BWCA Quetico exits Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Quetico exits     



05/01/2009 03:10PM  
Hey! We are looking for exits other than Prairie Portage from the Suzanette or Conmee area. Has anyone gone out through Mundro or Moose River or even Wind ?
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05/01/2009 04:38PM  
I have gone out through Mudro a few times. We take a tow across Lac La Croix, loop around, camp near Lower Basswood Falls--then it takes anywhere from 4-6 hours to get to Mudro dependening on the water levels. You could also get an entry into the U.S. from Canada and make the last day a little shorter for a few more bucks. Whome ever tows us usually drops our car off at Mudro, locks the keys in the car--I carry a spare. If you are fully outfitted most outfitter will pick you up.
05/01/2009 05:13PM  

Thanks! timatkn,

Have you enjoyed that route? you recomend it over the slog to Prairie Portage?
distinguished member(604)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/10/2009 02:37PM  
Pat, you'll never get lost if you just watch for the signs
05/10/2009 08:39PM  
I have never entered on Lac La Croix and out on Prairie so cannot give you a good comparison. I just don't have enough time off to make that long of a trip so we leave out of Mudro by necessity. I don't want to loop or back track to Lac La Croix, plus I save a little on not having to tow again. But I like doing it this way--I will probably do this this year--we have a Bottle entry then out at Mudro. will spend 6-7 days. Will go As far North as Burt/Suz then head south.

Those portages in the BWCAW will seem so easy that last day after a week in Quetico.

05/10/2009 10:23PM  
Thanks! Tim good information.

Joe! What the heck is that underwater arrow thing? and where???
distinguished member(604)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/11/2009 11:20AM  
let me see if I can help with a quote;

"Look deep, deep into all things and you will find Nature. Look deep, deep into Nature and you will find Signs."


But, in this less profound case, I looked deep into the internet and found a picture of a sign in the water.
05/11/2009 02:35PM  
Ahhhh! a Zen thing I see.......very deep!:)
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/28/2009 01:54PM  
I don't know if this response is too late or not, but "Ho-Ho" did a report on his 2008 trip that exited at Mudro Lake in BWCAW here: (I'm pretty sure I've seen other reports but can't document them.) And Stu has reported in at least one BWJ article that they went out at Mudro, saying that he got to a certain point and made a cell phone call for his pickup.
07/28/2009 02:56PM  
Thanks! O.G.G,

We are just a little bored with Prairie Portage....we have ended our last three trips there and are looking for a change of scenery.
08/09/2009 09:43PM  
Fishguts, I was lucky enough to have a friend drive up with me to the Atikokan area, and I started trips from Beaverhouse twice, Nym, and French. I wouldn't start from French again, but we beat the wind with a very eary start on Pickerel. On all these trips we came thru the Quetico and exited thru the BW--great one-way trips. My friend drove back to the U.S. and left the van at my exit spot and his wife picked him up for a little vacation. Eight days after start we came out--thru Jackfish Bay and up to Mudro, to Saganaga, to Lac la Croix and Moose River, and thru to Prairie Portage. This really allowed us to see a lot of Q, and be much closer to home at the end of the trip. It does get interesting writing yourself a BW permit from the Canadian can arrange to get a BW permit inadvance, but I usually just skipped thru, camped once in the BW and got out the next morning.
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/09/2009 10:19PM  

Contact Ho Ho or reference his last trip report. It has wealth of info for you.

Ho Ho Report
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