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distinguished member (387)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/20/2024 01:34PM  
Does anyone know how much the campsites on Homer Lake outside the BWCA are used? Thinking of going in there in September and then canoeing into the Boundary Waters on the day after. Thought I could save a night in a hotel room by staying on the lake just outside the permit area.
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06/20/2024 04:21PM  
I have often seen them both full, but not always.
distinguished member (269)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/20/2024 05:54PM  
I was just in there a couple weeks ago and they were both empty on the trip in and the trip out. If you paddle out there and find they're both full, one could always try to dispersed camp somewhere else on the lake outside the BWCA.
06/21/2024 10:11AM  
I’ve been there twice. 1st time was in May for a solo over the weekend in between fishing opener and Memorial Day weekend and both sites outside the bwca were open on the way in and out. But, there was only one other car in the lot and I didn’t see anyone else inside the bwca either. The following year I went there Memorial Day weekend and it was a zoo. Both sites on Homer outside the bwca were occupied on the way in and out. My daughter and I ended up having to backtrack to the Homer site that is inside the bwca because Vern and Pipe were full and a storm was coming so I didn’t want to take a chance going all the way to Juno when I knew the Homer site was open when we went by earlier. . The parking lot was completely full that time.

I knew Memorial Day weekend would be busier than my solo the previous year, but I didn’t think it would be that bad. My friend went there over Memorial Day weekend the previous year and he said it was very quiet.
distinguished member (133)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/30/2024 11:45AM  
I love my September solos and I hope you have a great time! Another idea might be to stay at the Baker Lake campsite and do what I did last Fall, spend a day exploring the Temperance River. Campsite 824 on Kelly would be my first pick. It was occupied so I stayed happily at campsite 827. Note that there are two landings. Have a look before you take out. The Fall colors hadn’t yet popped when I was there last year at the beginning of October.

I’m heading to EP 40 solo for five days in a couple weeks and here are my questions. Note not fishing.

(1) Third week in July, can I reasonably expect to find a campsite on Homer, Vern Lake, Weird or Jack on the day I put in? Would be a long first day to the Temperances. Not out of the question but I’d like to take it a bit easier and enjoy time in camp.

(2) What about availability on the Temperance Lakes? I’d like to aim for Cherokee on night three.

(3) reminder please about the character of the portage into Cherokee. Looks like there are lots of beautiful campsites on that lake. Your favorites?

If you think this is unreasonable, I’ll just base camp at first avail site and make day trips. This paddle will continue my exploration up the Temperance River to Kelly began on an overnight last Fall. I walked the portage to Jack and explored the mine but haven’t been further north than that. Gorgeous area!

Thanks for your thoughts!
distinguished member (387)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/30/2024 01:21PM  
I wouldn’t count on Vern, there is only two campsites.
Guest Paddler
06/30/2024 02:43PM  
LaVirginienne: "I love my September solos and I hope you have a great time! Another idea might be to stay at the Baker Lake campsite and do what I did last Fall, spend a day exploring the Temperance River. Campsite 824 on Kelly would be my first pick. It was occupied so I stayed happily at campsite 827. Note that there are two landings. Have a look before you take out. The Fall colors hadn’t yet popped when I was there last year at the beginning of October.

I’m heading to EP 40 solo for five days in a couple weeks and here are my questions. Note not fishing.

(1) Third week in July, can I reasonably expect to find a campsite on Homer, Vern Lake, Weird or Jack on the day I put in? Would be a long first day to the Temperances. Not out of the question but I’d like to take it a bit easier and enjoy time in camp.

(2) What about availability on the Temperance Lakes? I’d like to aim for Cherokee on night three.

(3) reminder please about the character of the portage into Cherokee. Looks like there are lots of beautiful campsites on that lake. Your favorites?

If you think this is unreasonable, I’ll just base camp at first avail site and make day trips. This paddle will continue my exploration up the Temperance River to Kelly began on an overnight last Fall. I walked the portage to Jack and explored the mine but haven’t been further north than that. Gorgeous area!

Thanks for your thoughts! "

Are you sure about going to Weird from Homer. Heard that was really a tough route. I have never done it but heard there is much bushwhacking. What have you heard about it.
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/30/2024 03:42PM  
I made it to within about 3/4 air miles of Weird on a day trip. Up to that point it wasn't too bad. From there it looked like open paddling as far as I could see, but if you look at sat images of that last 1/2 mile it looks pretty rough. I didn't see any sign of an old portage route on that last bit before I turned back.

distinguished member (133)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/30/2024 10:25PM  
mkdixon: "I made it to within about 3/4 air miles of Weird on a day trip. Up to that point it wasn't too bad. From there it looked like open paddling as far as I could see, but if you look at sat images of that last 1/2 mile it looks pretty rough. I didn't see any sign of an old portage route on that last bit before I turned back.


Ok so just confirming that the Vern river is not navigable west all the way to Weird. Therefore, is the only way to South Temperance from Homer through Brule?

Hmm not sure I want to paddle solo across the western half of Brule.

Really appreciate your comments thank you.
07/01/2024 09:12AM  
Here is a thread from last year discussing the Vern River. One of the posts has a link to a video of the Vern River.

Vern River thread from last year.
distinguished member (133)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/01/2024 09:50AM  
ducks: "Here is a thread from last year discussing the Vern River. One of the posts has a link to a video of the Vern River.

Vern River thread from last year. "

Thank you. The search function on this site could be improved? It never works for me.
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/02/2024 09:29AM  
Referencing the video linked above, when I travelled down Vern R towards Weird Lake I made it to the place where the guy is dragging his boat through the woods. Of course he was coming upriver in the video. This is where I was certain there were no old portages along that route. My memory is that it wasn't a bad bushwack, maybe some stuff would have to be cut to get a boat through, but relative to places I've been, a straight forward carry. Other than that, it appears that most of the rest of the trip to Weird would be dragging/lining in the stream, at least that's what the video made it look like. Maybe someday I'll give it another shot.

Try to get an early start paddling to the west on Brule. It's only about 3 miles and if there is wind, you'll most likely have a headwind. Hug the shore if your uncertain, and If you have to stop and wait it out, well, that happens sometimes.

distinguished member (133)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/02/2024 10:04AM  

Thank you. I looked at the video. First of all, the upstream paddle into the unknown seemed a tad masochistic. The way he described es the map didn’t inspire confidence in his navigation skills.
Then he says he is headed for Whack, but there is no campsite on Whack, so that fact was another thing that made me question his judgment. I took the video with a grain of salt and noticed how much bug swatting was going on lol. I wished the dog could have been given the mic from time to time lol.

It would be sweet if the portages were a bit more straightforward. I’ve done bushwhacking like that solo and it gets tiring. Would be fun to go tandem and spend some time cutting away a path.

Let me take a look at the weather forecast nearer the time and plan accordingly. I’ve soloed in some wind and water that was inadvisable, but I draw the line at whitecaps on Brûle lol. The issue affects coming back as much as going out.

Assuming the weather precludes a solo journey to (and from) the Temperances or even Cherokee, If you could choose between base camping on Vern or Juno, which would you choose?
distinguished member(5713)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/02/2024 02:07PM  
LaVirginienne: "If you could choose between base camping on Vern or Juno, which would you choose? "

While Juno is a lovely lake, Vern is more centralized for non-Brule travel and offers better campsites and exploration attractions.

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