BWCA Breaking in a new canoe dog. Boundary Waters Group Forum: Doggie Paddle
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Doggie Paddle
      Breaking in a new canoe dog.     



05/31/2020 12:58PM  
What does everyone do?

Do you spend time in the yard with the dog and canoe first b4 hitting the water.

Or do you just go for trial by water.

Do you put a long lead on him and tie the other end to a thwart.
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05/31/2020 02:49PM  
I started my dogs both by having them get in and out of the canoe while in the yard. They got familiar with the movement a little, the feel and sound of their nails hitting it, etc. Also I started right away having them wait for me to tell them it was time to get out. Even with the yard training, one of my dogs had a hard time getting off the dock and into the boat on the water the first time - it would have been a lot harder we had not practiced. FWIW, I practiced them going in and out of the tent in the yard too.

I never tie the dogs up while in the boat. I'd be worried about them getting tangled if we tipped, but mainly I just dont have a need. My older dog is not threat to jump out for any reason, and my little one just stays closer to me so I can control while she is still learning the ropes.

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