BWCA Back yard bird report Boundary Waters Group Forum: Bird Watchers
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Bird Watchers
      Back yard bird report     



05/04/2012 06:28PM  
Most of the spring birds have arrived. This week the red breasted gross beaks have returned as well as the house wrens and the white crowned sparrows. The Robbins are busy building nests in my back yard trees. They start their singing about 3:30 am. Who needs a alarm clock this time of the year when the Robbins are here.
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05/05/2012 11:43PM  
hello airmorse, we have the grossbeaks and i think a wave of worm eating warblers, the weather has been crap, difficult to see, i am going by song for the most part. anyhow it continues to be a strange spring migration here in the semi north.
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