08/04/2010 12:22PM
I'm leaving on Saturday for about a 5-7 day solo starting at Poplar.I'm going in through Lizz. It's going to be a lazy trip, no itinerary is planned. Going to Horseshoe, LaVista, Gaskin, Winchell, Omega and a few narrow lakes north of Winchell. Spend a couple of days here, an overnight there, whatever. I may go for a hike whe I come out. Just a general soul saving trip.
He's a rolling stone, and it's bred in the bone; He's a man who won't fit in.
08/04/2010 05:56PM
Don't tell anyone, but the only site on Allen is pretty nice. A short but rocky 50 rods or so from Horseshoe. A smaller site, perfect for a solo and you'll be the only one on the lake. Here's to saving your soul on a solo. May the weather be fair and the wind at your back.
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