BWCA Nov 4 weekend trip? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Nov 4 weekend trip?     
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distinguished member (147)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/17/2023 10:11PM  
Hi friends,

Looking at doing one last BWCA trip before ice in on Nov 4 weekend- any suggestions? I won't need to go in too far to find some solitude, maybe 1 or 2 portages, into a smaller lake to avoid any big wind and dangerous conditions that time of year.

Was considering maybe South Hegman or someplace like that, but open to ideas. I went into South Hegman a few years back on this weekend in November and it was open, but North Hegman on the way to the pictos was iced in already.

Yes, I know it will be cold but I will bring long johns, etc. Good to go there. Fishing might be tough, but I sure will give it the ole college try!

Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks!
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10/18/2023 06:30AM  
Last weekend I went solo to South Hegman and really liked it. I brought my fishing stuff but didn’t break it out. Lots of people around, but I expected that. I really enjoyed hiking the Tease to Angleworm portage and back. I talked to some other guys staying on Hegman and they said they only caught 1 fish.

Last year I went to Slim over Halloween and really liked it. It’s a beautiful lake with easy access and I hiked some of the North Arm trail.

I think South Kawishiwi River would give you what you are looking for. 1 portage to the first 6 campsites and a short 10 rod into the next section with more campsites. Moving water for a later ice in and good fishing in the river. That’s where I did my first solo about 10 years ago in early October.
member (23)member
10/30/2023 07:52AM  
Don’t get iced in. It’s been below freezing and just talked to a friend that lives up in Ely and small bays are starting to freeze. I wanted one more trip but he talked me out about it. Good luck if you try it
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/30/2023 09:17AM  
You're a tougher man than me. Too much cold and darkness for this thin-blooded dude. Have a great trip and share the details with us when you get back.
distinguished member (103)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/30/2023 01:25PM  
This is deer hunting opener there as well - be aware that you may encounter fellows with rifles :) and maybe bring some blaze orange.
distinguished member (147)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/30/2023 01:51PM  
afromaniac: "This is deer hunting opener there as well - be aware that you may encounter fellows with rifles :) and maybe bring some blaze orange. "

All good points. With deer opener and knowing that ice is already in small bays up there (and my pond here just north or the cities is already frozen), I am thinking BWCA/SNF is probably not the best option. I am going to open up another thread asking for good spots in WI! Thanks all!
distinguished member(3022)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/30/2023 06:51PM  
I think you’re too late. It’s getting into the teens at night up here.
I was camping in the BWCA on cold fall weekend and the entire lake froze over during the night. I had to crash through 1/2” to 1” ice in a frantic escape.

The day before it had been in the 20’s and was windy. The water was at or below freezing on the surface and when the wind let up that night, the calm lake flash froze. It was exciting but scary for me.
distinguished member(1172)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/02/2023 07:38PM  
Stay near EP, maybe something with current. Don't sweat the freeze in. Also... Don't sleep for 6 hours.
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