BWCA Single Cup Coffee Press Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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distinguished member (423)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2015 09:02AM  
Just saw someone post this on Facebook and thought it might be worth checking out. Apparently they bought it at Dollarama and said it works great and is nice and small/light...
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08/28/2015 10:30AM  
Looks interesting, but where does the coffee go, a separate cup?
distinguished member (423)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2015 10:46AM  
Here is the back of the packaging which shows how it works
distinguished member(3691)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2015 04:52PM  
Very interesting.
08/29/2015 04:38PM  
Let us know how you like it. I use this one and I love it. But I'm always looking for new gadgets to try.

08/30/2015 07:07PM  
I looked eagerly at the Dollar Tree today, but they didn't have it.

Guess I'll stick to my Bodum.
distinguished member (102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/30/2015 07:55PM  
The best coffee press on the market for backcountry camping or even for use in your kitchen is the Aeropress. Makes the best cup of coffee in the world.
08/30/2015 08:10PM  
quote Koz: "The best coffee press on the market for backcountry camping or even for use in your kitchen is the Aeropress. Makes the best cup of coffee in the world. "

08/30/2015 09:41PM  
quote Frenchy19: "
quote Koz: "The best coffee press on the market for backcountry camping or even for use in your kitchen is the Aeropress. Makes the best cup of coffee in the world. "


We took two last July to feed the needs of 6 of us.
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