BWCA It's going fast Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      It's going fast     
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distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/12/2023 09:47AM  
Amazing what a difference a handful of warm days can make!

In Ely last week it still looked like mid January. Now many areas of the ground are exposed and it seems that so far most of the melt is soaking into the ground. Forecasts say it's supposed to cool down some by the weekend but, they're also predicting rain which should help chew up the lake ice.

We've still got a ways to go but, with last year's seeming interminable cold spring and then flooding....this has been/is a welcome weather pattern.
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04/12/2023 10:04AM  
Glad to hear this, especially that it seems like a more gentle melt than the severity of last year and also that it's looking like good water levels.

04/12/2023 11:11AM  
For those itching to get out there, it's starting albeit at a slow far...

MN Lake Ice-out Map 2023
04/12/2023 01:28PM  
Yes, I was gone to CA for a few days and came back to half the snow gone in Duluth.
distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/12/2023 06:49PM  
Was actually sweating today doing some yardwork....sure gives one an itch to get on the water asap.
04/12/2023 06:57PM  
Not much frost in the ground, lot of the snow melt is sinking in.
distinguished member(1447)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2023 07:14PM  
Pinetree: "Not much frost in the ground, lot of the snow melt is sinking in."

Very good news!
04/12/2023 09:42PM  
81 degrees F. in Isabella today. WOW
distinguished member(1238)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/12/2023 10:04PM  
I'm watching this so closely...let's get a good spring out of it this year!
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/13/2023 07:01AM  
Pinetree: "Not much frost in the ground, lot of the snow melt is sinking in."

As an egress window installer, I only had as much as 2 inches of frost in January. Early snow fall really insulated the ground. This is of course right next to the foundation where heat leaks out. For comparison, last year I had up to two feet of frost in January.
distinguished member(7653)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/13/2023 07:43AM  
Pinetree: "81 degrees F. in Isabella today. WOW"

Yikes, that's hot!
04/13/2023 10:48AM  
88 in the Twin Cities yesterday (4/12)-a record-and 85 expected today which would be another record. Now under a red flag fire warning.
04/13/2023 02:07PM  
Northern 1/3 or Wisconsin which had heavy snow cover until recently has flood warnings due to the rapid melting. I am hoping to get out in my favorite UP spots with the solo in a few weeks - we’ll see.
04/13/2023 03:59PM  
Its 77 degrees in Brainerd, wish it would cool down.
distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/13/2023 04:59PM  
Frenchy19: " Now under a red flag fire warning."

Not there yet up near Ely.

Considering the depth of snow we had on the ground about a week ago, it's astonishing that the creeks and rivers around Babbitt & Isabella area are not flooded - nor would I even consider them high. Point being, there is ample moisture in the ground....for the time being anyways, hope it continues to be so until green up.
04/13/2023 05:54PM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "
Frenchy19: " Now under a red flag fire warning."

Not there yet up near Ely.

Considering the depth of snow we had on the ground about a week ago, it's astonishing that the creeks and rivers around Babbitt & Isabella area are not flooded - nor would I even consider them high. Point being, there is ample moisture in the ground....for the time being anyways, hope it continues to be so until green up."

The good news, I guess, is that we have not been inundated with rain so far. That would make things interesting...
04/14/2023 06:07AM  
Frenchy19: "
TuscaroraBorealis: "
Frenchy19: " Now under a red flag fire warning."

Not there yet up near Ely.

Considering the depth of snow we had on the ground about a week ago, it's astonishing that the creeks and rivers around Babbitt & Isabella area are not flooded - nor would I even consider them high. Point being, there is ample moisture in the ground....for the time being anyways, hope it continues to be so until green up."

The good news, I guess, is that we have not been inundated with rain so far. That would make things interesting... "

Weather guy says... hold my beer... haha! Rain for a couple days.
Looking forward to going home. Been at my sons for a few weeks.
Went home a week ago and the snow was still plentiful. I’d really like to see my yard again... Rain can help... lake should be high.
04/14/2023 10:55AM  
Cool website where you can watch time lapse videos by the U.S. Geological Survey capture melting snow and rapidly rising rivers across Minnesota (and rivers nationwide).

Time Lapse Videos by the U.S. Geological Survey
distinguished member (280)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/14/2023 04:22PM  
I know the metro is different than the BW but Medicine Lake is 100% open today. A week ago it was locked up tight to shore and people were ice fishing on it.

Wild stuff
04/14/2023 06:53PM  
I think ice out dates are going to be close to normal and for so much snow I never have seen the water sink into the ground like it did this year.
04/14/2023 06:54PM  
Gooseberry Falls April 14, 2023
distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/14/2023 07:58PM  
Just today,from Ely to Babbitt, I noticed many of the ditches & creeks are now filling up. The ice on the lakes I passed are looking quite sickly. However, they were shallow ones.
04/14/2023 08:23PM  
Zulu: " Gooseberry Falls April 14, 2023"

Awesome pic!
04/14/2023 08:25PM  
Pinetree: "I think ice out dates are going to be close to normal and for so much snow I never have seen the water sink into the ground like it did this year."

Around the Twin Cities, lakes are opening up, but about a week or so behind median dates. Amazing, imo, given the snow we had.
04/15/2023 08:01AM  
Frenchy19: "Cool website where you can watch time lapse videos by the U.S. Geological Survey capture melting snow and rapidly rising rivers across Minnesota (and rivers nationwide).

