BWCA solo canoeing Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      solo canoeing     
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04/15/2011 09:05PM  
We may be down to a threesome this year--never used a solo canoe and am interested in taking one. Any thoughts on brands, lengths (10 days in Quetico), techniques, loading etc.? I have a Bending Branches kayak paddle I could take for what it's worth.
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04/15/2011 09:23PM  
do you belong to the solo tripping forum here?
04/15/2011 09:31PM  
No--but I guess I should.
04/15/2011 09:37PM  
at the bottom of the main message board page there is a "view other forums"....something like that. you can sign up for it there.
04/15/2011 09:41PM  
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