BWCA Willow Flowage Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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      Willow Flowage     
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Guest Paddler
06/11/2010 08:14PM  
Has anyone canoed the Willow Flowage near Tomahawk Wi? We're going in a few days, but are having trouble finding a decent map of the area. Right now my husband is taping together a map he enlarged from the computer. I'm all for adventure, but I would like to have some idea of where the campsites/landings are! Any great fishing spots? Thanks
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distinguished member(7902)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/11/2010 08:26PM  
Find a dealer that sells Fishing Hotspots maps. Gander Mountain or Mills Fleet Farms stores would be a good choice, but there will be others especially as you get farther north.

Here's the map you need: Willow Flowage Fishing Hotspots Map
Guest Paddler
06/11/2010 08:42PM  
Thanks. I never thought about those maps. And finding a few fishing hotspots would be good for the 2 14 year old boys going along.
06/11/2010 10:25PM  
The Fishing Hot Spot map is the way to go. I spent 4 days up there over the holiday weekend. The water is very low (like 10' low) which makes for carefull boating but will be no problem for a canoe. Several campsites are high and dry and require lengthy walks to access. Fishing was slow for us with lots of blue bird skys.

I got the campsite GPS coordinates and my Hot Spots map marked up with campsite numbers by Tom Shockley ( the Willow Flowage DNR Property Manager. There is a new brochure available with a better map that locates the camp sites a little better then the old one.

Have fun,

UP Boy
distinguished member(7902)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/11/2010 11:46PM  
Here's the map from the Wisconsin DNR.

DNR map of Willow Flowage
06/17/2010 08:32PM  
Sorry to be so late chiming in here. I've camped on the Willow half a dozen times. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

My general advice is (a) to get on the water early and have a backup plan in case the place is full; (b) be very careful about hidden trees under the surface of the water; and (b) consider the Turtle-Flambeau Flowage for a more wilderness-y feeling, and a better chance of finding a good campsite.

And if you can, paddle the Tomahawk River from Bearskin Creek to Prairie Rapids Rd.
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Listening Point - General Discussion Sponsor:
Sawbill Canoe Outfitters