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       Trip Report - 2010 Solo Trip One: IBFLY
Date/Time: 09/28/2024 01:53PM
Trip Report - 2010 Solo Trip One: IBFLY

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Amok 09/14/2010 11:57PM
Weird. Your report's gone :(
tremolo 07/09/2010 05:01PM
Big fan also
IBFLY 07/09/2010 02:54PM
quote TomT: ""I curse pianos, but not the music".

Reminds me of the young Paul Westerberg line (of the band The Replacements) in the song called I Hate Music that goes "I hate my father, one day I won't".


That fella's got a lot of great lines!
IBFLY 07/09/2010 02:50PM
quote TomT: "Excellent report!
You must have one giant pack though. :)

"Started reading The Sea Runners by Ivan Doig." I LOVED this book. His first "This House Of Sky" is another favorite.

Also love the line "I think about gravity and desire." You wouldn't be a writer would you?

Anyway, this is one of the better reports I've read in the last 4 years or so. Thanks for that."

I was using my Sealine Explorer Pro - which is in fact, a monster. But, since I bring few clothes and small gear, I can load it up with enough wine and sundries. I went a little light on the food this trip too.

I'll look for This House of Sky. Me, a writer? Nah, just irish.
IBFLY 07/09/2010 02:46PM
quote Koda: "I just noticed this sentence:
"I curse pianos but not the music."

Explain, please?"

Sorry folks -I've been out of town travelling -
I'm back now.

That line above comes from the fact that I was helping my friend move a piano when I injured my hand right before my trip. I was feeling a bit resentful about it at one point in the trip but decided I shouldn't let one piano ruin it for the rest of them. :)
campnscrap 07/05/2010 08:42PM
Awesome trip report! I've stayed at that site on Little Caribou - we loved it. Did the hike to Johnson Falls too. Glad you had a great solo trip - that was a big area to cover and lots of tough portages - good for you!
TomT 07/03/2010 10:48PM
"I curse pianos, but not the music".

Reminds me of the young Paul Westerberg line (of the band The Replacements) in the song called I Hate Music that goes "I hate my father, one day I won't".

TomT 07/03/2010 03:52PM
Excellent report!
You must have one giant pack though. :)

"Started reading The Sea Runners by Ivan Doig." I LOVED this book. His first "This House Of Sky" is another favorite.

Also love the line "I think about gravity and desire." You wouldn't be a writer would you?

Anyway, this is one of the better reports I've read in the last 4 years or so. Thanks for that.
Koda 06/27/2010 09:47PM
I just noticed this sentence:
"I curse pianos but not the music."

Explain, please?
tremolo 06/19/2010 06:58PM
Hey-- better than winning the TR Emmy (no red carpet runway required)!
gbusk 06/18/2010 03:03PM
NIce report, I need to grab my map and trace out your route. Moss to Hungry Jack, hmm. I forget, is there a portage there into HJ, or did you use the boat landing?
IBFLY 06/18/2010 09:23AM
quote fishguts: "IBFLY! Congrats on winning the Trip Report of the Month for May, well done!

I did? Huh. I'll have to re read this report and see what all the fuss is about.

Thanks Fishguts!
fishguts 06/17/2010 08:40PM
IBFLY! Congrats on winning the Trip Report of the Month for May, well done!
IBFLY 06/16/2010 10:18AM
Well thank you for your kind words Tremolo. I had hopes of pulling down a Pulitzer but I'll take the Emmy. The red carpet scene could use a few of the likes of us, don't you think?
Yes, I did take a few books with me on the trip - they are thin, tattered paperbacks that would fare better if dropped in the lake than would a kindle. They weigh very little and it's a luxury I allow myself.
My hand is better thank you. I'm working on a trip report for my father/son trip and am getting ready for my father/daughter trip next week. I hope to squeeze in another solo before the end of the season.
tremolo 06/15/2010 12:08PM
I really loved this tr. I nominate it for the TR Emmy.

Some of the things I liked:

the literary allusions-- McKibbon, Bukowski, Ivan Doig, Doyle (That's a lot of book-weight/ or do you have a Kindle?)

the prose/ some stand-outs:

"The weather is fine like my daughter's smile"

"hunger can be a good thing when used properly"

"The sky became clear and all the stars I wanted to see and a few I didn't were on their spiralling parade route overhead. I thought about gravity and desire."

Thanks also for the update on your OTB boots. Having read your bathtub trials with the boots, it was interesting to hear your thoughts on them.

