BWCA Fish Guts Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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member (50)member
06/15/2009 03:24PM  
Why is it a bad idea to leave fish guts on a rock near the shore as was previously (years ago) recommended? Why must you bury them?

Is it only because it can attract animals?

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member (31)member
06/15/2009 04:26PM  
Seems like they change their minds every couple of years how they want fish guts handled. We were told last week to just discard them 150 feet from shore (away from camp). They didn't say anything about burying them. I'm worried about my dog finding the guts and rolling in them...does not make a good tent partner.

Burying them doesn't usually work because most places you can only ding down a few inches before you find rock...and that doesn't keep the dog out.

What are the draw backs from dumping the guts in the water out away from camp? I still follow the rules, but my group has this discussion every trip.
06/15/2009 04:33PM  
I think I heard something about the over abundance of seagulls and how they were destroying the loon eggs. So they want the fish guts buried to keep the seagull population down. We put the fish guts on a rock island visible from camp one time and watched the eagles sore in and grab the fish carcasses, it was really quit cool.

Rapid Runner
distinguished member(622)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2009 06:06PM  
I was always told to bury them.
distinguished member(585)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2009 06:15PM  
It is illegal to dump them in the lake. I put them in shallow water (6-12" deep) always away from camp. Nothing goes to waste in the wilderness and it's better than feeding insects.
06/15/2009 06:55PM  
It's all good! :)
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
06/15/2009 06:59PM  
Last week we were told to dump them in the woods 150 away from camp. We did that and they were gone every time we returned with a new pile. As we went out we passed a camp that set the guts on a rock in the lake in front of their camp. We were treated to five Bald Eagles cleaning up the mess, very cool.
distinguished member (220)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2009 07:10PM  
"Why is it a bad idea to leave fish guts on a rock near the shore as was previously (years ago) recommended? Why must you bury them?"

I think fishguts would prefer to be on a rock near the shore. Preferably in the Q with a fishing rod in his hand. I'm quite sure fishguts does not yet want to be buried.
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/15/2009 09:52PM  
IMHO, the burying of fish guts was an idea thought up by someone sitting in an office that has never seen an Eagle, Seagull, Mink, Snapping Turtle, etc eat them within an hour after being set in a foot or less of water.
However, don't set them off any campsite, as there are many other places to leave them.
That is common sense and common courtesy.
06/15/2009 10:30PM  

Thanks! Ya! :)
I much prefer on the rocks than 6 ft. under.:)
distinguished member (111)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/16/2009 10:29AM  
to me burying fish guts that close to a campsite(150 ft) is asking for bear problems, dumping them in the lake near camp is unsightly and attracts snapping turtles .I agree with burying them or setting them on rocks near shore as long as it a good long ways from campites.right now its bury them.
distinguished member (339)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/20/2009 08:36PM  
I always clean my fish well away from camp. Just paddle down the shore a ways until you find a suitable place to pull over and clean the fish (usually on a flat rock or small point. Then just walk up into the woods and bury them in a shallow grave when you're done. No problem. No bears in camp. No dogs rolling in the guts.

I also heard that the gull population was very high and they were trying to slow down the increase. Best advice is to just follow the rules. No matter what we think, we know they are there for a reason and not there to simply inconvenience us.
distinguished member(3312)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2009 08:32AM  
I can't ever remember cleaning a fish out in the bwca within 1,000 feet of any campsite...any.
distinguished member (144)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/21/2009 04:04PM  
The lady at the ranger station told me a few weeks ago that they dont want people to bury them any more but just put them on the shore. I always put em out on a rock for the eagles and gulls.
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/21/2009 04:59PM  
Our group just returned from Quetico and the instructions we got from the Ranger were to put the fish entrails on the rocks next to the water so the gulls (or eagles) could clean them up or to pop the air sack and dispose of the entrails in deep water.

I think both options are spot-on perfect.

My two cents: There is no WORSE option than to dispose of fish remains by tossing them into the woods or burying. Few people, if any, will bury the remains deep enough to stop bears or other varmints from finding them. The tossing-into-the-woods option goes without saying.
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