BWCA EP - Lake One or Lizz? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Canoeing with kids
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Canoeing with kids
      EP - Lake One or Lizz?     



member (20)member
11/29/2012 09:09AM  
Hi again,

I think we've decided that we will enter either Lake One and do a loop of One-Two-Rifle-Fire-Hudson-Four-Three-Two-One or enter Lizz and do a loop of Poplar-Lizz-Caribou-Meeds-Pillsbery-Henson-Gaskin-Horsehoe-Caribou-Lizz-Poplar. I know some of the lakes on the Lake One route were affected by the Pagami Creek fire. It might be interesting for the kids to see the juxtaposition of the old growth and the recovery process. We will be going in August (peak season of course). Any thoughts on whether the fire damage will affect the business of the Lake One loop. I'm hoping that might reduce the number of people that might want to enter. I know permit quota will be at least somewhat reduced. Any thoughts on One vs. Lizz? Also, are most people on these routes weekend trippers so that if we go in on a Sunday or Monday it might be a little less crowded? Thanks!
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distinguished member(5743)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/29/2012 10:33AM  
I can say both are extremely popular entry points for many of the same reasons. Mostly short easy portages on smaller sheltered lakes that usually provide decent fishing.

As you noted, the Lake One entry has been affected by the Pagami fire. This could be construed as a huge benefit to some. It will likely keep some people out & wildlife viewing (moose) should be greatly enhanced.

Poplar lake area is popular too but, the camps are more spread out & it's a bit easier to get off the beaten path.

To better answer, the real question becomes what, specifically, are you hoping to see or experience?
member (20)member
11/29/2012 01:41PM  
Short easy portages is a large part of why I'm considering those routes. We have been taking the kids car camping since they were babies and they love it as well as canoeing. They love to fish and high probability of catching fish (it wouldn't matter to them what kind or even how big) would be good. Wildlife sightings would be wonderful. We would like some solitude, but I do recognize these are popular routes. We've been looking at reviews and pics online. My daughter has already picked a couple spots she would like to camp at. I had to warn her that they may not be available when we go through but we can certainly try. Thank you for your reply!
11/29/2012 06:51PM  
Hi, if I had to choose between the two I would go to Lizz.

I've entered at Lizz 2 times. Once w/ my wife in Aug. and we basecamped on Gaskin and day tripped around the area(Winchell, Omega, Henson, Pillsbury, Allen, Jump). The stretch between Omega and Allen are nice little lakes that see a lot less people than the other lakes in the area. On our daytrip Omega, Henson, Pillsbury, and Allen were empty. Omega and Horseshoe are my 2 favorite lakes. Last July I entered at Lizz w/ just my 7 year old daughter and we camped on Caribou. Both were awesome trips. I posted a trip report of the trip w/ my daughter written by her.

Last Aug. we stayed at Kawishiwi Lodge on Lake One for a week with the family. We only daytripped the area entering from Lake One so we didn't get very far in so take that into consideration about my opinion :)

Have a great trip.
11/29/2012 07:53PM  
I have done both EP's. But only Lizz with kids. It was great and I highly recommend it. I would pick Lizz over lake one with kids.

One trip I am considering with kids is lake one, but going over to the Kawishiwi river from there.
member (20)member
12/01/2012 08:05AM  
We've made our decision. Lizz it is!
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