BWCA Wisconsin canoe routes Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (50)member
06/26/2024 05:00PM  
LOTS of places to paddle… overnight routes as well as day trips.

Wis canoe routes
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senior member (64)senior membersenior member
06/27/2024 08:40PM  
Thanks for sharing. On more than one occasion I have found myself looking for last minute alternatives due to closures in the BWCAW.
More than once I have found a new and enjoyable place to paddle.
distinguished member (268)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/28/2024 10:06PM  
Thanks for sharing, I've been meaning to research this exact thing.
distinguished member (251)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/29/2024 06:39AM  
Wispaddler: "LOTS of places to paddle… overnight routes as well as day trips.

Wis canoe routes "

My home is on this map and I could portage from where I live to this route in the Northern Highland American Legion forest. The campsites are free, only accessible by boat, though. There is a picnic table and a latrine (similar style found in the bwca). No fire grate in the sites I’ve used but a ring of rocks typically defines the fire area. I believe there are 70+ campsites along the main 44 mile route.

Portages are pretty much non existent. There are some dams and roads and the like to get around, but nothing very long. The western edge of the map is the start of the Turtle Flowage, I also recommend that area for the free campsites and a bit more solitude. The flowage is huge, and riddled with stumps and rock bars, so motorboats are scarce in the bays. I would not recommend a motor boat trip on the flowage unless you’re prepared to swap a prop or two or know where not to go.
Turtle flowage
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