BWCA EP/Route Suggestions Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (20)member
01/21/2024 07:59AM  
I'm trying to narrow down my EP for permit day in 10 days!! Group will likely be me (mom), son (16), and son (11). My daughter (18) may come as well. We will rent a 3-person Kevlar canoe if it's three of us, or two 2-person Kevlar canoes if my daughter comes. We will go in on a Saturday or Sunday morning and leave the following Sunday for a total of 8-9 days.

We have paddled the BWCA for the last 8 years. We travel slower than the average. Kids like paddling more than portaging. We prefer smaller lakes. Just looking for ideas.

We have done Sawbill many times, but haven't traveled far from there. We have done Cross Bay Lake to Long Island Lake (one of our favorites). We have done a long loop starting at East Bearskin, up to Mountain, along the border, through the Fowls, John to Pine Lake, Johnson Falls, and back to East Bearskin (another favorite).

The kids want to do the Frost River Loop starting at Cross Bay and ending on Round Lake this year. I have read the water levels need to be high or this is difficult. Also, wondering how likely the single site on Bologna Lake is to be occupied, forcing us to travel for an extremely long day. I am open to opinions on other good routes. We prefer the Gunflint side.

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distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2024 08:44AM  
Have Seagull Outfitters drop you at Round Lake. Paddle thru Tuscarora to Gabi to Ogish, to Seagull back to the Outfitters. Nice route, scenery, and fishing... but a fair number of portages.
distinguished member(1447)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2024 12:52PM  
You've got lots of good experience to draw from, for sure. If they want to give the Frost River a try I say go for it! There will be great memories no matter what. :) I haven't completed that loop, yet, but it will be more portaging than paddling.

If you are more into paddling you might look at Lizz Lake entry. You can see a lot of country and rarely have a portage of over 100 rods.

You might also enjoy going thru Saganaga (paddle or tow) to the South Arm of Knife and then to Ogish, Jasper, Seagull, and out.

I really like the Kawishiwi entry which is near Sawbill. Paddle up to Malber, over to Fishdance/Alice, and then back up to Adams/Boulder, etc.

Let us know what you decide and good luck on permit day!
01/21/2024 04:16PM  
I was going to suggest the Cherokee loop out of Baker/Sawbill, but you may already have done that. Depending on how adventurous everyone feels here are some to check out. They involve some portaging though and may be better options if the oldest daughter comes . . .

I have done a loop similar to YetiJedi's from Kawishiwi #37 to Fishdance/Alice to Fraser, Boulder, Adams and back out (2016 trip report).

I've also gone from #37 to Malberg, Pan, Little Sag, Fente, Mesaba, Zenith, Lujenida, Kelso, Sawbill (2014 trip report).

I have not done the Lady Chain, but maybe you have . . .

I have also done several trips beginning and ending at Poplar Lake (Lizz/Meeds) and one from Cross Bay back to Lizz.

One from Cross Bay to to Snipe to Tuscarora (through Copper) to Round, but there's the portaging to go out that way (or in)

distinguished member (185)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/21/2024 04:52PM  
I’m going to add my vote to the route from Kawishiwi up through Malberg and towards Adams and Boulder. Have done this with a couple of groups and we always loved it.
member (16)member
01/21/2024 10:28PM  
I’d suggest Bower Trout Entry to Brule, up through the cones to Winchell. Then there are several options from there. You could go through gaskin to vista and out at Ram, which is right down the road from Bower Trout. Or you could go north from Winchell through Omega to Pilsbury and Meads. Then exit out at Poplar. You would need a ride from an outfitter or someone but it’s a great trip.
distinguished member(1488)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/22/2024 06:47AM  
If you are looking for a river route with less water level concerns, take a look at the Louse River. We did the Louse in an Aug. with low water levels and there was only one spot where we had to walk the canoes for a few feet. Still had plenty of beaver dams to pull over, but it is a great wilderness route.

Our trip through there will not work as we travel faster. But going out to Malberg Lake and returning through the Lady Lakes will work for you I think.

