BWCA Sauger catch and questions Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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distinguished member (130)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/19/2014 02:47PM  
Here is a Sauger caught on Crooked. In all my trips this is the first time any in my group have caught one. How often do you all catch these? A few a season? More often than that? I assume it may have a lot to do with the lake you're on.

We ended up letting it go as we caught enough eater size eyes for dinner, but do any of you treat them any different than walleye up in the BWCA when it comes to keep/release?

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08/19/2014 03:40PM  
I've also caught saugers in Crooked Lake. They are not found in many BWCA lakes. The only ones I know of are Crooked, Iron, and Lac La Croix. They seem to be more common in rivers to the south.

You catch them using the same techniques used for walleyes, as they are closely related.
distinguished member(529)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/19/2014 05:37PM  
I've never caught one in the BW but I haven't specifically tried for them. Like Arctic said they are in Crooked, Iron and LLC - probably a couple other lakes but for sure not many.

I catch tons of them fishing the St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers though. Generally speaking Saugers will hang out a little deeper than Walleyes, often they are a little more tolerant of fast current and darker water too. They taste just like Walleyes, as for keeping them in the BW, I'm sure keeping a couple wouldn't be a problem.
distinguished member(7234)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/19/2014 08:48PM  
We've caught saugers (and what I think were saugeyes)on Agnes (BWCA).
08/20/2014 08:58AM  
Very few lakes have sauger in the BWCA. Mostly in the western half along the border.
The Great Outdoors
distinguished member(5592)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/20/2014 09:16AM  
I've caught quite a few Sauger in Crooked Lake, but only in Thursday Bay.
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