Years ago (2004?), Phil Cotton showed me the "Navajo saddle cinch" knot for a taut tarp ridge line. Now I seem to have forgotten and it doesn't turn up in a quick search. Maybe it's common but I don't know it by any other name.
Once I get it back I think I'll call it the Wabakimi knot for my own satisfaction. This isn't the Siberian quick release knot. Anyone have knowledge of this?
Sometimes it is better to do the right thing than to do things right
I checked with a buddy who is very ”knotledgeable” with knots and he is not aware of this one, but thought maybe the truckers hitch? He does a knot tying workshop on Saturdays at Canoecopia every year - Dave Shapiro.
Yes, OK thanks, basically a truckers hitch. I got it to work. The signature is how it's tied off I guess. Basically you need a long length of the working end to go back around the tree (or whatever) and bring it back thru the slipknot. What I forgot is to put it back thru the slipknot in the SAME DIRECTION as the initial end I put thru. That's what i was doing wrong. (you can determine the right direction by giving a slight tug on the end). So it's a self-holding tie-off, with the end dangling for quick re-tightening, or yanking out when it's time to take the tarp down. I wouldn't trust it for hauling a load down the road but works great for a fly.
Sometimes it is better to do the right thing than to do things right
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