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       Trip Report - We're not ready to grow up!!
Date/Time: 09/25/2024 07:38AM
Trip Report - We're not ready to grow up!!

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VoyageurNorth 05/16/2010 02:56AM
Trix, Vagabond finally just showed up 2 days ago. Will try to take out for a test run so you don't have to put the first scratch on the canoe! :-)
Savage Voyageur 05/16/2010 12:23AM
Lisa, that was a great report, sorry it took me so long to read it. Looks like you all had a good time. Remember to put the toe of the boot up when you drink or you will get soaked when to toe empties, take it from me on this one LOL.
Trix 05/10/2010 05:40PM
Lynn, I hope you are able to paddle the Vagabond before me. I don't really want to be the first one putting scratches in a new canoe!
Look forward to seeing all of you on the 26th! Hopefully the weather gets alot warmer before then!
rkylake 05/08/2010 07:29PM
I love all three of you girls, you are some crazy, fun luvin, good time chicks ! Really entertaining post.

If you are ever in need of a good fishing guide come visit me here on Kentucky Lake. Check out my website

Tight Lines ...

Kick'n Bass
VoyageurNorth 05/08/2010 02:56PM
Trix, Vagabond not here yet but promised on the 15th. We'll have to see who puts in the first scratch, you or me! :-)
Camp Cook 05/07/2010 10:51PM
Good stuff!
timatkn 04/17/2010 08:10AM
Thanks for sharing. Very entertaining.

fishguts 04/15/2010 05:12PM
Congratulations on your report winning the roprt of the month for March! Cool Stuff!
danhawk 04/13/2010 10:46AM
Nice report! It sounds like you gals saw a lot of wildlife which always makes a trip interesting. I wish there was some video clips to go with the pictures.
campnscrap 04/10/2010 08:11PM
Thanks eek - it was fun to write it too :)
520eek 04/07/2010 03:00PM your sense of humor! perhaps if things line up some day...I as well can make it to a wing night! I enjoyed reading this report! You girls rock!
VoyageurNorth 04/07/2010 01:17AM
Had a great time Saturday night (during Mpls show)!

My face hurt the next day from so much laughing & smiling.

Brits was a grand place for all of us to meet. John & Tim enjoyed being the only 2 guys with a group of 7 women.

Do you have any of the pictures?
Trix 03/22/2010 05:21PM
Lynn, that would be awesome if it works out. That is this coming weekend, right? I can talk to the other two & see what they have lined up this weekend as well. The more the merrier! When & where were you thinking? You can e-mail me directly if you want.
VoyageurNorth 03/22/2010 02:49PM
Trix, we'll be in Mpls for the sport show. How about a girl's platy/wing nut? :-) I have a couple ladies who do trips with us who want to go out & your group reminds me of them.
Trix 03/22/2010 12:00PM
Lynn, That's great! I will be calling you sometime this week & hopefully book my solo.
BTW: campnscrap would be the great writer. That's why we designated her our journalist. Of course she had great subjects to write about!
VoyageurNorth 03/19/2010 07:58PM
Loved the report and someone has a lot of talent in the writing method, that is for sure!

It was nice to meet you all in person, you women are a blast!

By the way, we ordered a Vagabond so we have one for you! :-)

bumabu 03/19/2010 01:11AM
That is awesome
lars54 03/18/2010 07:58PM
Very nice report girls
Kendra 03/18/2010 11:01AM
quote SunCatcher:..... I just wish my Nebraska hat wasn't discombobulated (he,he) it just didn't look right after that.

Sorry about the hat. Had to do it per Winemakers request to get rid of it. You didn't seem to mind what it looked like that night, or was it you didn't care, until the next morning that is. I'd be glad to send you a MN hat to replace it.
nojobro 03/18/2010 08:22AM
quote Trix: "(So, do you think after reading this report with pictures, that your husband would really want us to stay at your house????)"

Yeah, he's pretty easy going. Really. ;-)

Also he grew up with three older sisters (the four kids were born in a span of 5 years, so very close in age) so he's used to this type of craziness.
nojobro 03/18/2010 08:21AM
quote SunCatcher: "Looked like the girls had fun on the way there, while there, and on the way home. Hard to go back to reality after such a fun weekend it appears? I would have liked to seen the faces of all the folks around you as you climbed into kayaks, tents, canoes, etc and got photo opportunities. It was nice to meet you all and read about your trip. I just wish my Nebraska hat wasn't discombobulated (he,he) it just didn't look right after that. Thanks for sharing, and PS I know what I said that made the beer come out the nose and I do have one real funny pic that I wont share with anyone (maybe)

Oh it of me? DELETE

And Lisa reminded me what you I didn't remember immediately is beyond me. ;-)
Winemaker 03/18/2010 08:10AM

Gee, if I'd known it was going to last all night like that, I'd a hung around :) z z z z z z z z z

