BWCA campsites at pietro lake or surrounding Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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      campsites at pietro lake or surrounding     
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member (14)member
02/18/2006 06:09PM  
I have a trip planned for the weekend before the end of june 06'. I am concerned about the campsites on pietro lake, since the group has decided to camp there.i did some research on pietro and found some pics of a campsite that i didnt like much. It was low lying, no trees, etc. Can i expect the same type of sites for the other three on pietro lake? Also,will we most likely have to share Pietro with others,or just canoes passing through, or anyone at all? Or maybe Gull or Clearwater have good sites? Sites that are elevated,lots of trees, great view but secluded? got any? thanks
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02/19/2006 10:28AM  
Can't say anything about Pietro, but if you're willing to travel to Turtle (in the area), that lake has a GREAT island campsite - elevated, wooded, great landing pad and primo shore fishing. Fishing is limited on Turtle to only northerns due to the lake being very shallow, but what you do catch will be huge.
02/19/2006 11:50PM  
Here is the best campsite on Pietro Lake...when you enter from the portage from camdre lake follow along the right shoreline and it will take you to a high cliff. On top of this cliff is probably the nicest campsite on Pietro. Pass this campsite and along the shore are tons of smallies stretching all the way to the other side. Here is a photo of it...
Guest Paddler
03/12/2006 08:47PM  
That campsite on Peitro that overlooks the lake is one of the most gorgeous campsites in the BWCAW. Follow the direction that the other writer mentioned unless you are coming from Gull Lake Portage. Then it is straight across the lake from the Portage. There are plenty of smallies just waiting for your lures. Keep in mind that the portage from Gull Creek to Bald Eagle is a tough one but there is a great spot we call "Big Baldy" near the top where you can rest just as if you were sitting in a parking lot somewhere. Have a great trip.
Guest Paddler
04/10/2006 06:34PM  
"one of the most gorgeous campsites in BWCAW"

How can you go wrong with a recommendation like that. Sounds like a good home base. Maybe we can get lucky and catch the turtle lake island on the way in.

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