BWCA Route Information Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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member (15)member
05/19/2009 08:12PM  
In late June, we are taking our first family trip with our sons to Quetico. We are paddling in from Prairie Portage towards Agnes planning on going through Burke, North Bay, Shade, Silence, and possible out through Jeff Lake.

Does anyone have familiarity with this route? Would love to hear suggestions/comments on the route expectations and fishing along the way.
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05/19/2009 08:49PM  
Welcome, try planning to start early getting to Prairie Portage, the later you get there the more people in line in front of you. You might consider a tow if you can afford one. North Bay has a reputation for good fishing, but don't camp on that first island after the Burke portage. It has a rep. for bears.

I haven't been on the rest of your route, but I'm sure someone has.
Have a great trip! Catch one of those Big Northerns! Take lots of pictures. Here is one of my son and I.
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