BWCA Moon phases and trip planning Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Moon phases and trip planning     
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06/28/2023 07:28PM  
I'm sure this has been discussed before here but I cant get the question out of my mind. I'm not sure on this but a full lunar cycle is a bit more than 29 days correct?

That doesn't leave many options for the desired moon phase if you plan around it. So do you plan around it? Prefer new moon for the best star gazing? Prefer full moon that surely looks much brighter and illuminates all around you? What about special moon phases like the up coming Buck Moon on July 3rd?


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distinguished member (389)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2023 08:04PM  
06/28/2023 08:16PM  
Never plan around it but do love a new moon for star gazing and fishing
distinguished member(526)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2023 08:17PM  
That is why I tell my wife I need 30 day trips.
distinguished member(3708)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2023 09:09PM  
I'm guessing border route travelers look at moon phase so they can potentially travel at night!?
06/28/2023 09:26PM  
I never plan around them but usually take note of what they will be during the trip.
06/28/2023 11:04PM  
I used to plan my Utah motorcycle trips accordingly. I would start the week before the full moon. That way it’s high in the sky at Sunset. Nice bright overhead light for camping, cooking,and even setting up camp.
After dinner walks were amazing. Though watch out for sudden drop offs or crevice. Lots of open space in the High Desert. Not like the densely packed forests you have there. I was pretty amazed at the wall of trees I saw on my first trip to BW. I never had to use my lantern.
Not to mention the midnight pee convince.
I’d always go late May or Early September. Before the kids got out of school r right after they went back!
Now days it doesn’t matter so much. The new lights and battery efficiency makes it much better
I’ll go camping anytime I can .

06/29/2023 12:58AM  
Always a consideration or at least noted. Especially in winter. Rarely ends up the deciding factor since there are so many other constraints.

And even if it was the deciding factor, I can't choose between a gloriously lit up full moon night, the deep dark skies of a new moon, or a sweet crescent moon with earthshine.

Never mind, it's cloudy anyway.
distinguished member(556)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/29/2023 05:40AM  
I planned our trip in 2021 specifically to be during a super moon. It was totally worth the atrocious bugs in June. It turned out to be pretty lucky because about a week or two later they had the wild fires.
Our trip in August coincides with 3 different meteor showers and is at the peak of the perseids. Also during a new moon for optimal viewing.
member (13)member
06/29/2023 06:37AM  
Perseids is a great week. I love that week up north. you get some great meteors looking north that are grazing above the poles and they are very long lasting. Really cool.
06/29/2023 07:05AM  
I did once to try the full moon fishing time. I did not notice any luck. It is rather neat having either a full moon or hardly any moon though for the reasons you mentioned. I think I prefer hardly any moon. The darkness is comforting in a way. A full moon makes me feel like I am in the city again.
member (38)member
06/29/2023 07:45AM  
uglypike: "Perseids is a great week. I love that week up north. you get some great meteors looking north that are grazing above the poles and they are very long lasting. Really cool."

My family planned a trip around Perseids this year (peak ~Aug 13) and the new moon Aug 16th - we're hoping for clear skies and a great show.
distinguished member (171)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/29/2023 08:44AM  
While not my determining factor, I always look it up to get an idea of what kind of night skies I can expect. If it is a new moon, I get very excited for the stargazing.
06/29/2023 09:01AM  
boonie: "I never plan around them but usually take note of what they will be during the trip. "

06/29/2023 01:19PM  
As a long time retiree (17 yrs) I have a lot of flexibility as to when I can go. I watch for 1) a nice weather window and 2) a full moon. I usually try to hit these 2 points when I take trip to Michigan's Upper Peninsula in shoulder seasons. I really like being in the woods at night when the trees are bare with a clear sky and full moon. I remember some nights when the sky was clear and the moonlight so strong it made for shadows.
member (20)member
06/29/2023 04:54PM  
A couple of years ago we planned a trip around a new moon. It was definitely worth it, amazingly dark skies. When you're planning for 3-4 months out anyway it isn't too important.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
06/29/2023 10:47PM  
Plan around the moon no, look at what the moon will be yes. Our trip group size range between 4-8 guys. Most of these guys are still have jobs. Most of these guys have families with kids. Do you realize how many moving parts that is? Moon phases are about the last thing I would plan around.

I do look at what the moon will be doing after we have a date that works for everyone. Mostly just to see if it’s a full moon, maybe get pumped up for great fishing.
06/29/2023 10:58PM  
Savage Voyageur: "Plan around the moon no,
I do look at what the moon will be doing after we have a date that works for everyone. Mostly just to see if it’s a full moon, maybe get pumped up for great fishing. "

+1 This
Now to open another can o’ worms. Does a full moon help or hurt fishing success?
06/29/2023 11:13PM  
Savage Voyageur: "Plan around the moon no, look at what the moon will be yes. Our trip group size range between 4-8 guys. Most of these guys are still have jobs. Most of these guys have families with kids. Do you realize how many moving parts that is? Moon phases are about the last thing I would plan around.

I do look at what the moon will be doing after we have a date that works for everyone. Mostly just to see if it’s a full moon, maybe get pumped up for great fishing. "

Thats totally fair. Its only recently that I have been afforded the opportunity to even think of such things. Great point.

I do love the feedback so far.
07/17/2023 09:09PM  
I prefer no moon, better stars & easier to sleep, it is already light >15hrs per day many days during summer. The supermoons can look cool. The lunar eclipse last May was awesome, paddled overnight from moose to birch during the show. As others mentioned, I too am looking forward to the meteor shower in August with no moon, hoping to get some nice photos.
distinguished member (135)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2023 05:51AM  
New moon rules for star gazing. We have one coming up for our trip to Wabakimi. Hoping to see northern lights!
07/18/2023 09:43AM  
Moon cycle averages 29.53 days. It varies from this +/- 20 hours. However a single quarter cycle can vary as much as 40 hours. I wrote trip planning software which is how I discovered this. Found it interesting.
07/18/2023 10:24AM  
I don't plan around the moon phase, but in recent trips, we have had a full moon, and I would prefer a darker sky.
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