BWCA 2024 - Who is going to Quetico? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      2024 - Who is going to Quetico?     
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distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/04/2024 12:39PM  
We just booked our reservation today. Group of four with a Pickerel Lake EP in early June. Bring on the walleyes!
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05/04/2024 12:54PM  
We've reserved our 10-day trip with August 30 entry date. Agnes is our entry lake via Prairie Portage. We want to explore further west, but still see lots of 2021 fire damage in trip report photos, and experienced significant fire damage last year, so will stay east again this year.

distinguished member(2402)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2024 01:49PM  

No trip to Quetico planned this year, but that may change. What is booked through is 13 nights in Killarney Provicial Park in August. It will be busy and buggy, but I'm going solo so that will be just fine.
05/04/2024 01:58PM  
We'll probably be going 2-3 times. I've been taking full advantage of the flexibility offered by retirement so we don't have permits yet.

Thinking about a Man Chain/Falls Chain/McEwen/Louisa loop. Also thinking about the Western edge of the park; I'd like to get back there, but like others I'm a little nervous about widow-makers and indecipherable portages in the burn area.

senior member (72)senior membersenior member
05/04/2024 02:36PM  
I have a Carp Lake entry reserved for early August, planning a 15 night solo with my dog, to explore Man Chain, Falls Chain, Kawnipi and Agnes, likely with some side trips depending on energy levels and weather.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2024 02:56PM  
My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?
05/04/2024 04:29PM  
Late May guys trip thru PP.

Will take two or three more trips, though I may do my solo in WCPP this year. Much still TBD.
05/04/2024 05:47PM  
Entering at Pickerel on June 16th, exiting on the 23rd. Leaning toward a trip to McDougall, but also considering just staying around Buckingham / Rawn.
distinguished member(3022)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2024 06:46PM  
I’ve been staring at this on my computer for three months.
Han Solo
Guest Paddler
05/04/2024 08:34PM  
EmmaMorgan: "I have a Carp Lake entry reserved for early August, planning a 15 night solo with my dog, to explore Man Chain, Falls Chain, Kawnipi and Agnes, likely with some side trips depending on energy levels and weather. "

Man this is my dream. Once my little kids get older I plan on doing solos. Wife won’t let me while they are little. :-(
Han Solo
Guest Paddler
05/04/2024 08:36PM  
Flying in with group of four in late June. Eight nights, then paddling out through Pickerel. Where we end up flying in will depend on water levels.

Apparently they no longer allow fly-ins into Mack if the creek out of Clay is too low, so will see!
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2024 10:21PM  
Doing my annual Q trip the second week of June (a hair later than preferred) up the man chain, falls chain, and back down McEwen creek to Louisa and out. One newbie. We’ll see how he does with all of the portages!
distinguished member (244)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/04/2024 10:44PM  
Going in at Nym Lake, last week of June. Heading to Pickerel Narrows for a couple days, then down to Rawn/Buckingham for a few days. Can't wait!
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/04/2024 10:49PM  
Hey Han Solo… welcome to the canoe board! We hope you register as a member (it’s free) and become a regular poster. I know you’re posting as a guest now, but when registering, please keep in mind that we have a longtime member who goes by HansSolo. Thanks, and happy paddling!
member (27)member
05/05/2024 01:30AM  
I have a permit for the day after Victoria Day, Pickerel Lake. It will be my first visit to Quetico. Looking forward.
member (26)member
05/05/2024 06:01AM  
First week of June-10 day solo. Pickerel Lake EP. Shuttle from French to Stanton Bay courtesy of Quetico North. B chain to Antoine to Scripture Island area, maybe heading north thru Jesse to Pickerel Narrows…….ahhhh decisions, decisions.
distinguished member(1197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2024 08:17AM  
Three grizzled Q veterans entering Bottle second week of June, then another trip towards the end of July via Stanton Bay with newbies. Counting the days…

05/05/2024 09:27AM  
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Nothing wrong with auto-pilot!

My group is schedule for late July. Same route as last year too. Beaverhouse entry, Nym exit.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2024 09:38AM  
Crappiekillah: "First week of June-10 day solo. Pickerel Lake EP. Shuttle from French to Stanton Bay courtesy of Quetico North. B chain to Antoine to Scripture Island area, maybe heading north thru Jesse to Pickerel Narrows…….ahhhh decisions, decisions."

