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       Trip Report - Four Old Girls Tackle the BWCA
Date/Time: 09/26/2024 12:56PM
Trip Report - Four Old Girls Tackle the BWCA

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Mad_Angler 01/20/2010 10:56AM
Great trip report.

I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. I never knew exactly what a guide would do. It did seem like your trip was much richer with a guide.

I was also very interested in your route. I am a basecamper. I have camped on Agnes from Ep16. I have also camped on Horse from EP23. So I have seen much of the area you describe. I never thought about doing a loop to connect the two areas.
Bearfoot 01/13/2010 10:44PM
That was a wonderful trip report. Well written with great pictures. Truly a pleasure to read. Thank You!

camp-n-scrap 12/17/2009 07:33PM
great trip report. Four old girls-how about four young girls - you're only as old as you feel :)
lars54 12/11/2009 05:50PM
Nice report. looking forward to read about your next trip.
RoJoYo 12/11/2009 07:51AM
Really enjoyed your report...keep it up.
Mongo65 12/06/2009 04:35PM
Great report. Thanks for sharing.
sotaman 12/02/2009 01:09PM
Great report enjoyed it.
Koda 10/01/2009 01:32PM
Thanks so much for that great trip report. It brought a lot of smiles - so nice to see people my age (and older, even!) taking risks and pushing their limits.

nojobro 09/24/2009 03:41PM
I think I found the guide's boots: Edgewater boot

Wonder how they are when says they are comfy in up to 85 degree weather...
Bannock 09/24/2009 02:33PM
Absolutely an excellent report! You made quite the trip!
krazykwltr 09/23/2009 06:24PM
not sure of the brand, but he only had wet sox once the whole week!!!
QueenBee 09/21/2009 11:41PM
It was a great trip! I am ready to do it again in two years to celebrate my 50th! It was a special birthday with my mom and her friends. Thanks for the detailed report.
alpine525 09/21/2009 01:13PM
Fabulous report - what a great experience for a "first trip"!

My husband (64) and I (55) have been paddling the BW for over 15 years. Each trip gets a little harder - but we keep pushing on. We want to keep going as long as our bodies will allow us to.

I have great respect for the number of portages you crossed - and the length of the portages. Good going!

Congratulations on such a wonderful adventure!

nojobro 09/21/2009 10:06AM
Awesome! What a great trip. I hope to also be tackling new things when I'm an "old girl." ;-)

Do you happen to know what kind of boots Andy has? I hate wet feet and those look awesome.

I'm hoping to go to the Basswood falls area soon...every time I read about it or see pics it sets me dreaming again...

farmer II 09/21/2009 09:16AM
Yes - great trip report! I knew there was a reason for taking a guide - cooking.
Ho Ho 09/20/2009 08:08PM
Great report. Great route. Great guide. Great attitude. Great picture of Lower Basswood Falls (among others). And I never knew you could pick up a Snapper by the tail but I may have to try (first attempt will be with a smaller one).

You should come back again. It gets better every time.
mebersviller 09/20/2009 08:00PM
Awesome trip and awesome trip report! Thanks.
TomT 09/20/2009 07:18PM
Very nice report. I can really appreciate people like you and your friends. You all are still living life to its fullest.

Nice pics of portaging on the last day and that turtle was HUGE! Andy's got some guts to pull him out of the water like that.

Thanks for posting, it was very interesting.
onajourney 09/20/2009 07:16PM
Loved your report - women rock!! It was inspirational....I have often thought about an "old girl" trip. Glad to hear you did it.
Malamom 09/20/2009 06:38PM
Thanks for the report! Am so glad you had such a good time and that you actually experienced the BWCA! I'm "old" too and have spent more time in the BWCA than in the 4 corners area, but that is my second "home" now. Out of curiosity, are you guys "great old broads"? I am.
rlhedlund 09/20/2009 06:38PM
Great trip report. Glad you all had such a good trip. I admire your resolve to do such a trip.
kanoes 09/20/2009 03:23PM
excellent report. congratulations on the trip!
BTS 09/20/2009 02:39PM
New Trip Report posted by BTS

Trip Name: Four Old Girls Tackle the BWCA.

Entry Point: 16

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