BWCA Mpls Star Tribune article about Dan Cooke Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Mpls Star Tribune article about Dan Cooke     
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distinguished member(7904)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/03/2024 06:12PM  
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07/03/2024 06:24PM  
Good article. It really captures his spirit and attitude on how he approached his work and play. I'm glad to see his son will carry on the tradition. We made need a special wingnight to memorialize him in the near future.
distinguished member(3693)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/03/2024 06:30PM  
Rest in peace Dan. You'll be missed. I've got some gear to remember you by. And some advice on paddling. Condolences to the family! Pete
07/03/2024 06:47PM  
For some reason, reading this article made me think about the way Dan use to post on this site. On so very many issues so many of us tend to fall into a model of “A” is great and “B” stinks. Dan would say something like “A” has a tensile strength of W, a tongue tear strength of X, a hydrostatic head measure of Y, and an ignition/flashpoint of Z….then go on to describe B.

I will miss the scientific, engineering, fact-based approach to his post here so much.
07/03/2024 07:20PM  
Unfortunately, the Tribune link has a paywall. Thanks for posting though.

07/03/2024 07:26PM  
Hopefully this link may work….

distinguished member (231)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/04/2024 03:30AM  
quark2222: "Unfortunately, the Tribune link has a paywall. Thanks for posting though.


If you are on an iPhone, click the two letter “Aa” in the address bar at the top left and then select “show reader“.
distinguished member(8106)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/04/2024 10:26AM  
It does my heart well to read that Nate will be carrying on the business.
07/04/2024 06:42PM  
Jaywalker: "Hopefully this link may work….

Link "

That worked for me thanks!
distinguished member(5367)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/05/2024 02:56PM  
schweady: "It does my heart well to read that Nate will be carrying on the business.

That made me glad too.

And thank you for the obituary. It captures so much of what made Dan and his gear so special.
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