BWCA Scarlet Lake NE of McIntyre Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Scarlet Lake NE of McIntyre     



distinguished member (266)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/08/2015 07:24AM  
Has anybody bushwhacked into Scarlet Lake? Did you fish it. It looks possible from the satellite imagery, but that can be deceiving. I have searched and cannot find any posts.
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distinguished member(3022)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/09/2015 09:03PM  
I've done a lot of bushwhacking over the years in the Q. Some of what I've learned is that how things look from the air are not always helpful when it comes time to get out and crash through the woods. Rocky terrain and cliffs are hard to see from aerial photos.

I took a look at Scarlet Lake and it looks to be a pretty simple hop from the far northern end of McIntyre Lake into Scarlet. Looking at the maps, there is a little bay that leads very close to Scarlet and one of my maps shows a creek between the two which helps in navigation. It's only a few hundred feet between the lakes. That's about a 5 minute walk or less with a canoe on your back crashing through the woods.

So it should be an easy portage into Scarlet. I've portaged into many one-off lakes in the past and it's fun to see lakes that few others see but they aren't usually remarkable in any other sense.

One highlight of a bushwhack I did into a one-off lake was a stand of the oldest virgin trees I've ever seen. It was a low area between two lakes off the beaten path and the grove of trees had obviously not see fire in many hundreds of years. There were cedars, ash and pine trees as big as I've ever seen in my life. This lake is just off of Knife lake on the NW side of the lake. It's easy to get to but nobody sees this place. This is one advantage of bushwhacking I guess.

Have fun. Bring a compass too.


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