BWCA Fishing on Basswood River/Falls Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Fishing on Basswood River/Falls     
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member (26)member
03/03/2013 03:55PM  
How is the northern/smallie fishing in this area in early June? Is it worth the trip from the Mudro entry point?
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distinguished member(1531)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/03/2013 03:58PM  
I would say definately yes. Have caught a ton of fish along the basswood. It's not Quetico but is one of my favorite places in BWCAW. The only negative is that it can be busy.It's also very beautiful.
member (26)member
03/03/2013 08:49PM  
Are boats allowed into that area? Also, what did you catch? Thanks. I am debating between this area and Jackfish Bay.
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