Great route! We did a very similar one a couple years ago.
05/05/2024 12:01PM  
Planning the cousins trip starting August 21 for our usual 10 day run. Started with a PMA two years ago and did my first trip to Quetico last year. Really like the less crowded feel there. When we came back down Knife lake last year, It was like we were Yosemite with people everywhere. That was after 8 days on seeing a total of about 10 people. Quite a difference
This year, we're heading to Agnes Lake, then loopIng counterclockwise thru Silence, Noon and Shade, or up further north to Hurlburt and down through Kahshahpiwi. Not sure yet as we've never been in that area. Any advice or recommendations are welcomed.

This time we're really not going to push, just relax explore and catch some fish. It's just going to be two of us this year and we're figuring out the watercraft. If we do the longer loop, it'll probably be a tandem.
If we stay on the shorter loop, we're thinking a more laid back trip with two solos. I would like to try out different boats and enjoy being in my own space, then we can fish independently if we want. It'll will be more to portage but we've been pretty much 2.5 to 3 portage packers so far.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2024 12:45PM  
The northern Agnes, Hurlburt, Kahshahpiwi route is much more rugged and remote. Some of my favorite parts of the park from what I’ve seen so far on my ten Q trips and five BWCA trips. We went through Reid, Woodside, Trant on our way from Agnes to Kahsh last year. No one else in sight, very good fishing. Rugged portages though for sure.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2024 03:34PM  
I'll be with a group of solo paddlers entering via Pickerel on June 20th (exiting on July 3rd) with 1 to 3 persons on several permits. Paddlers from Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Texas and Washington (state) will be coming and going during the time I'm out. I think I'm the only one in the group that has tripped with all of these guys. Should be fun.

Our campsites are often decorated in a pink flamingo motif if you have an interest in dropping in.

05/05/2024 05:12PM  
Our group will be head in at Beaverhouse in early June and base camping on Quetico lake with possible day trips to Kasakokwog and Cirrus.
distinguished member(1727)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/05/2024 09:10PM  
Two trips planned, one with wife and daughter later in the summer through Prairie Portage and another with my long-time paddling buddy out of Cache Bay.

I try not to think about either trip because I get so excited it's hard to hold another thought in my head. :)
05/06/2024 01:50AM  
Kiporby and SunCatcher... two solo boats headed in May 18 for ten days.

Nym, Batchewaung, Maria, Jesse, Elizabeth, work our way to Camel and Cutty Creek towards Montgomery, back out to Russell, then work way northeast out at Nym. Should be good Fun.

05/06/2024 08:30AM  
May 18th to Bottle Portage.
June 18th to Stanton Bay.
05/06/2024 11:16AM  
Falls Chain to Kawnipi June 10th exiting June 16 (Group of 6)
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 11:50AM  
My group of four will be doing the same route as last year but a week earlier.
June 6th, start at Cache Bay...then up the Falls on Sydney Lake
then to Kawnipi for three nights, then to McEwan for two nights and the last night on Sagnagons. Seven nights.

Wanted to go a week earlier to see how it changes the fishing, but with the really early ice out, it might be the same this year?!?!?! Not sure.

Also, hoping no fire ban this year like last year, but I know things have been dry so we will see what happens the last two weeks of May.
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 12:07PM  
Just got back. Three nights at Sue Falls. Did I win??!! lol
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 12:22PM  
Aslowhand: "I have a permit for the day after Victoria Day, Pickerel Lake. It will be my first visit to Quetico. Looking forward."

We will just miss you. the wife and i leave on that monday. we will be there 5 nights before that. enjoy your first trip !!
05/06/2024 12:52PM  
Beaverhouse June 30th for 15 days. Big loop through Southwest. Thinking though Prairie Portage, Man Chain, Falls Chain, Kawnipi. Over to Baird Camel. Up and out through Lonely and exit at Nym. Would be over 200 miles. Trying to link as many areas as possible that we haven’t been to or through yet.

