BWCA Snake River EP #84 Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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distinguished member (235)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/31/2007 07:36AM  
Anyone ever use this EP in low water conditions or have any current condition updates. Thinking about taking a trip in a few weeks and am somewhat concerned about low water. I don't mind a few extra portages or pullovers though.

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distinguished member(936)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2007 09:40PM  
I'm going in the third week in August and was wondering the same thing.
member (42)member
08/04/2007 12:25PM  
I went on my first full trip into the bwca last year at snake river. The walk to the river is about 100 rods longer because a road washed out. There was a lot of extra pulling out and carrying the canoe around last summer. It was worth it though, very quiet.

My brand new canoe got broke in properly!!

We went right by the turtle lake fire, it might be nice to check out the area by gull and pietro.

This is my first post so if I can help anymore just ask.
distinguished member (235)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/04/2007 02:08PM  
Thanks Wild-One. What time fo year did you go last year? Nice pic by the way!

Hey Landoftheskytintedwater, could you let me know how your trip goes. We are going the last week of August, Labor Day weekend. THanks, it would be much appreciated.
member (42)member
08/04/2007 10:02PM  
We went in the middle of July, one of the hottest weeks last summer. It sure seemed dry with low water, but traversable
member (44)member
08/11/2007 07:21PM  
Any updates on the water level at this EP? Entering in 10 days. Thanks a ton,
distinguished member (235)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/24/2007 07:29AM  
Anyone have any current info on this EP? Rooster, you back yet? Just curious what water levels are like. We will be heading in in a week.

distinguished member(936)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/01/2007 05:46PM  
I was there last weekend. Water levels are low, but the river (creek) is still passable through to Bald Eagle. There will be two portages on the right side of the creek as you travel toward Bald Eagle. There is a portage in the middle of these two that isn't necessary so when you come to the second portage landing you can keep going. I will try to post pictures and update the map locations in the next couple of days. The portage is 270 rods, pretty flat, slightly downhill most of the way toward the river from the parking lot. The first portage is about 20 rods while the second is probably 10. After the second portage, you will have to walk the canoe a bit down the river to where you can paddle without hitting rocks. It is very narrow and you will understand why it is called the Snake River after the portion just before the river meets up with the Isabella River. Email me if you have anymore questions. Good luck!
distinguished member (235)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/04/2007 03:38PM  
Landoftheskytinedwater - Thanks, unfortunately I went in on the 31st. I would agree 100% with everything you said. We didn't take that unecessary portage either.

I was kind of wondering beforehand why this was called the "Snake" river. Now I understand. On the way back I counted 17 turns in the river from the Isabella river to the first portage. On the way in it seemed that the Isabella river would be just around the next corner. We didn't think we would ever rich Bald Eagle. It was a fun paddle though.


distinguished member(936)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2007 11:36AM  
Yeah, after we got by the last portage on our way to Bald Eagle I was like "the Isabella should be right up here" then we hit the back and forths...
Portage Monkey
distinguished member (176)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2007 12:31PM  
those back and forth loops seem like they go on forever. I was there with my brother 2 years ago in the 3rd week of September and the water was real low. Put-ins were pretty muddy and hd to pull through a couple spots. Definately passable though and worth the effort.
distinguished member(936)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/05/2007 01:59PM  
It was a really neat entry I thought. The portion of the river from the first landing to where it starts the back and forth stuff was unlike anything I've seen in the Boundary Waters.
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