BWCA Lowrance lc-10 help Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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member (10)member
02/11/2013 05:07PM  
My lc-10 decided to quit working for me. I was wondering if someone could try my transducer on theirs to see if its the problem. everything powers up just fine but it doesn't seem to register the water depth.

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distinguished member (500)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/11/2013 05:18PM  
How old is the unit? From what I have been told and my own experience, transducers are good for 3-5 yrs. I have found they usually just have trouble finding deeper, and gradually just read shallower and shallower depths, then finally nothing. Cleaning slime, dirt, etc off the sending part of the transducer sometimes helps. If doing that brings back at least shallow water readings, it is new transducer time.
02/11/2013 06:16PM  

Are you sure it's a Lowrance? LC-10 isn't a Lowrance model I'm familiar with?

If it's a Vexilar LC-10 I'd be happy to help you out.
member (10)member
02/11/2013 07:27PM  

BIG DUH... here.. yes it is a Vexilar lc-10. Could you email me please.

The unit is fairly old I bought it when they were first released, maybe 10 yrs ago, but has very little use. I've never noticed a change at all in depth sensitivity. But I just my not have noticed.

distinguished member(8120)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/12/2013 10:21AM  
quote jdmcniff: "...BIG DUH... here.. yes it is a Vexilar lc-10..."

Perhaps you can still go back to your original post and edit the title (?) That might help get a few extra hits from some others.
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