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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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       Trip Report - EP 52 - Round Lake to Gillis
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 08:03AM
Trip Report - EP 52 - Round Lake to Gillis

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whyzata 06/23/2022 09:25AM
In regards to that rescue on Gillis there would of been fatalities had it been raining. They were lucky to get a fire going in the dark to stay warm. Hypothermia was setting in fast and they spent a night at the Ely hospital. One camper lost a boot in the lake while swimming to shore. A couple from Oregon were a huge help in taking down their camp and tarping everything to pack out. Reminders to always wear a PFD, keep items dry and lash packs to your canoe. And if it looks to daunting to cross stay put. I needed to hang out at the east end of the Brule during a solo for two nights because the lake was too nasty to cross.
straighthairedcurly 06/07/2022 07:35PM
My husband makes a similar tortilla combo sometimes minus the salsa and jelly. Salami, asiago cheese, Matt food (PB, honey, oats, milk powder mixture)...he claims it is tasty.
BigZig 06/06/2022 03:46PM
Northwoodsman: "I'm surprised you didn't come across a lot more high water and washed out portages. What's up with that Tortilla? Who lost the bet and had to eat that?"
That's been our mainstay lunch for the last 10 years when in the BWCA. Don't knock it until you try it...but only in the BWCA!
Northwoodsman 06/06/2022 12:49PM
I'm surprised you didn't come across a lot more high water and washed out portages. What's up with that Tortilla? Who lost the bet and had to eat that?
BigZig 06/06/2022 11:42AM
New Trip Report posted by BigZig

Trip Name: EP 52 - Round Lake to Gillis.

Entry Point: 52

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