of contacting the Atikokan police and asking if they could drum up someone trustworthy, if not an officer themselves, who wanted to make a hundred bucks driving us in our own vehicle to the access, then being there for us when we come out. Any other suggestions?