BWCA Gabbro or Big Moose Lake Boundary Waters Winter Camping and Activities
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   Winter Camping and Activities
      Gabbro or Big Moose Lake     



distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/03/2016 07:28AM  
Does anybody have any feedback on either Gabro or Big Moose Lake for a 3 day winter trip. Not fishing, so its not important for us.

For Gabbro how far is Spruce Road plowed? If we can drive down this far do you have a preference at parking at the Little Gabro parking lot, or continuing down Spruce Road until Cobalt Creek which is a winter usage trail. How is the ice on the creek?

There is also a winter usage trail going into Bald Eagle, which could be another option for entering.

Any ice conditions reports, campsite recommendations, day ski trips, etc.

How about for Big Moose? I don't believe its plowed to the river, but is there a parking area on the Echo Trail? Thoughts on this trip?
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02/03/2016 06:56PM  
Been a few years,but Spruce road usually plowed up to the Portage to Kawishiwi river only.

From there to Little Gabro parking lot it is usually hard packed from Snowmobiles or there is a local dog sledder uses that route a lot.

Than once you hit little Gabbro people use to go thru the swamp(to the right) to Gabbro-thus avoiding the narrows and rapids in little Gabro where ice is iffy.

I use to day ski into the area and loved it.

Outward Bound group use to camp on Little Gabro quite often.
02/03/2016 08:52PM  
Don't think about going the river route if attempting Big Moose. Use the hiking trail. The trail can be a pretty rough go in deep snow, especially hauling in gear, but it is doable. The last time I took it was after a fresh snowfall, and it was somewhat difficult to follow in certain areas.
distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2016 09:21AM  
Thanks for the info on the plowing and Gabbro.

distinguished member (316)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2016 09:23AM  
quote walllee: "Don't think about going the river route if attempting Big Moose. Use the hiking trail. The trail can be a pretty rough go in deep snow, especially hauling in gear, but it is doable. The last time I took it was after a fresh snowfall, and it was somewhat difficult to follow in certain areas. "

Thanks, that is what we were thinking of doing. Wasn't sure the river would be safe this year.

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