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05/06/2011 05:04AM  
Just wanted an update on your work sitch. Are you now a full time Elyite? Are you living the dream?

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05/06/2011 07:51AM  
Yes, Sir! The move is complete. I'm still working part-time long-distance for my law firm, so it's "semi"-retired, and I had to go back to DC this week, but that should not be happening much. Back at the cabin now and oh boy, it is one perfect beautiful morning. Gonna go out paddling in a little bit!

distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2011 08:36AM  
Jealous with a capital J.... but now you have time to write that book :-)

Congrats my friend!
05/06/2011 05:27PM  
Sweet. Can you post pics of the views you have from the cabin? BTW, have you named it yet?

05/06/2011 09:40PM  
I'll dig up some pics and post soon. Funny you should ask about the name. Yep, we call it "Timberdoodle." That's a nick name for the American Woodcock. I heard that name when the cabin was being built, and we (David and I) thought it was funny and started using it as a name in jest, but then the name stuck. And now this spring there is a Timberdoodle (Woodcock) in the bog behind the cabin doing it's display flight at dusk and dawn, which is a bizarre sounding thing if you've never heard it.

distinguished member(1188)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/21/2011 07:42PM  
Congrats to you Ho Ho !!!!!
05/22/2011 09:43AM  
Good to hear HoHo----when do you want me to come visit :)

Hope you enjoy your time in Ely.

05/22/2011 05:24PM  
Here's a picture of the lake from the dock . . .

And the lake shore in winter . . .

It would be fun to meet when you're up north, Tim . . .
05/22/2011 06:11PM  
Very cool pics! If I ever win the lotto I might just become a neighbor. :)

Have you guys heard any wolves yet?

05/22/2011 07:46PM  
Yep, the local pack was howling at 5:00 am yesterday morning! Should hear them more often now that the weather is getting warm enough to leave windows up at night.

Winning the lotto was our Plan A, but it never panned out, so I kept chugging away at Plan B, which was being a lawyer . . .

05/22/2011 11:32PM  
Awesome view, I'll have to remember your up there now, not sure about trips the next couple of years with 2 rugrats to watch over now :) Maybe in August if I can con my Mom into watching them.

05/28/2011 10:16PM  
This is a wonderful story. I lived the dream for 16 years. Some photos.
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