BWCA Dack Lake Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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07/07/2012 08:37PM  
I'm thinking about dropping in on Dack Lake (NE of Agnes) in the next couple of weeks to check it out. Are there campsites there, or do I have to hack one out? Any fish?

Any info is good. Thanks.
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distinguished member(737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/09/2012 09:38AM  
See my message in the other Quetico thread (we stayed there in 2010), feel free to email me. Sorry for not posting more here, I was sworn to secrecy when it comes to talking openly about Dack :-)

Edit: I just sent you an email.
07/09/2012 09:54PM  
I was thinking of going there in August Could you please copy me on the email. Thanks inq advance.
07/09/2012 09:54PM  
I was thinking of going there in August Could you please copy me on the email. Thanks inq advance.
distinguished member(737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/10/2012 09:27AM  
quote jdddl8: "I was thinking of going there in August Could you please copy me on the email. Thanks inq advance. "

Done. Have a great trip!
distinguished member(737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/13/2012 01:53PM  
Forgot that I had this picture in my photo album. This is coming down the portage from Dack, but if I recall it's near the beginning of the portage coming from Agnes.
member (12)member
08/20/2013 09:35PM  
I haven't been on Dack Lake since 1963. Been there several times but high winds kept me from fishing. The water is very clear and I could see waves breaking over a reef to the east of the portage. Looks like lake trout water to me but I've never been able to fish it. Also, there used to be a bare telephone wire lying on the ground next to the portage. In the old days, numerous ranger cabins were scattered through the park, all linked to this telephone line. Most of the cabins are gone as well as the telephone wire. A few remnants are present if you know where to look of if you just plain stumble on to them.
distinguished member (262)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2013 11:56AM  
There is a long segment of that old phone line stuff on the south shore of Jean, where the theoretical portage to Albert would be. Leads out into the water in the sand, it is pretty obvious when you get there. Still has the ceramic guides and metal posts holding it up in some places.
08/26/2013 01:28PM  
By the way- Dack Lake is a misprint. Supposed to be Dark Lake, but the misprint was copied from map to map to map. Think they fixed it on the most recent version of the Chrismar map
10/28/2013 09:45PM  
quote DancesWithTrees: "There is a long segment of that old phone line stuff on the south shore of Jean, where the theoretical portage to Albert would be. Leads out into the water in the sand, it is pretty obvious when you get there. Still has the ceramic guides and metal posts holding it up in some places.

About 20 years ago by Sunday lake by a portage here is a wire and post back in the woods,that was part of a old line.

distinguished member (290)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2014 01:28PM  
I believe there is a password to get into Dack Lake. ;) Someone on here shared it a while back.
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