05/06/2024 03:27PM  
Entering June 8. Just doing Cirrus and Quetico. Taking an easy trip this Spring as I tore an ACL and developed a hernia over the winter. This getting old is tough.
distinguished member (196)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 04:05PM  
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Magic Paddler and I might just pass by your camp on our way to Mack via Ross on May 25th.
distinguished member (207)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 04:09PM  
Last year was my first trip to Quetico and we did the Bottle River to McAree loop through Argo-Darky. This year it's just my 13 year old kid and me. We're going through Prairie Portage on June 6 and would like to fish on Basswood's North Bay and Agnes. We'll probably loop through either the S chain or take the less traveled path through Jeff lake.
05/06/2024 04:13PM  
portagedog09: "
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Magic Paddler and I might just pass by your camp on our way to Mack via Ross on May 25th."

I know guys know this, but that 240 rod portage out of Ross into Cullen is a long one. I had to cut my way through there a couple of years back. Pretty area. Saw a cow moose and her calf on the way into Ross early one morning. Not many folks in that area, but the First Nations have a few motorboats at the put-ins.
distinguished member (103)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/06/2024 09:04PM  
cburton103: "Doing my annual Q trip the second week of June (a hair later than preferred) up the man chain, falls chain, and back down McEwen creek to Louisa and out. One newbie. We’ll see how he does with all of the portages!"

Sounds awesome. How many days do you allow for this route?
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 10:54AM  
apk: "
cburton103: "Doing my annual Q trip the second week of June (a hair later than preferred) up the man chain, falls chain, and back down McEwen creek to Louisa and out. One newbie. We’ll see how he does with all of the portages!"

Sounds awesome. How many days do you allow for this route?"

We'll have 8 days on the water. Planning on three layover days (we usually fish pretty hard these days) and five travel days. We portage very efficiently - single portaging with efficient load and unload times. We're average at best for paddling speed. But after the first travel day into This Man, there will be quite a number of portages per day afterwards. We'll have one newbie along, so if things aren't working quite right travel wise we can head back through Lilypad, Jasper, Ottertrack and back through Emerald and Carp.

Even though there are more similarities than dissimilarities from one lake to the other up there, I still like to try to see a good number of new lakes most trips. The Man Chain and McEwen to Louisa will all be new water for me and my group this year.
distinguished member (103)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 11:44AM  
Thanks cburton103, was contemplating this route myself but I'm working with fewer days this year and double portaging, so probably too ambitious!
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 11:51AM  
portagedog09: "
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Magic Paddler and I might just pass by your camp on our way to Mack via Ross on May 25th."

You might pass our campsite, but we won't be on it till the next day. We enter on May 26th and target the Bonsai site or area.

I have met up with other members on occasion... sorry to miss you.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 11:56AM  
HighnDry: "
portagedog09: "
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Magic Paddler and I might just pass by your camp on our way to Mack via Ross on May 25th."

I know guys know this, but that 240 rod portage out of Ross into Cullen is a long one. I had to cut my way through there a couple of years back. Pretty area. Saw a cow moose and her calf on the way into Ross early one morning. Not many folks in that area, but the First Nations have a few motorboats at the put-ins."

Oh boy! I have a partner who always wanted to go early, ahead of our group. So I suggested 4 extra days and a trip to Mack. The Ross-Cullen portage was a show-stopper for him! I guess he is getting weak-in-the-poop. But we always take Dickie's Portage (1.3 miles) on our way out...
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 01:02PM  
apk: "Thanks cburton103, was contemplating this route myself but I'm working with fewer days this year and double portaging, so probably too ambitious!"

Sure thing! I've heard great things about the route. I always like getting into more remote areas in the park, and it sounds like this should fit the bill. I would imagine four days on this route would be about the minimum required for all but the hardest travelers. A week plus sounds about right to spend some time fishing and smelling the roses.
distinguished member (103)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 01:09PM  
cburton103: "
apk: "Thanks cburton103, was contemplating this route myself but I'm working with fewer days this year and double portaging, so probably too ambitious!"

Sure thing! I've heard great things about the route. I always like getting into more remote areas in the park, and it sounds like this should fit the bill. I would imagine four days on this route would be about the minimum required for all but the hardest travelers. A week plus sounds about right to spend some time fishing and smelling the roses."

