BWCA House Wren Boundary Waters Group Forum: Bird Watchers
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Bird Watchers
      House Wren     



03/21/2021 08:37PM  
I came home this evening from running some errands and there were two house wrens taking up residence on the back of this stuffed dog toy.

I spooked one but this little one stayed long enough for me to take its picture.

I put the stuffed toy there years ago to prevent the Robbins from building their nest on top of my porch light.

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distinguished member(780)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/21/2021 11:16PM  
The white stripe above the eye on your new neighbor indicates that he/she is a Carolina Wren, rather than a House wren.

I hope that they are able to successfully nest. Our wren nests provide hours and days of entertainment.
03/22/2021 07:38AM  
Thanks for the clarification.

They overwintered this year, which I normally don't see.

And totally agree they are fun to watch and listen to.
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