SunCatcher 03/18/2010 07:28AM
Looked like the girls had fun on the way there, while there, and on the way home. Hard to go back to reality after such a fun weekend it appears? I would have liked to seen the faces of all the folks around you as you climbed into kayaks, tents, canoes, etc and got photo opportunities. It was nice to meet you all and read about your trip. I just wish my Nebraska hat wasn't discombobulated (he,he) it just didn't look right after that. Thanks for sharing, and PS I know what I said that made the beer come out the nose and I do have one real funny pic that I wont share with anyone (maybe)
campnscrap 03/17/2010 09:30PM
Big smile :) hee hee - except that we're all married - good or bad :)
mr.barley 03/17/2010 09:12PM
quote snakecharmer: Any tigers in the bathroom?" Just cougars.
kanoes 03/17/2010 09:01PM
i agree with lisa....come into chat sometime.
Journeyman 03/17/2010 08:48PM
Nice job on the report!
Had a great time meeting with all of you!

Just one question, What did you gals do that compelled the BDB guy to log on searching for you in the middle of the night?
ducks 03/17/2010 07:47PM
great report, thanks for sharing. absolutely hilarious!
snakecharmer 03/17/2010 07:10PM
Fun! Loved it! You guys are bad influences on each other...but in a good way :) Any tigers in the bathroom?
campnscrap 03/17/2010 06:57PM
Merganser - I fixed that part - sorry :(
You are a trooper putting up with us crazy chicks!!
Trix 03/17/2010 05:54PM
plums: Yes of course I can! Afterall I am a Woman & I can multitask!
moose plums 03/17/2010 05:09PM
quote Trix:

And, if you really don't remember what suncatcher said to you to make you snort your beer up your nose, e-mail me & I will tell you! It was a classic line!


Trix, you mean to tell us that you can remember what Suncatcher said?
kanoes 03/17/2010 04:36PM
that much fun should be illegal...*almost :)
Trix 03/17/2010 03:12PM
Yes Tim, you were still there till the end so I will credit you that one.

Franz: Chicks just know how to have that kind of fun & get away with it!

Nola: You will just have to make a road trip back up here sometime & we can do it all over again. (So, do you think after reading this report with pictures, that your husband would really want us to stay at your house????) And, if you really don't remember what suncatcher said to you to make you snort your beer up your nose, e-mail me & I will tell you! It was a classic line!

Cowdoc: All I can say is "I plead the fifth"!
Franzenrp 03/17/2010 01:51PM
I wish a guys weekend out would be that much fun.
Merganser 03/17/2010 12:49PM
Nice job. There is evidence of that a$$ grab on SunCatcher's camera, I couldn't pass up that photo-op.

One editorial correction: I was still around when Trix's nice showed up.

That was a blast, well worth the travel time. :)
wetcanoedog 03/17/2010 11:12AM
best trip report yet!!!--
wetcanoedog 03/17/2010 11:12AM
best trip report yet!!!--
Dennisal 03/17/2010 09:11AM
Really enjoyed your report. Briefly met you's when you were having a snack at the Cache Lake diner.
Looks like a great time was had by all..
nojobro 03/17/2010 09:00AM
quote cowdoc: "2) How come in the picture with the "copia-cop", Trix is the only one that doesn't look the whole process is "old-hat"????"


I have to admit, reading this makes me wish I lived back in MN again so that I could have tripped with them. ;-) Meeting up at 'Copia with a cranky toddler just wasn't quite the same. Though the Wing Nut rocked!
cowdoc 03/17/2010 08:28AM
Hahahaha.......very nice!
A couple of things to note:
1) Have you got the cramps out of your faces after smiling and laughing for 48 straight hours?
2) How come in the picture with the "copia-cop", Trix is the only one that doesn't look the whole process is "old-hat"????
3)Will Old Scout need therapy or just new pants?
4)How much was bail?
5)Your trio appears to be the funnest bunch of wicked, vile paddlers I've seen.
6)I believe the "leave no trace" policy was totally obliterated on this trip!!!!!
tremolo 03/17/2010 07:47AM
Fantastic report! Thumbs up! What a trio of amazing women:)
wawasee 03/17/2010 07:15AM
Looks like I missed a great time!
kanoes 03/17/2010 05:59AM
great report!
dicecupmaker 03/17/2010 04:55AM
Another good name for the report would have been, "Squirrels gone Wild!" Great read!, looks like it was alot of 'phun!'
airmorse 03/17/2010 01:01AM
Great report. Wish I could have gone.

Never grow up. Remember what Ben Franklin said, "You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing."

dogwoodgirl 03/17/2010 12:32AM
Wow! Great report, wish I was there....
TomT 03/16/2010 10:46PM
Very cool and fun report. Wish I could have made the wing nut.
moose plums 03/16/2010 10:34PM
Great report....made me laugh! Truly a chapter out of "Girls gone Wild".
nojobro 03/16/2010 10:17PM
Ok....great report! Only I wish I could remember what SC said that was so funny. ;-)

Edited to add: next time, if we have our house by then, y'all are welcome to bunk with us!
campnscrap 03/16/2010 09:54PM
New Trip Report posted by campnscrap

Trip Name: We're not ready to grow up!!.

Entry Point: 4

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