BWCA August photo a day Boundary Waters Group Forum: Photography in the BWCA
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   Group Forum: Photography in the BWCA
      August photo a day     



08/04/2017 07:32PM  

first tomato, ever!!! planted 4 plants and will have way tooooooo many tomatoes. i best learn how to make salsa, tomato soup or anything else tomato.
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08/04/2017 10:07PM  
slice a bunch up and dehydrate them. Bag them up and throw in freezer. I take a bag on trips to rehydrate and throw into some freeze dried meals to give it that "Little extra". Plus, I eat BLT's for the month of August....
08/04/2017 10:13PM  
gazpacho! ton of variations - google it up.
08/12/2017 12:51AM  

Kawishiwi Falls
member (21)member
08/13/2017 11:11AM  
08/13/2017 12:35PM  
quote 3Ball: "

Kawishiwi Falls

you mean there are 2 kawishiwi falls in this world? this looks amazing, wherever it is.
08/13/2017 12:36PM  

hard to believe this area was completely underwater and over the hillside about a month ago. a little runoff area for the Minnesota river at Minnecon city park boat access. New Ulm, MN
08/14/2017 01:48AM  
OK, it was not yet another photo from me of Kawishiwi Falls. It was Denali, fka Mount McKinley, from a small plane looking up, west to east. The flight was almost as costly as getting from MN to AK, but it was incredible.
member (21)member
08/14/2017 06:32AM  
Great photo! Thanks for sharing
08/15/2017 07:12PM  

Rain sun and clouds on polychrome pass Denali National Park and Preserve
08/15/2017 07:24PM  

hardly see any butterflies anymore so when this one fluttered past me i had to follow it around for awhile trying to get some photos.
08/18/2017 08:16PM  

sunrise on the kawishiwi, fall 2009
08/19/2017 03:11PM  
08/20/2017 09:51AM  

kinda nutty! didn't even notice the blade of grass until i was looking at the photos after uploading. similar to the cherry and spoon sculpture at the Walker Art Center.
distinguished member(1975)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/25/2017 02:29PM  
Maligne Canyon, Jasper NP.

08/25/2017 06:57PM  

More from Denali
08/25/2017 06:57PM  
distinguished member(1975)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/26/2017 04:38PM  
The top of Marble Canyon in Kootenay NP

08/26/2017 08:46PM  

decided to start visiting the 20+ city parks in my hometown (where i'm living for awhile).
distinguished member (429)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/27/2017 03:51PM  
08/27/2017 08:04PM  
quote redoleary: " "

that;s pretty amazing!

Lucky, the oldest peacock in residence at Schell's Brewery. apparently the males lose much plummage after mating season. he is one of 2 males. didn't have much left for tail feathers, but they grow back. he enjoyed some cheese crackers (the owner said that he likes crackers). there were 2 baby peacocks born this season but the mother peacock keeps them hidden when there is lots of people around, which there were today.
distinguished member(1975)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/27/2017 10:21PM  
One from Glacier NP

distinguished member (429)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/28/2017 04:42AM  
Thanks Mocha.
08/29/2017 05:11PM  
i've really enjoyed seeing photos from other wilderness areas, not sure how others feel, or the moderator of this forum, i hope we can continue to share our adventurous natures!
(no pun intended :) )

this squirrel was pretty friendly. from the vermillion river area near Virginia, MN
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/30/2017 07:37AM  
How about this for something "Different," Mocha? Enjoying watching our local "Babies" this summer. We have a doe with triplets and one with twins that hang around, sometimes all seven at once. And, while we began seeing Armadillos on occasion a couple decades ago, this summer we have a family group of two adults and two little ones. So ugly they're cute (LOL)! I enjoy watching the little ones dig, feed, jump, standing on their back legs, and the funny way they run away. I guess I need to shoot some video?

08/30/2017 09:55PM  

Found this pile of ice in Seward.
distinguished member(5162)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/31/2017 08:00AM  
The "Dog Days" of summer on the Current
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