BWCA Kawnipi and Falls chain campsites Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Kawnipi and Falls chain campsites     



12/16/2013 02:22PM  
Hi everyone,

Just looking for some input here. I've stayed on Kawnipi in the past at the 1R3 site from the PCD. I've gone over the PCD to find some other options for my spring trip just in case.

So, what sites does everyone recommend on the falls chain and then on Kawnipi? Fishing is the target of this trip.
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distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/20/2013 03:40PM  
We stayed at #1RA, near where you stayed.

June 2008, stayed 2 nights & hated to leave. Easy canoe parking; several levels[water, fire, tent, up, up, . . .]; breezy & bug-free; 3 separate fireplaces [one being unsafe] the best one by large boulder [somewhat sun & wind exposed]; room for several Eureka 4-type tents; tall white and red pines, pine duff, trails; many shore rocks to sit on, fish from, wash; great view with pair of eagles nearby; EXCELLENT! fishing from shore and nearby.

My only other campsite info would be of a poor site we lunched at in the upper end. Sorry I could not be more helpful.
distinguished member(1459)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/20/2013 08:35PM  
quote OldGreyGoose: "We stayed at #1RA, near where you stayed.

June 2008, stayed 2 nights & hated to leave. Easy canoe parking; several levels[water, fire, tent, up, up, . . .]; breezy & bug-free; 3 separate fireplaces [one being unsafe] the best one by large boulder [somewhat sun & wind exposed]; room for several Eureka 4-type tents; tall white and red pines, pine duff, trails; many shore rocks to sit on, fish from, wash; great view with pair of eagles nearby; EXCELLENT! fishing from shore and nearby.

My only other campsite info would be of a poor site we lunched at in the upper end. Sorry I could not be more helpful.

1RA is a very good site. I stayed there a few years ago.

distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/03/2014 05:17PM  
For it's great size and popularity, Kawnipi doesn't have a lot of highly rated sites, judging from the PCD, but I suspect that folks just are not sharing info. 1NF, on the main lake body, near "Lemay Bay" which has good walleye and pike in a 4-star. 1LN on S tip of Rose I. is a 3-star, off the main lake. Up in the Kasie I. narrows area which is supposed to be good walleye fishing, there aren't many well-rated choices, but a serious fisherman could probably make do. I'd post your same question on the QJ forum if it were me. --Goose
member (33)member
01/09/2014 05:30PM  
I stayed at 1SK June 2012 on Kawnipi. It is a great site (4-5) stars. Allows you to fish Kawa Bay and the main lake. The entire area was loaded with eyes. The falls chain we went through in one day and didnt camp. We stayed on Saganagons one night on the way out.
01/10/2014 11:09AM  
quote OldGreyGoose: "For it's great size and popularity, Kawnipi doesn't have a lot of highly rated sites, judging from the PCD, but I suspect that folks just are not sharing info. 1NF, on the main lake body, near "Lemay Bay" which has good walleye and pike in a 4-star. 1LN on S tip of Rose I. is a 3-star, off the main lake. Up in the Kasie I. narrows area which is supposed to be good walleye fishing, there aren't many well-rated choices, but a serious fisherman could probably make do. I'd post your same question on the QJ forum if it were me. --Goose"

Goose I'm on there from time to time as well, I'll have to do that. As for the Kasie Island narrows, the fishing there was awesome, but we were only catching smallies and northern, all on cranks.

thanks for the additional info.
01/10/2014 11:10AM  
Thanks Stik, I'll be marking up my maps and GPS
distinguished member(1530)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/10/2014 07:21PM  
We stayed at a small island campsite on the way from Kawnipi to the Falls Chain. A small bear charged one of us while we were setting up tents. We had to chase it off the island. Fortunately it did not come back. The campsite was marginal but in the right place.
distinguished member(800)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/27/2015 09:27PM  
Spent a couple days on northeast tip of Rose Island several years back. Good fishing heading north from there. Had a big northern take a walleye off stringer up there. Long way up there from falls chain though.
distinguished member (133)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2015 02:56PM  
Make sure to hit McEwen on the way out. Spend a day on the island campsite with the sandy beach. Great lake trout fishing.
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2015 03:22PM  
We stayed at 1RA last June and I consider it the nicest site I've ever used. Looked at 1R3 and like it also but 1RA is better IMO. Took a break at 1NF and thought it just OK for one tent but we had two so we pushed on and were delighted with 1RA.

