BWCA Cabin Fever SO bad . . . Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Cabin Fever SO bad . . .     



distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/26/2010 11:48AM  
I've had cabin fever so bad and it's been so slow at work that I've been forced to plan a second trip. Solo. 14 days. Quetico. 1st week of September. Enter Cirrus Lake from Beaverhouse. There are a many spots marked by Jim Clark on my previous trip maps that I would like to check out and fish, e.g. the no-name lakes north of Quetico in the area of Robin Lake. I would also like to head down into Badwater Lake and fish that area which I have heard so much about. Finally, I would come back up to western Quetico or Beaverhouse and spend the last couple days. Except for the Badwater portage, this would be an easy "play it by ear" fishing & exploring trip in an area that I've hurriedly passed through in the past. I'd be interested to hear any aficionados thoughts. --Goose

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02/26/2010 02:13PM  
Theonly way I'd ever go on a two week or longer solo is to somehow be single. I'm very envious. Have a geat trip.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/27/2010 08:32PM  
I have a very understanding spouse, I guess. When I was younger and addicted to duck hunting, I'd take my whole year's vacation (2 weeks) and hunt every day, with no complaints from her. Of course I've done payback several times chauffeuring her around from quilt show to fabric shop to outlet mall, calling it a "vacation." By the way, she went on one BW canoe trip and two duck hunts and those were enough for her. --ogg
03/05/2010 04:41PM  
There are some stories in old issues of the BW Journal about the Robin and Badwater areas.....some bad portages and good fishing as I remember. Not for those who are faint of heart, wimps need not apply.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/06/2010 06:39AM  
FG, Thanks. I will have to go through my stack and see what I can find. BTW, you planned a trip this year? --ogg
03/06/2010 11:25AM  
Going to San Antonio for International Convention, July 1st.....maybe later.
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/08/2010 12:55PM  

I have entered at Beaverhouse and base camped on Badwater several times in recent years. Fished several surrounding lakes - named and unnamed.

Send me an Email with any specific questions. Glad to help out if I can.

Old Hoosier

distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/09/2010 01:52PM  
Old Hoosier, Thanks for the offer. Will do, later when I've confirmed. --Goose
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