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       Trip Report - Granite river
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 11:36AM
Trip Report - Granite river

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boonie 09/19/2016 06:33AM
Not familiar with your route, but it sounds like a good decision under the circumstances. I entered the day before you at #37, Kawishiwi Lake and did not experience any abnormally low water levels . . . ?
FOG51 09/10/2016 03:31AM
Nothing wrong with being smart enough to turn around and head back the way you went. I got to a portage last fall out of Methiog Lake [in Ontario} last fall and turned around and paddled back the way I'd spent 2 days getting to. The portage was marked on my Canadain maps but it was about 2/3 mile through a tangle of downed trees, knee high blueberry bushes and 12 inches of moss under that, the first thing that crossed my mind was what a great place to break a leg for old people. I finally got back to the canoe and paddled away without any regrets. I bet would still made a lot of good memories. FRED
mirth 09/08/2016 10:13AM
Well, it sounds like you did it right and rather than press on when you were confused you backtracked to safety. We're all allowed our times of getting turned around.

I navigate by map when I'm out there but do carry a GPS to confirm that where I think I am on the map is where we are actually. There certainly were a couple portages on the river earlier in August that I wasn't 100% sure were portages until I got out of the boat and found the worn track. Several of those same portages were pretty closed in by vegetation, too.

Better luck next time!
Schacich 09/06/2016 06:21PM
From other people's descriptions I think we just made a miss step and weren't quite where we thought, but as I said I'm just not sure where we went wrong. I hope to go again and get it right. Grandpa didn't want to turn around but it was the right thing since the 3 of us gals have little map reading skills. If he got hurt, we were in trouble. It was still a good bonding experience in a beautiful place. Sometime, I'd love to look at a map and our pictures and piece it together with someone who has been there a few times.
mirth 09/06/2016 12:56PM
Sorry you had a hard time. I was just through there a month ago with my daughter and two other newbies and made it OK. Agreed the tree at the Pine portage is a pain in the rear.

Better luck next time!
ozarkpaddler 09/06/2016 08:35AM
So sorry it turned out so badly! I've been down it 3, maybe 4 times? The first time, if I hadn't had a trip leader who was familiar with the route, I could see a little difficulty at times. I've been twice in August and the water levels were low, but that actually made the portage around Horsetail Rapids easier? I'm thinking you didn't get that far, though? I'm wondering if maybe you took the "Old" route around Devil's Elbow? Maybe that was the confusing part? So sorry your trip ended this way!
Schacich 09/05/2016 02:48PM
New Trip Report posted by Schacich

Trip Name: Granite river.

Entry Point: 57

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