distinguished member (266)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2015 03:36PM  
We stayed at 1NJ which is the island site across from 1NF last year. It is not rated, but I would put it at a solid 3+. There was plenty of room for our tent, lean, and tarp. Good sanitation and fireplace. I had stayed at 1NF years ago and remember it in better condition that it was last year. It was looking a little overgrown. We fished McKenzie Bay one day and had lunch at 1RA. 1RA is a true 5 star site. Nice fireplace with views of the lake. Good sanitation, and several tent pads.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/01/2015 03:50PM  
What website or map has the campsite numbers on it?
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/01/2015 07:36PM  
quote OldFingers57: "What website or map has the campsite numbers on it?"

One that's not allowed to be mentioned on this site without the post being deleted :-)
distinguished member (262)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2015 10:27AM  
quote bojibob: "
quote OldFingers57: "What website or map has the campsite numbers on it?"

One that's not allowed to be mentioned on this site without the post being deleted :-)"

OK I'm honestly confused by this. Why can we not link to the site? I mean, it's just information that is useful to members, unless has it's own version.
distinguished member (133)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2015 10:36AM  
I agree. The paddlers planning site is very helpful for Quetico and not competing with this excellent site.
distinguished member (396)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2015 07:38PM  
I like the tiny island site right in the middle with the blue Walleyes. Catch them right from shore.
distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2015 08:29PM  
Matt and Bill,

The Owner of that site came here and promoted his site initially as a NOT COMMERCIAL SITE. He encouraged members from HERE to go there and we permitted his posts to remain. After he had cultivated our hard earned members he turned it into a COMMERCIAL Site which is considered competitive to this site for members who CONTRIBUTE and sponsors who pay FEES.

Arguing this is short sighted and insulting.

We have banned him from this site and will continue to delete all posts that reference it.

Don't respond.
02/03/2015 09:23PM  

Thanks for the info. Most of us aren't on here everyday and missed the drama you describe above---so on the surface I can say deletion of links/site info looked petty without a description. Without your description most don't look at the other website as competition but as another resource, but I haven't been to it since it changed from the PCD so I could be off. But I get it--sounds like trust was betrayed and deserved being banned.

I am sure Moderators are tired of expalining by now too :) but FYI I am sure this will keep happening and people aren't trying to be offensive or insulting.

distinguished member(3141)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2015 12:45AM  
quote timatkn: "Bojibob,

Thanks for the info. Most of us aren't on here everyday and missed the drama you describe above---so on the surface I can say deletion of links/site info looked petty without a description. Without your description most don't look at the other website as competition but as another resource, but I haven't been to it since it changed from the PCD so I could be off. But I get it--sounds like trust was betrayed and deserved being banned.

I am sure Moderators are tired of expalining by now too :) but FYI I am sure this will keep happening and people aren't trying to be offensive or insulting.


Thanks T.

I know that you know Adam and the Mods aren't on some evil power trip. People need to equate this site with a free newspaper like "The Shopping News" that is available to all, but survives by advertisers who we have to protect by deleting references to businesses that aren't sponsors, etc.

Also, what other business allows their competitors to promote their products that they CHARGE for to subscribers or advertisers on their Webpage for Free... there isn't one. People tend to think of us as some hippie commune in cyber space and we should have free love (information) for all.... the lights would have dimmed long ago folks had this been the case.
distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/04/2015 08:24AM  
I guess I was the one that opened the can of worms so to speak by asking what site the info was located on. I'm curious if there are other sites that we can not mention or post about on here. As I too had not heard of the problem with this one. I just don't want to post something I shouldn't be on here. I'm fully aware of some of the posts about certain topics like guns, environmental issues, etc.
distinguished member (262)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/05/2015 11:02AM  
Thanks for the response BojiBob, understood.
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