BWCA Burntside portage Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      Burntside portage     
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distinguished member(514)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/24/2024 09:33PM  
Is there any issue with the Jean to burtnside portage, for some reason I have it marked NO on my map and going west over to Ceph and into burntside. Is there any issue with the Jean direct to burntside portage?
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distinguished member (309)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/25/2024 08:15PM  
We used that portage last week. It is Ok. We did notice that the location on the map is off a bit. It is further west toward Ceph lake just a bit.
05/25/2024 08:17PM  
Did it last May and it was fine...dont recall any issues.
05/25/2024 11:08PM  
The Jean to Burnside portage is flat but can get slightly muddy. The portage from Ceph is only 50 yards if there is water in the creek. I have only been able to do it one year. All the other times the creek was not navigable. .
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