BWCA How busy is Saganagons? Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      How busy is Saganagons?     
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distinguished member(1727)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/23/2014 05:02PM  
Hello all,

Each of the past two years, my fiance and I have taken our dads up to Quetico. Both trips entered Beaverhouse Lake and stayed on Cirrus and Quetico. We're looking for some other options this year.

The old guys both have doctors' clearance to travel up there, but both have health problems that significantly restrict the kind of trip we can take. We've chosen Beaverhouse as our entry because the easy portages allow us plenty of space to get away from the crowds--without having to portage much. Last year, we camped mid-way down Quetico and didn't see another canoe until we packed up and headed back west in order to get an early exit. The solitude was awesome.

This year, we're looking at Saganagons and maybe camping near Boundary Point. Or camping on one of the many sites north of Silver Falls. The trip would be in mid-June.

How busy is this area that time of year? I'd assume the farther east one goes, the more solitude one would have, but I've never been to this area, so I've really got no idea.

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distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/23/2014 05:23PM  
Most parties use the shortcut portage. East of there will provide more solitude. Silver falls is no walk in the park with health issues. The wind can be an issue at the east end.
distinguished member(1727)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/23/2014 09:39PM  
Thanks for the input, oldsalt.

The guys are OK for *some* portaging. They carry lightweight bags, paddles, fishing rods, etc.; the S.O. and I triple/quadruple to get everything else across. I look forward to these trips more than anything dad has leukemia, so who knows how many trips we'll get. My S.O.'s dad has heart problems. When we get there, all's good...but a trip with multiple portages isn't in the cards.

Part of the pleasure of this trip is just seeing these guys, both BWCA vets, revel in the fishing and the solitude in the Q. Maybe a supplemental question would be if anyone could suggest other good entries for this kind of crew.

We're also looking at a Stanton Bay entry as a possibility. The cost of a tow across LLC is a bit prohibitive for all four of us, so the southwest portion of the Q probably won't work. But Pickerel and the smaller lakes to the south of it are definitely an option. A few portages are OK, but we need quick access to a large amount of paddle-able water...hence our entries on Beaverhoue and our interest in Pickerel and Saganagons.
distinguished member(3464)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/24/2014 06:23AM  
quote old_salt: "Most parties use the shortcut portage. East of there will provide more solitude. Silver falls is no walk in the park with health issues. The wind can be an issue at the east end."

In my experience, you need to travel beyond Boundary Point to lose the crowds. Especially in mid-June as Boundary Point attracts many fishermen. The wind can be an issue at the west end.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/24/2014 05:16PM  
You should note that Stanton Bay access is for Canadian residents and outfitters. Non-residents can't "park" there. (Portage from SB parking lot to put-in is a pretty long downhill walk, mostly stairs and decking, by the way.)French Lake entry is very easy, probably 50 meters from lot to lake. Early start at French will put in western Pickerel on day 1. You could just base camp on Pickerel or go on into Rawn. (My preference.) From Rawn it's a lift-over into Art, and and additional pond and 270m portage to Buckingham. Western Pickerel and the "narrows" may be a destination, somewhat sheltered from West winds, and easy access to Batch Bay, or day-trip down to the B lakes. Lots of options entering Pickerel, but it can be treacherously windy. --Goose
senior member (100)senior membersenior member
11/24/2014 10:04PM  
We did a base camp fishing trip to Pickeral, from Stanton Bay, a few years ago. Had a strong east wind on day one (ever rode a horse!)
If you camp down near the narrows you can find plenty of fishing spots even if it's windy. Multi species fishing. If you camp near the narrows you will see plenty of canoeists passing through.
Canoe one day, fish all week with no further portages. We caught bass, walleye, pike, lake trout and whitefish.

11/25/2014 10:19AM  
quote old_salt: "Most parties use the shortcut portage. East of there will provide more solitude. Silver falls is no walk in the park with health issues. The wind can be an issue at the east end."

The short cut portage? Do you mean Dead Man's portage? Or the portage to Saganagons from Saganaga? If you mean the one from Saganaga that would only work on the way out because you'd have to stop at the Cache Bay ranger on the way in.
distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/25/2014 08:43PM  
I meant Dead man's. Had a brainfart while posting.
11/25/2014 09:02PM  
I think Saganagons would be a wonderful trip for your group. Get a tow to Hook Island on Saganaga.
distinguished member(1727)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/27/2014 09:59AM  
Thanks for the input, fellas. Yep, we are aware that we'd have to hire an outfitter to drop us off in Stanton Bay. Costs seem to even out, though, because the permits are cheaper on a per day basis and we wouldn't need the RABC or a tow (if we do go to Saganagons, we'll get a tow across Sag). Obviously we'd spend more on gas driving up there, though.

I'd assume the area down by Rawn, Art, and Buckingham isn't too busy? I realize we can't get expect complete isolation without doing any work, but just wondering about "usual" traffic.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/27/2014 10:51AM  
When I stayed on Rawn (see trip report) I think I saw two other canoes down there. Saw no one on my day-trip to Art/Buckingham. IMO, Rawn is bigger than it looks and you could spend several days or more fishing/figuring it out. Depth finder would really be handy too. Buckingham is beautiful and well worth the trip. SMB fishing was good for us in narrows between Stanton Bay and Pickerel on another trip where we were picked up at SB. --Goose
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/03/2014 11:50AM  
I really like Pickeral for an easy in trip. You could move every other day while staying on Pickeral and experience a completely new feel/setting. Rawn narrows ups the ante. The drive takes a bit more time, gas, energy but since you have entered at Beaverhouse you know that as part of the experience.
Guest Paddler
12/11/2014 09:02PM  
Sounds like your group likes solitude but easy access. Big Sag has the easy acess but little wilderness solitude. You share the lake with motor boats. But Little Sag in Quetico is a nice lake but limited camping on the upper end. Most people take the shulltle from a outfitter to Hook Island then paddle into Quetico through Cache Bay. Then it is a 1.5 hour paddle to Silver Falls portage with entry into Little Sag.

If your group can handle two portages take the one that still is in Little Sag but heads towards the Falls Chain. I've paddle through this area many times. It has solutude and
4 star island camp sites.

I have not fished this area but I did meet a two guys on the Silver Fall portage this summer who were headed to this area and said the walleye fishing was good. I found the walleye fishing good below Silver Falls, Try 1/4 jigs with twister tails.

distinguished member(808)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/27/2014 07:19PM  
We were there in mid-June 2013. Plenty of people around and several groups from our outfitter were planning to base camp there. We only camped one night on Saganagons on the way out of Kawnipi but, we did camp near Boundary Point. Most camp sites in the area were occupied. For the record, there were other people paddling, fishing and camped around Kawnipi as well. Additionally, we passed 30 count em' 30 paddlers on the Falls Chain on the way back from Kawnipi. Mid-June is busy even 11 portages and 26 miles in. Go figure.
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