BWCA Quetico Regulations Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Quetico Regulations     



member (43)member
05/06/2010 09:26AM  
I am planning my first trip to Quetico this year and have read on other posts about some of the regulations that have to be followed. Where do I find the specific watercraft regulations? I thought I read that life jackets have to be certain colors (red or yellow) and that a sponge/bailer is needed to be in the canoe. Can someone point me to the website for this information?
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distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/06/2010 09:39AM  
The short answer first. PFDs do NOT have to be a specific color. Bailing sponges are required, but those are common sense accessories on any canoe trip anyway.

I'm not sure how long those regs have been in place, but I've been going to Quetico since 1986 and have never been checked for my bailing sponge or anything else.

I'll do some checking to find the regulations in print (I'm pretty sure I have them someplace). Maybe someone will beat me to it.

Where are you going? Which entry point?
member (43)member
05/06/2010 11:32AM  
Jackfish - I am planning on going in through Nym lake although how far south I'm not sure yet. Would really like to slip into Draper for (1) day.

Thanks for your help.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/06/2010 12:17PM  
I discussed the sponge requirement with a ranger one year and am fairly certain I learned from him and confirmed with our outfitter that only Canadians have to have the sponge, not US citizen's in Canada. I'm sure if that is incorrect someone here will tell us.

Never have heard of PFD color. They are really much more concerned about trash, invasive species of flora and fauna, and now barbless hooks.
05/06/2010 01:40PM  
Foreign pleasure craft (pleasure craft that are licensed or registered in a country other than Canada) need to comply with equipment requirements of the country in which the vessel is usually kept.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/06/2010 01:56PM  
OK - but the ranger said it had to do with citizenship of the boaters, not the boat. As did outfitter.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/06/2010 02:13PM  
Found it in the Canadian regs and this exception applying to the section where a means for bailing is required:

(2) This Part does not apply in respect of a pleasure craft that is operated in Canada if it is ordinarily kept in a country other than Canada and it complies with any licensing, registration and equipment requirements of that country.

As best I can tell, Minnesota does not require this,so if you rent from outfitter in Ely as I do and go to Quetico, bailing sponge is optional.

Maybe it's a good idea, though I've not missed it. A sponge or pail is not much use if you capsize - one more thing to get lost - and I can't recall a situation in a canoe in Quetico where I was so far from shore that a small leak was anything to be worried about. Probably the bets rule is if your not comfortable and sure you'll be OK, stay in camp.
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/06/2010 07:56PM  
quote BillConner01: "A sponge or pail is not much use if you capsize... and I can't recall a situation in a canoe in Quetico where I was so far from shore that a small leak was anything to be worried about."

It doesn't rain on your trips? Of course a sponge isn't going to help if you swamp.

We've been out fishing or traveling where a storm came up fairly quickly and it was a deluge. Because the canoe is one giant rain collector, if we hadn't had a sponge, we would have had to pull over and empty the canoe. Excessive water in the canoe can really be a safety issue if too much is in there.
05/06/2010 08:19PM  
Been through this dance multiple times, with entries in Lac Lacroix & Nym and they have never asked about a sponge or even looked at any of our gear at all. Only real question was about a stove during a fire ban.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/07/2010 07:38AM  
"It doesn't rain on your trips? Of course a sponge isn't going to help if you swamp."

I hate to tell you but in maybe 75 days in Quetico, it has rained on two of then - and more a sprinkle - and one night it poured for a couple of hours - but the tent was fine. Now, you can either conclude I'm due or you can ask me to tell you when I'm going. :)

Good point though - I probably would pull over in that kind of rain and set up a tarp frankly. Doesn't seem like fun and that's why I'm there. And I have a sponge - but it seems to be the most often left in the car item.
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/07/2010 08:14AM  
quote BillConner01: "Now, you can either conclude I'm due or you can ask me to tell you when I'm going. :)

LOL... if THAT is all the rain you've had, you are DEFINITELY due one!
distinguished member (227)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2010 11:01AM  
I think the only regulations they're ever going to pinch you on is not having a permit or fishing license, maybe pfd. The other "rules" like the sponge, rope, class X PFD, paddles or whatever petty thing you read are probably more like guidelines...should you take them? Sure, but are they going to fine you for not having them, or are they going to even ask? Doubtful.

Just like our immigration laws...should you come here legally? Well, yes. But if you don't...could you come over and pick potatoes, shingle my roof, and landscape my yard?
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