BWCA Northwest Quetico suggestions? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Northwest Quetico suggestions?     



04/03/2009 10:00AM  
Hi all,
Our crew has never been in the northwest area of Quetico before so we thought we’d change it up a little this year. We will be entering the park on May 23rd.

I posted this on the other Quetico for but received limited information. Perhaps on this form others will feel free to share. I’m open to emails as well.

The “rough” outline of the trip has us entering at Sue Falls, then proceeding along the following lakes: Kasakowong, Quetico, Robyn, Lynx, Brown or West Bay, Badwater, Fair, Your, Boulder, Jean, Snow, Trail, Bentpine, Clair, Buntside, Jean, Conk, Orianna, Hamburg, Maria, Pickeral Narrows, Pickeral, and out at Stanton Bay.

I’m really interested in what fish species these lakes contain. I’d also be interested in places we shouldn’t miss if we’re passing buy. Note jars? Any and all suggestions welcome.

Hex in da U.P.
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distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/06/2009 11:31PM  

I see you're not getting many bites for information so I'll at least offer up a response.

I haven't been to many of the lakes you're planning to go, but I can tell you that you'll likely find all species of fish on your route, certainly walleyes and northerns. I just can't give you many specifics of which lakes are best for each species.

I am interested in your potential route from Quetico to Badwater going through Robin, Lynx, Brown and Bee. I've heard that route exists but have never tried it. Let me know if you do.
04/08/2009 03:15PM  

There are a few good articles in past Boundary Waters Journals about your area. I have a complete library of B W Journals....and I could prolly find some for you.
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