Yeah, I have five days for it in the fall... we _could_ do it. But my trip partner will be new to it and also I do like to have room for a layover day or two for relaxation or weather. We'll keep it in our back pocket if we are making good time.
member (32)member
05/07/2024 01:53PM  
Mid-June, I'll be leading a 7-day family trip in honor of my father who passed at the age of 86 back in October. We are going back to the same place as was his last trip in 2016. The Batchewaung Lake outpost cabin offered by Canoe Canada. My first cousin, his 3 kids, son 13- and 17-year-old twin brother and sister and her friend. Also, my second cousin. All first timers except me and my first cousin. We have both tripped and fished Quetico many times with my father over the years. None of the others have done anything close to this and never fished before. I will be providing the newbies with appropriate/capable rods, reels and equipment to help them catch and land fish.
I owe my reverence for this amazing place to Baesley Dahlstrom. I am truly fortunate and blessed to be his son. One of my favorite things is sharing this place with new people hoping they will find the same inner peace that I find when I'm there.

Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations to help the first timers fishing success and enjoyment?

distinguished member(5297)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/07/2024 02:23PM  
I have a 13 day trip planned in the near future! Going thru PP to the heart of Quetico, base camp for about a week and then work our way back.
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 04:51PM  
XYpaddler: "Mid-June, I'll be leading a 7-day family trip in honor of my father who passed at the age of 86 back in October. We are going back to the same place as was his last trip in 2016. The Batchewaung Lake outpost cabin offered by Canoe Canada. My first cousin, his 3 kids, son 13- and 17-year-old twin brother and sister and her friend. Also, my second cousin. All first timers except me and my first cousin. We have both tripped and fished Quetico many times with my father over the years. None of the others have done anything close to this and never fished before. I will be providing the newbies with appropriate/capable rods, reels and equipment to help them catch and land fish.
I owe my reverence for this amazing place to Baesley Dahlstrom. I am truly fortunate and blessed to be his son. One of my favorite things is sharing this place with new people hoping they will find the same inner peace that I find when I'm there.

Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations to help the first timers fishing success and enjoyment?


sounds like a great trip with some personal meaning. enjoy.

for first time fishing....and i am probably the last person to ask.....i would say try to target the easiest to catch. in my opinion that would be pike and smallmouth. especially when you cannot use any bait. both should be pretty easy to find in that area and both put up a great fight. nothing worse than going out fishing for the first time and spending hours to end up with nothing.
distinguished member (196)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 06:59PM  
HighnDry: "
portagedog09: "
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Magic Paddler and I might just pass by your camp on our way to Mack via Ross on May 25th."

I know guys know this, but that 240 rod portage out of Ross into Cullen is a long one. I had to cut my way through there a couple of years back. Pretty area. Saw a cow moose and her calf on the way into Ross early one morning. Not many folks in that area, but the First Nations have a few motorboats at the put-ins."

Well.....we're not taking the portages.....should be a heck of a story if we make it! :D

05/07/2024 07:14PM  
That sounds like fun!
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 08:51PM  
XYpaddler: "Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations to help the first timers fishing success and enjoyment? "

Sounds like a great family and remembrance trip!

I think paddletail soft plastics on 1/8 oz jigs are a great choice. Easy to cast, easy to fish, and much easier to remove a single hook than a treble hook or two.

I like the Zman Minnowz. A bit harder to put on a jig, but they’re incredibly durable. Any color will do, but something lighter in color is usually my preference.

And don’t forget Zulu rigs! So much fun to fish, and it’s a particularly easy method for newbies. Props to Quetico Mike for popularizing this method!
member (6)member
05/09/2024 11:47AM  
Headed in Beaverhouse in mid-June headed towards Jean then backtrack out. 10th trip into Q, first trip in that entry. Looking forward to it!
05/09/2024 11:59AM  
Prairie Portage up through Agnes June 8th. Haven’t been the Ely side since 1991. Dad, Brother and a 18 year old complete newbie. The young man has never fished before so he is in for a treat! We will put him on some serious fish. First time back to Q since 2011 since our 2020 trip got wiped out. Is it June yet?
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/09/2024 12:16PM  
BergieT: "Headed in Beaverhouse in mid-June headed towards Jean then backtrack out. 10th trip into Q, first trip in that entry. Looking forward to it!"