Day 1 Sawbill to Wine Lake
Day 2 Wine to Trail Lake
Day 3 Trail to Malberg Lake
Day 4 Layover
Day 5 Malberg to Polly
Day 6 - Polly to Phoebe
Day 7 - Phoebe to Alton or Kelso
Day 8 - Out to Sawbill.

The first three days are likely to push your group.

After looking at the one above, maybe our trip would work for you:

Day 1 - Sawbill to Wine
Day 2 - Wine to Trail
Day 3 - Trail to Malberg
Day 4 - Layover
Day 5 - Malberg to Little Sag
Day 6 - Little Sag to Mesaba
Day 7 - Layover - or Mesaba to Kelso
Day 8 - Mesaba or Kelso Out to Sawbill

Again, the first 3 days will be longer. The back 5 can be broken up into smaller chunks without the layover. If you have not, a chance to visit and stay on Little Sag should be on your bucket list.
member (20)member
01/23/2024 07:25AM  
Michwall2: "If you are looking for a river route with less water level concerns, take a look at the Louse River. We did the Louse in an Aug. with low water levels and there was only one spot where we had to walk the canoes for a few feet. Still had plenty of beaver dams to pull over, but it is a great wilderness route.

Our trip through there will not work as we travel faster. But going out to Malberg Lake and returning through the Lady Lakes will work for you I think.

Day 1 Sawbill to Wine Lake
Day 2 Wine to Trail Lake
Day 3 Trail to Malberg Lake
Day 4 Layover
Day 5 Malberg to Polly
Day 6 - Polly to Phoebe
Day 7 - Phoebe to Alton or Kelso
Day 8 - Out to Sawbill.

The first three days are likely to push your group.

After looking at the one above, maybe our trip would work for you:

Day 1 - Sawbill to Wine
Day 2 - Wine to Trail
Day 3 - Trail to Malberg
Day 4 - Layover
Day 5 - Malberg to Little Sag
Day 6 - Little Sag to Mesaba
Day 7 - Layover - or Mesaba to Kelso
Day 8 - Mesaba or Kelso Out to Sawbill

Again, the first 3
days will be longer. The back 5 can be broken up into smaller chunks without the layover. If you have not, a chance to visit and stay on Little Sag should be on your bucket list.

This sounds ambitious! I think we would need 3 weeks to do your route. Looks fun though. Maybe when squirt is older and can carry more so we can single portage. Thanks for the ideas!
distinguished member(8734)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/23/2024 10:05AM  
"Kids like paddling more than portaging. We prefer smaller lakes. Just looking for ideas."

Interesting and a little contradictory mix of priorities. Border route or a portion of it - at least west of gunflint - allows lots of paddling, not many portages and few long ones, but some bigger lakes. My second or third trip was Moose/EP25 as long border to LIS North, and one of my favorites. With just my 12 year old son. I've enjoyed paddling all day the full length of Basswood several times.

I hope where ever you go, it's a great trip.
member (20)member
01/23/2024 11:26AM  
billconner: ""Kids like paddling more than portaging. We prefer smaller lakes. Just looking for ideas."

Interesting and a little contradictory mix of priorities. Border route or a portion of it - at least west of gunflint - allows lots of paddling, not many portages and few long ones, but some bigger lakes. My second or third trip was Moose/EP25 as long border to LIS North, and one of my favorites. With just my 12 year old son. I've enjoyed paddling all day the full length of Basswood several times.

I hope where ever you go, it's a great trip."

It isn't so much the number of portages, but the length. We don't like the wind on larger lakes. We aren't the strongest paddlers.
distinguished member(8734)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
01/23/2024 02:50PM  
Understand. As noted it was my 2nd or 3rd trip - ever canoeing - and my 12 year olds first.

The border between Gunflint and Prairie Portage is not such big lakes and relatively fewer and shorter portages also. My 72 year old knees make me sympathetic to shorter and fewer portages. :)

At the end of the trip, anyplace in the wilderness is a great place to have been.
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