Time Lapse Videos by the U.S. Geological Survey

Outstanding site, using the Marmarth view to monitor Little Missouri River levels for a trip my gang and I are attempting next week. Thanks for posting.
04/15/2023 06:51PM  

The Swinging Bridge at Jay Cooke State Park is holding its own against its Arch enemy The St. Louis River this evening. Will the river take it out a fourth time? Hoping no big trees come down river.
I wish you could see this torrent. Class VIIII Rapids?
04/15/2023 07:42PM  
Zulu: "
The Swinging Bridge at Jay Cooke State Park is holding its own against its Arch enemy The St. Louis River this evening. Will the river take it out a fourth time? Hoping no big trees come down river.
I wish you could see this torrent. Class VIIII Rapids?"

04/15/2023 08:43PM  
Its spring time see-saw. Three days ago I was cross country skiing in 70 degree weather. Than it got to 79 degrees for a couple of days and shorts weather in Breainerd.
Now Brainerd will get a couple of inches of snow and Ely a half a foot this week. Maybe?
Good thing it will melt in about a day or two.
distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/15/2023 09:06PM  
Rained the better portion of the day around Babbitt/Isabella area. Ditches & creeks are flooded. Should have chewed up some of the lake ice.

Seen a photo (earlier today) of people actually standing on the swinging bridge with the water that high. Don't know if it was photoshopped or not but, seemed kinda crazy to me if it wasn't.
04/15/2023 09:18PM  

People were allowed on bridge yesterday but they closed it today. Rescue workers came down this evening because people were jumping the fence.
They’re concerned about those big trees on the island 200 yards upstream getting uprooted and coming down. They said pillars are heavily anchored.
That stack of water center photo is twelve feet high.
04/16/2023 10:42AM  
Its going the wrong way-4 inches of new snow this morning.
distinguished member(2480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/16/2023 11:13AM  
Pinetree: "Its going the wrong way-4 inches of new snow this morning. "

My dad used to claim that the “new snow melts the old”. Not sure if I believe him.
04/20/2023 12:04PM  
Talking 8 inches of snow for Ely today.

distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/20/2023 02:50PM  
Pinetree: "Talking 8 inches of snow for Ely today. "

It's coming back fast too! :)

No measureable snow yet today in Ely but, that is the word on the street.
04/20/2023 03:59PM  
Goy enough in Brainerd I could take my skiis out of storage.
I refuse to snowplow or shovel much again.
04/20/2023 04:07PM  
Lakeshore flood warning for Duluth area.

IF you look close you can see BeaV practicing for the Kruger :O)

Lakeshore Hazard Message
National Weather Service Duluth MN
1229 PM CDT Thu Apr 20 2023

Carlton and South St. Louis-Douglas-
1229 PM CDT Thu Apr 20 2023


* WHAT...Significant lakeshore flooding.

* WHERE...In Minnesota, Carlton and South St. Louis County. In
Wisconsin, Douglas County.

* WHEN...Until 11 PM CDT this evening.

* IMPACTS...Flood waters may affect sidewalks and parking lots
near Lake Superior. Roads and portions of roads may be closed
due to the flooding. Do not drive into flooded areas.

* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Large waves of 10 to 15 feet and water
levels around 603 ft at the Duluth water level station with no
ice coverage and prolonged gale to storm force wind gusts out of
the northeast will result in piling up of water in the Twin
Ports area which will likely result in coastal flooding.
Portions of Harbor Drive behind the DECC and Helberg drive may
become flooded.


A Lakeshore Flood Warning means flooding is occurring or imminent
along the lake shore. Residents on or near the shore in the
warned area should be on the alert for rising water...and take
appropriate action to protect life and property

distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/20/2023 05:49PM  
I stopped by my parents place on Lake Esquagamah in Biwabik township last evening. The lake (which is part of the Embarrass River and thus St Louis River) is as high as its been in their 50+ years living there. Word is they are still a day or two from cresting. So, the swinging bridge in Jay Cooke state park (pictured above) may not be outta the woods yet?
04/20/2023 08:52PM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "I stopped by my parents place on Lake Esquagamah in Biwabik township last evening. The lake (which is part of the Embarrass River and thus St Louis River) is as high as its been in their 50+ years living there. Word is they are still a day or two from cresting. So, the swinging bridge in Jay Cooke state park (pictured above) may not be outta the woods yet?"
looks like time to portage-that is one heck of a current
distinguished member(549)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/20/2023 09:26PM  
It's been a pretty nasty day in Ely. Where did those 70 degree days go!?! At least the maple trees really started flowing early this week, but that overly-optimistic May 4th permit isn't looking too good huh? A lot of the lakes just north of the cities which iced out did so 5-8 days after their median ice-out dates. That logic would put Clearwater Lake at an ice out of May 9-12th. Hmm..... Maybe should have gone for one of the river routes.
04/21/2023 02:16AM  
Duluth up to 138.3" snowfall ( still snowing) for the "season" -- #1 all time. -- unreal winter? (fall/winter/spring) up there. And it's not done yet--yeah not this storm, more on the horizon.
Bigger/deeper lakes in the Arrowhead I'd give near certainty of ice cover on fishing opener and it's trending not so big/deep with current forecast

IF you can venture out on the ice on opener-- yes you can use two lines. ( I asked DNR in 2018).

DLH area snowfall records
distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/24/2023 06:56AM  
Looks like mid to upper 40s all week and then rain towards the weekend. That, combined with the high water being pumped into many lakes, should chew up the lake ice pretty good.
distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/14/2024 05:25PM  
What a difference from last year's record snowfall.
03/18/2024 11:12PM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "What a difference from last year's record snowfall."

LOL I was like who dug this old thread up? .. Well played. Crazy stuff for sure.
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