BWCA Wintergreen coat on Craigslist Boundary Waters Winter Camping and Activities
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distinguished member (409)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/12/2015 12:50PM  
Not mine but there is a really cool Wintergreen coat in the MNPLS Craigslist right now if anyones interested. Wish I had the funds to grab it.
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distinguished member(4987)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
02/12/2015 01:32PM  
Nice coat I wish it was a Mens XL or XXL though.
02/12/2015 10:10PM  
Any word when they are going to reopen?
senior member (53)senior membersenior member
02/25/2015 10:24AM  
I have a RED wintergreen coat I received for Christmas. It is an XL. The coat is a little big for me. It has not been worn outside and I believe it still has the tags on it.
Dennis Williams
Guest Paddler
02/26/2015 04:17PM  
Do you have pictures, asking price? My email is


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