Hope your hand is all the way healed and you enjoy your upcoming trip with your son. Cheers, Karen
CaptChad 06/06/2010 09:22PM
Nicely done! I imagined me doing the same thing as I read your.
IBFLY 06/01/2010 01:58PM
quote CaptnDan: "Excellent report IBFLY!! Maybe the best one I have read. I love your prose, your humor and your insights. Pictures not required; you painted them in my mind."
Well, thank you very much Captain Dan. I'll do another after my trip with my son coming up soon.
IBFLY 06/01/2010 01:56PM
quote Savage Voyageur: "Nice trip report IBFLY, I have been on all of the lakes you talked about and was great remembering then through you. When I was on Royal Lake/marsh I had a very hard time crossing the lake. I might have gotten lost in the reeds/bullrushes. We had tall reeds all around us and was very hard pushing through them. One time we had to get out the map and stand up look to see what way to go. Was it clear for you, did you follow a channel? Thanks "
it was pretty clear - jut followed the channel - it narrowed quite a bit in a few places but was pretty legible. It may have helped that there was just that bit of wind behind me to push the reeds down a bit.
CaptnDan 05/29/2010 10:21AM
Excellent report IBFLY!! Maybe the best one I have read. I love your prose, your humor and your insights. Pictures not required; you painted them in my mind.
Savage Voyageur 05/29/2010 08:46AM
Nice trip report IBFLY, I have been on all of the lakes you talked about and was great remembering then through you. When I was on Royal Lake/marsh I had a very hard time crossing the lake. I might have gotten lost in the reeds/bullrushes. We had tall reeds all around us and was very hard pushing through them. One time we had to get out the map and stand up look to see what way to go. Was it clear for you, did you follow a channel? Thanks
SunCatcher 05/29/2010 06:03AM
Nice report...I especially liked the comments about the thinking on day 7. I tend to do that a lot also. Sounds like you had a much needed break from winter. Take Care.
IBFLY 05/27/2010 07:29AM
quote wawasee: "Several years ago I stayed at the Gunflint lodge with my son. Did you take off from the lodge?"
No, I went in and out at John Lake - entry point 69.
wawasee 05/27/2010 07:14AM
Several years ago I stayed at the Gunflint lodge with my son. Did you take off from the lodge?
IBFLY 05/26/2010 10:06PM
quote boonie: "I'll bet you were bummed when you when to take that first photo :).

I've always gone into the west/central area through Ely, but some of the photos and trip reports have piqued my interest in the eastern part. I'll have to take a trip there - maybe next year."

Indeed. From now on, I am going to take a photo at launch before leaving the entry point - just to be certain that I've the camera with me.
IBFLY 05/26/2010 10:02PM
quote wawasee: "Excellent trip report! You really covered alot of water on your trip."

Thanks all -
it seems like I covered a lot of ground but it was paddled over 8 days and only 2 of those were long days. The rest of the days were all fairly light. I felt like I was taking it too easy - and would have gone further west but couldn't work out a decent route from Gunflint.
wawasee 05/26/2010 08:17PM
Excellent trip report! You really covered alot of water on your trip.
onajourney 05/26/2010 07:49PM
I loved your report. We have always liked that area and thought about looping the area you travelled, but really didn't want to do the "long" portage between Rose and Watap. Just never thought of the route you I am really intrigued! Thanks!!
boonie 05/26/2010 05:04PM
I'll bet you were bummed when you when to take that first photo :).

I've always gone into the west/central area through Ely, but some of the photos and trip reports have piqued my interest in the eastern part. I'll have to take a trip there - maybe next year.
TuscaroraBorealis 05/26/2010 04:54PM
Great report! You really covered some ground....and water.
I really like that area around Clearwater & Mountain.
IBFLY 05/25/2010 10:53PM
quote boonie: "I really enjoyed your trip report. Wish there were some pics though."
Boonie and All -
I apologize - I had intended on taking photos but managed to leave the camera in the car at the entry. Next report. I promise.
IBFLY 05/25/2010 10:51PM
quote KTorell: "excellent reading, thanks.
must have carried alot of wine on this trip :)"

Yes, I admit - 2 Bota Boxes - they say they are equal to 4 bottles - though I disbelieve that! I think it's closer to 3.75

OldGreyGoose 05/25/2010 08:52PM
Nice report. Thanks for sharing! --Goose
boonie 05/25/2010 08:37PM
I really enjoyed your trip report. Wish there were some pics though.
KTorell 05/25/2010 08:05PM
excellent reading, thanks.
must have carried alot of wine on this trip :)
dadof6 05/25/2010 10:38AM
Great report...I like your subtle humor. Hope to get to that area someday.

Thanks for sharing.
fishguts 05/24/2010 11:42PM
Good report! You really covered some ground, even with the spotty weather. Thanks!
BWPaddler 05/24/2010 11:02PM
WOW, I hope your hand is OK. Ace bandage next time? You sure covered a lot of ground and saw a lot of lakes... Cannot believe the kevlar treatment on the rental - sick is right. Ugh. Thanks for the report, that was fun to read.
Koda 05/24/2010 10:46PM
Wonderful trip report, even without pictures. You made a number of really deep and pithy statements. Insightful, warm and thoughtful. Nice.
IBFLY 05/24/2010 08:17PM
New Trip Report posted by IBFLY

Trip Name: 2010 Solo Trip One: IBFLY.

Entry Point: 69

Click Here to View Trip Report