You'll love it. Gone into Q through the Beaverhouse entry probably 30 times. You can't miss the signs, but you go ten miles south of Hwy 11 on gravel, then turn left (another can't-miss sign) and it's four more miles to the unloading and parking area. A flat 100 rod portage to the water.

Are you planning to stay overnight in Atikokan the night before going into the park? If you can be there by 3:30 or so, you could pick up your permit at the Atikokan ranger station so you wouldn't have to paddle to the BH ranger station. That would allow you to paddle straight to the portage around the waterfalls into the Quetico River / Quetico Lake so you could be on your way to Jean. (Just my unsolicited suggestion...).
distinguished member(514)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/11/2024 10:01PM  
portagedog09: "
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Magic Paddler and I might just pass by your camp on our way to Mack via Ross on May 25th."

Can you report back on what Mack lake fishing is like for you, haven't been there that early, curious.
distinguished member(587)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/11/2024 10:25PM  
campnfish: "
portagedog09: "
bobbernumber3: "My annual trip to the Q is planned again for late May. We fish Saganagons with the same campsites, same group of guys, same menu plan... Man, are we stuck on a rut?"

Magic Paddler and I might just pass by your camp on our way to Mack via Ross on May 25th."

Can you report back on what Mack lake fishing is like for you, haven't been there that early, curious."

I’ll give you an older report from the last day of May and first day of June 2019 on Mack Lake. The water was still pretty cold that year, and we even had frost in camp our first morning on Mack. We caught walleye in about 5-10 FOW and smallies were pre spawn. We caught better sized smallies than walleye, although we caught good numbers of both.
distinguished member (196)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/12/2024 07:11AM  

I'll try to remember to post an update. However, we were up on Mack last year at the same time, late May/early June. It was my first time to Mack. It got unseasonably hot May 28-first week of June, like into the 80's for highs. It's every bit the walleye lake and we caught lots. They were shallow, primarily in 2-16 feet of water and we were mostly trolling crankbaits or jigs, some casting, no jigging. Even midday was good fishing. We circled the bay south of the pinch point to the northeast part of the late for about two hours and caught about two dozen walleye each, maybe more. They were mostly in the 20-24" range and we were having a challenge catching eater size fish in the 16-20" range. A few bass and pike, but mostly we caught walleye. There were lots of other folks on the lake and we had a time finding a camp, but the island in that NE bay was nice. That NE bay is really shallow for such a big bay, mostly 5-8 feet deep. Didn't think we'd catch walleye there, but we did - mostly while dragging a line while going to/from the lower part of the lake. Powell Lake Outfitters has access to the lake from the east and we saw plenty of aluminum canoes with PLO on the bow.

05/12/2024 06:21PM  
I’ve got a Kahshahpiwi permit for end of August. I’m hoping to do a 9 night loop solo with my dog. Route will be determined if dog is behaving appropriately.

I haven’t been on a trip since 2021 and the last time I was in Quetico was 2019. I'm ready to go!
05/13/2024 06:48PM  
In by myself at Beaverhouse early-ish June!

Been wanting to get back over to Jean Lake from there, but an early May injury to my foot might set that back to a long tour all around Quetico Lake (which is itself no sharp stick in the eye).

Can't wait to kick back listening to loons (and mosquitoes) and breathe in that beautiful piney air (mixed with bug spray).
05/14/2024 08:27AM  
Well, my group solo partners leave this Friday for a Nym/Batch entry, down to Camel, Baird, Montgomery, back through poets chain. I have some responsibilities at home and will not get my Quetico fix this year....sigh.
05/14/2024 10:46AM  
My older son and I will be in Quetico for 11 days in July. Put in on Moose Chain, head to Burt area, Kawnipi, McKenzie, Mack, and back via the Man Chain.
05/14/2024 06:23PM  
I will be doing my normal three week trip in late August commencing in Beaverhouse going south as far as Kawnipi and then back north to Nym. My two concerns are the predicted low water levels and the observation of several burnt out areas.
distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/16/2024 12:44PM  
We are headed up in three weeks. 10-day trip entering at Beaverhouse, on to Badwater, a few days on Bent Pine, Sturgeon, and then we will float the Maligne and take out at LLC. Can't wait!
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/19/2024 03:19PM  
Hey Pete,

Looking forward to an 8 night Quetico trip this year in early October. Enter at Beaverhouse and will basecamp on Omeme. Plan to fish Omeme, Cub, Badwater, Bee and/or Pelee - plus Beaverhouse on the way out to try for a grand slam with a lake trout.

Have not been in the Q since 2018. Way too long! Taking my second trip with my adult grand daughter at her request (first took her at 16, she is now 26.) Her current boyfriend will join us this year.

Pete - glad to see you are still paddling!
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/20/2024 08:40AM  
Old Hoosier... good to hear from you! And really great to hear that you're still paddling, too... not to mention still tackling the Mile Portage into Badwater! The last time we were in there, I think we fished it out, but maybe by the time you get there in October, a few walleyes will have found there way back in to repopulate the place! :)

Have a great trip!
distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/20/2024 09:54AM  
Hey Old Hoos...

Or June trip in 2 weeks has us spending 2 nights on Badwater with day trips into Omeme and Bee. We've never fished these waters, but as I understand it, Omeme is a great walleye lake and Bee has superb bronzeback action. Sound about right? Weather is looking good for us - can't wait to get going!

Tight lines,

Bassmaster P
distinguished member(7945)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/22/2024 08:22AM  
BassmasterP: "...and Bee has superb bronzeback action. Sound about right? "

Bassmaster, my buddies and I have fished Badwater and Bee more times that we can count and I can tell you with no doubt whatsoever that neither Bee nor Badwater has smallies. Walleyes and northerns, yes... but no smallmouth.
distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/22/2024 09:26AM  
I hear you loud n' clear. Thanks

Jackfish: "
BassmasterP: "...and Bee has superb bronzeback action. Sound about right? "

Bassmaster, my buddies and I have fished Badwater and Bee more times that we can count and I can tell you with no doubt whatsoever that neither Bee nor Badwater has smallies. Walleyes and northerns, yes... but no smallmouth."
Old Hoosier
distinguished member(640)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/26/2024 08:04PM  
BassmasterP: "Hey Old Hoos...

Or June trip in 2 weeks has us spending 2 nights on Badwater with day trips into Omeme and Bee. We've never fished these waters, but as I understand it, Omeme is a great walleye lake and Bee has superb bronzeback action. Sound about right? Weather is looking good for us - can't wait to get going!

Tight lines,

Bassmaster P "

Jackfish is accurate - for sure no smallies in Badwater or Bee (or Omeme.) I have caught exactly ZERO in there in the last 30 years.

One other point of info - the preferred portage from Badwater to Omeme is at the far west end of Badwater - not from the "mid-lake" inlet of Badwater that flows west.

Old Hoosier
distinguished member (109)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/27/2024 09:14AM  
Old Hoosier: "
BassmasterP: "Hey Old Hoos...

Or June trip in 2 weeks has us spending 2 nights on Badwater with day trips into Omeme and Bee. We've never fished these waters, but as I understand it, Omeme is a great walleye lake and Bee has superb bronzeback action. Sound about right? Weather is looking good for us - can't wait to get going!

Tight lines,

Bassmaster P "

Jackfish is accurate - for sure no smallies in Badwater or Bee (or Omeme.) I have caught exactly ZERO in there in the last 30 years.

One other point of info - the preferred portage from Badwater to Omeme is at the far west end of Badwater - not from the "mid-lake" inlet of Badwater that flows west.

Thanks, we were wondering about that. We actually did the northernmost portage two years ago thinking it was the long hike into Quetico. Had a rookie deciphering the map. Not a bad portage. We were going to have one group attempt the inlet route. Thanks for the advice. Since there's no fish in any of these lakes, we will just leave our rods at camp and go for the scenery.
05/28/2024 12:56PM  
We're doing a six night trip the third week of July, in thru PP then up through the S chain then Down and out thru Agnes. We've been doing Quetico annually for the last last ten years but this will be the first trip up into the center.
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